Sentence example of “apart”

How to use in-sentence of “apart”:

– After a few months of a passion that surprised everyone at court, the couple started to drift apart as the young Duchess of Chartres began to lead a scandalous life.

– When she hears Hunding’s horn horn she imagines that Siegmund will be torn apart by the dogs and she faints.

– Lee began to fall apart while it was being destroyed by the non-tropical system.

– Losar and Tsagaan Sar, the traditional Tibetan and Mongolian new years, are very close to the Chinese New Year but different ways of thinking about the moon’s changes and adding months can make them happen weeks apart from the Chinese festival.

– As the plane broke apart in mid-air, wreckage were spread over a large area and this makes it difficult to recover all the wreckage.

– It is close enough to Neptune to be locked into a synchronous orbit, and is slowly moving into Neptune and will one day be torn apart when it passes the Roche limit.

– Nut Nut to keep her apart from her consort the earth god Geb.

Sentence example of apart
Sentence example of apart

Example sentences of “apart”:

– Thus, many delicate creatures avoided consumption by scavengers or being torn apart by currents.

– In most such species, the tumbleweed consists of the whole plant apart from the root system.

– By the 1880s The Five were drifting apart because they each had developed their own personal styles.

– This needs to be the case, because the structure needs to degrade and fall apart so that its seeds or spores can escape during the tumbling.

– The abuse is all the greater that the consul’s duties, apart from the supplying of information of a military character, take the form of assembling stocks of arms, which constitute a threat to the peace of the country, whether from the internal or the international point of view.

– The moons were formed billions of years ago after something crashed into Haumea and broke apart its layer of ice.

– It is set apart by its black and ivory coloration.

- Thus, many delicate creatures avoided consumption by scavengers or being torn apart by currents.

- In most such species, the tumbleweed consists of the whole plant apart from the root system.
- By the 1880s The Five were drifting apart because they each had developed their own personal styles.

– The atoms they are made of tend to fall apart and give off different kinds of radiation, like gamma rays and lots of particle radiation.

– The area is far apart from other towns.

– Lake Constance is special, there are no borders apart fro the borders on land.

– There are about 1,000 men and woman who are apart of the fellowship.

– Two airplanes circling overhead were blown apart by the heavy shrapnel.

More in-sentence examples of “apart”:

– In the early 20th century, the analysis of early photographs of the nebula taken several years apart revealed that it was expanding.

– The symphony is an example of programme music because it describes something apart from the music.

– The line crossed open countryside and ran on the surface, apart from a short tunnel north of Hendon Central.

– A compound with two double bonds which are one carbon atom apart from each other is joined to another compound with at least one double bond.

– The cephalofoil of the Great Hammerhead Shark is said to be used to pin stingrays down, because one Great Hammerhead Shark was found attacking a southern stingray in the Bahamas; the Great Hammerhead Shark first pinned the stingray down by hitting the stingray with its cephalofoil, and then it grabbed the stingray in its jaws and started to rip apart the stingray by shaking its head rapidly.

– There, apart from a few journeys to foreign countries, and annual summer botanical journeys in his native land, he passed the remainder of his life.

– Breaking the cube apart and putting it back together in the wrong way is the ‘outside force’: Without this outside force, nothing we do to the cube makes it unsolvable.

– There are no road bridges over the lower Tamar apart from the modern Tamar Bridge at Saltash which was built to replace the ferry.

– Leaving apart already independent Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania, the remaining 12 republics, all.

– The Office of the Prime Minister has been based at the Auberge de Castille in Valletta since 1972, playing a central role in decision-making apart from being the administrative headquarters of the Government.

– The start of the 2011 Australian Open saw all the seeds apart from Rezaï, Hantuchová, Dulgheru.

– The names “East Indian” and “South Asian” are used for people who originate from India, to tell them apart from the First Nations peoples of Canada who are often called Indian, and from the people of the Caribbean, who are sometimes called West Indian.

– Ethiopia, which had fallen apart again after Ahmad’s Jihad, had recently put itself back together again as well, and started invading small Somali kingdoms as well, and by 1890 there were not many left.

– In an equilibrium, atoms can combine or break apart because the reaction can work in both directions.

– Their marriage was unhappy, they had lived apart since 1855.

– Much like Strong, Shubin was a man passionately dedicated to his work and the two were often apart because of work, and would ultimately spend little time together before Shubin’s death in 1942.

– He has hundreds of QDs, several VIP reports and 2 VGAs and 1 GA apart from few DYKs.

– They can be told apart from butterflies in several ways.

– He later ran for mayor and governor and even tried to get nominated for president, but his reputation was hurt in 1901 after columnist Ambrose Bierce and editor Arthur Brisbane published separate columns months apart that suggested that President William McKinley be assassinated.

– This group fell apart in 1989 with the fall of communism in Europe.

– In January 2005, a blogging software company called Six Apart bought Danga Interactive, the company that was owned by Fitzpatrick, which operates LiveJournal.

– Indian passports are available with an “O” option to name one’s sex, apart from Male and Female options.

– These allusions set his work apart from the books cranked out in the “fiction factories” of the day.

– People can tell it apart from other frogs by listening to it because its voice is around 4 Hz.

– The crest of a wave and the trough of a wave are always twice the wave’s amplitude apart from each other.

– Physicists believe that most matter, which is anything that has mass and takes up space, will eventually break apart because of radioactive decay.

– Qaqortoq also is the seat of the municipality of Qaqortoq which apart from the town itself includes three small settlements.

– However, the quality of medicine at the time could not stop his body from falling apart because of the disease.

– This makes them the English football team with the most consecutive seasons in the top league of English football, apart from Arsenal who have been in the top flight continuously since 1919/20.

– Common uses for larger crowbars are: removing nails, prying apart boards, and generally breaking things.

– Westland is set apart from the other lands of the world by a very evil magic boundary.

– In the new series the doctor says that all of the Time Lords apart from him were killed in the time war.

– Other scientists think it makes it easier for Pinocchio frogs to recognize other Pinocchio frogs and tell them apart from other frogs that look similar and live in the same place.

– What sets BWEs apart from other large-scale mining equipment is their large wheel with a continuous pattern of buckets to scoop material as the wheel turns.

– There are many buses, apart from the school buses operated by the Hamilton-Wentworth District School Board.

– Evolutionary psychology suggests that low status itself, apart from material considerations, is highly stressful towards the brain and may cause dangerous behaviors, which suggests that inequalities should be reduced.

– Firstly, the plane would break apart if it hit the water too quickly or if it hit something else.

– Fissure occurs when an atom is spliced apart forming two new atoms.

– They later became part of the British province of Punjab regionPunjab, apart from United Provinces.

– CM-014 had been taken apart as part of the investigation into the Apollo 1 fire.

– Though she is a long ways apart from the people who love her, Ellen gets used to a very different way of life.

– November begins on the same day of the week as February in common years and March every year, as each other’s first days are exactly 39 weeks apart respectively.

– Most volcanoes are explained by the collision or splitting apart of continental plates.

– October ends on the same day of the week as January in common years and February every year, as each other’s last days are 39 weeks apart respectively.

– His life falls apart after he kills his best friend in a duel.

– Leahy celebrated his fifty year anniversary with his wife, saying ‘‘We hate it when we’re apart from one another.’’ Leahy is legally blind in one eye.

– It means “eatable parts apart from the muscles”.

- In the early 20th century, the analysis of early photographs of the nebula taken several years apart revealed that it was expanding.

- The symphony is an example of programme music because it describes something apart from the music.
- The line crossed open countryside and ran on the surface, apart from a short tunnel north of Hendon Central.

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