Sentence example of “criticize”

How to use in-sentence of “criticize”:

– Jehovah’s Witnesses criticize the use of all of the above, as well as the use of the cross.

– Some histories criticize him for not stopping the Iran Contra deal.

– Anarchists Wolfi Landstreicher and Jason McQuinn both criticize the movement as romanticizing exaggerations of Indigenous societies.

– If you don’t have money, guilty” is used to criticize politicians or elites in corporations who get away with bribery and embezzlement.

– The other parties in the Duma do not criticize the government strongly, for fear of losing their places in the Duma.

– Because the Malaysian government does not allow newspapers to criticize her, Kee would write what he wants to say in his plays when he cannot write them in newspapers.

Sentence example of criticize
Sentence example of criticize

Example sentences of “criticize”:

– Some nutritionists criticize fish and chips, because the meal contains a large amount of fat.

– Copeland has been known for preaching a message called the prosperity gospel, but some people criticize it.

– Critics praise the iPod Touch 6 as a low-cost device that produces good quality photos, though they criticize the iPod Touch 6 for having a poor battery life and a small screen.

– Some people criticize him, even calling him a criminal, for his tactics during the cold war, notably supporting a military junta in Chile and backing Pakistan during the Bangladesh War.

– They also criticize that the reduction in taxes results in the cutting of programs for the poor people who need it.

– Despite never being charged, the media continued to criticize Jewell and calling him the suspected bomber.

- Some nutritionists criticize fish and chips, because the meal contains a large amount of fat.

- Copeland has been known for preaching a message called the prosperity gospel, but some people criticize it.

– They criticize the fact that powerful countries have bigger influence on world culture than others.

– After the war, Soviet politicians again began to control and criticize artistic life very hard.

– Many people criticize people in authority, and some even criticize the existence of authority.

– Ebert, who had won the Pulitzer Prize, decided to criticize Schneider in his own review.

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