Sentence example of “compelled”

How to use in-sentence of “compelled”:

– Richard had reported to Montreal’s training camp that fall, but Selke compelled Richard to end his playing career, fearing he was risking serious injury.

– In her variation Legnani performed 32 of them without stopping, and without travelling one inch! The public delightedly applauded the Ballerina and compelled her to repeat this variation as well.

– Extremely proud of her unlikely heritage, she feels personally compelled to over-explain every chance she gets.

– Often cities would be compelled to join under threat of war.

– As restitution for the Devil’s Hole ambush, the Senecas were compelled to cede the strategically important Niagara portage to the British.

– The baronets of Ruddigore are compelled to commit a crime every day under a witch’s curse.

– The Franco-Prussian War of 1870–71 compelled Pissarro to flee his home in September 1870; he returned in June 1871 to find that the house, and along with it many of his early paintings, had been destroyed by Prussian soldiers.

– During his long reign, Henry’s kingdom would experience relative peace and prosperity until he began having trouble with his barons due to his high handed governing style, which compelled the Barons to impose the Provisions of Oxford limiting royal power in 1258.

Sentence example of compelled
Sentence example of compelled

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