Sentence example of “cried”

How to use in-sentence of “cried”:

– When the king made his appearance, Andersen cried out, “Oh, he’s nothing but a human being!” His mother tried to silence him by crying, “Have you gone mad, child?”.

– All the people cried the ashes of their great king and queen.

– In “Living With Michael Jackson” Jackson told Martin Bashir how he went home and cried after a woman called him ugly because of his acne.

– It is said that John, cried and cried.

– Booth cried out, “I will not be taken alive!”.

Sentence example of cried
Sentence example of cried

Example sentences of “cried”:

– Albert cried when this happened.

– At the sight of the block, however, he lost his courage and cried again.

– She loves her husband deeply, but he often went away on long journeys, and Freyja cried red golden tears for him.

– But not before he cried out to his reflection: “Farewell, dear boy.

– As Iphicles cried out in fear, Herakles took a serpent in each hand and strangled them to death.

– Her first experience with the sport was bad, and she cried during the it.

– While many people in Belarus were happy with her fifth-place finish in Sochi, she cried as the result was not what she wanted.  While there are many challenges and many places in Minsk are not barrier free, she is not sad about the accident that resulted in her needing to use a wheelchair.  Without the accident happening, she does not think she would have become an elite sportsperson.

– She cried with the pain, and when she cried, that made the ground fertilized.

– His novel “The Man Who Cried I Am” was a bestseller in 1967.

– The Andersen sisters cried over the phone, telling the operator that Linda Andersen could not be resuscitated.

– One of the men, Franciszek Gajowniczek, cried out, “My wife! My children!” When Kolbe heard this he volunteered to take his place.

– Political change in continental Europe was spurred by the French Revolution, as people cried out for “liberté, egalité, fraternité”.

– She cried for help until someone grabbed her hands and helped her find the block.

– After that the stepmother and the stepsisters went to the ball and Cinderella cried in the garden.

– Nutt’s wife cried over his coffin at the funeral.

– During the night, a wonderful light appeared and filled the whole hut and struck with awe, the woman cried out: “Lord, have mercy!” and suddenly received her sight.

– He is said to have cried “Pray for me!” many times.

– He loved the music of Schubert and when he heard that Schubert had died he cried all night.

– He later said that he cried for no reason, but still his ministry went on.

- Albert cried when this happened.

- At the sight of the block, however, he lost his courage and cried again.

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