Sentence example of “ancestor”

How to use in-sentence of “ancestor”:

+ Through the children of both of his marriages Philippe became an ancestor of most modern-day Roman Catholic royals, giving him the nickname of “the grandfather of Europe”.

+ Amminadab was a man mentioned in the Bible as an ancestor of Jesus.

+ Early man’s ancestor may have also relied upon this system and lived on a diet rich in foliage.

+ Saunders, JP ‘Various Historical Accounts of the Tribes of the Northern Punjab’, Lahore, 1922 All these tribes were inter-linked and were of indigenous Indian Hindu origins but they wanted to impress the colonial rulers of British India by claiming to be descended from an Arab who came and settled in India, after ruling in Afghanistan, Saunders so they made up a fictitious ancestor who was a ‘hero’ and won many battles and then left Afghanistan and came to India Saunders and married local Hindu women, and had several children who founded these tribes.

+ By analysing the species’ genes, scientists have shown that it shared the same ancestor as the Eurasian cave lion “Panthera leo spelaea” or “P.

Sentence example of ancestor
Sentence example of ancestor

Example sentences of “ancestor”:

+ Through her first two sons she is an ancestor of the present King of Spain as well as the present Grand Duke of Luxembourg.

+ Continue previewing and creating taxonomy templates for the ancestor taxa until the "taxonomy missing" errors cease.
+ One was called "Marlborough: his life and times", about his famous ancestor John Churchill, 1st Duke of Marlborough; another was "A History of the English Speaking Peoples", which was not published until after World War 2.

+ Through her first two sons she is an ancestor of the present King of Spain as well as the present Grand Duke of Luxembourg.

+ Continue previewing and creating taxonomy templates for the ancestor taxa until the “taxonomy missing” errors cease.

+ One was called “Marlborough: his life and times”, about his famous ancestor John Churchill, 1st Duke of Marlborough; another was “A History of the English Speaking Peoples”, which was not published until after World War 2.

+ Analysis of the mitochondrial DNA cytochromecytochrome “b” sequence indicates that the holarctic pine grosbeak is the sister group to the ancestor of the bullfinches.

+ According to the Chimpanzee Genome Project, both human lineages diverged from a common ancestor about 5 to 6 million years ago, if we assume a constant rate of evolution.

+ He is said to be a human ancestor in the “Rigveda”.

+ Old Persian subsequently developed into Middle Persian, which is in turn the nominal ancestor of New Persian.

+ Thus, the genus “Homo” either split off from the genus “Australopithecus” at an earlier date the latest common ancestor being “A.

+ Birds, dinosaurs, crocodiles, and all other descendants of their most recent common ancestor form a clade.

+ Desmond is forced against his will to relive the memories of his ancestor Altaïr Ibn-La’Ahad who lived in during the Third Crusade.

+ Her ancestor Thomas Pierce, an early New England colonist, was also an ancestor of Franklin Pierce, the 14th President of the United States.

+ It is the type species of the genus “Anser” and is the ancestor of the domestic goose.

+ In 1173 Mu’izz ad-Din took the city of Ghazni from Mahmud of Ghazni which he did to avenge the death of his ancestor Muhammad ibn Suri.

+ Scientists believe Hadesarchaea came from an ancestor that used methane as food.

+ She is also an ancestor of Juan Carlos I of Spain, Philippe of BelgiumPhilippe, King of the Belgians, Henri, Grand Duke of Luxembourg and Vittorio Emanuele, Prince of Naples, the pretender to the Italian throne.

More in-sentence examples of “ancestor”:

+ She is an ancestor of Louis Philippe I and of several members of royal families of Europe such as the Spanish and Italian as well as the present Grand Duke of Luxemburg.

+ We have fossils of two or three different groups of walking apes, and one was the ancestor of humans.
+ She is a direct ancestor of the present Spainish King Felipe VI.

+ She is an ancestor of Louis Philippe I and of several members of royal families of Europe such as the Spanish and Italian as well as the present Grand Duke of Luxemburg.

+ We have fossils of two or three different groups of walking apes, and one was the ancestor of humans.

+ She is a direct ancestor of the present Spainish King Felipe VI.

+ Another possibility is that Toumaï is related to both humans and chimpanzees, but is the ancestor of neither.

+ His nickname was Marco Il Milione, due to an ancestor of his called Emilione.

+ He is regarded as the legendary male ancestor of the living beings on the earth.

+ Coming to the Joseon period, Jeonju became even more important as the city was the birthplace of the first ancestor of Lee Sung-gae, the first king of the Joseon Dynasty.

+ Several groups in the central desert believe the river divides two tribes of ancestor spirits who live on either side.

+ He was the ancestor of Genghis Khan, founder of the Mongol Empire, through another son.

+ He was the ancestor of the tribes of Israel, which were named after his male children.

+ While the horse was originally indigenous to North America, the wild ancestor died out at the end of the last Ice Age.

+ Maharaja Ahibaran was the 12th century ancestor King of Baranshahr.

+ He was held to be the ancestor of Hengest and Horsa, two legendary figures from early English history and most of the early Anglo-Saxon kings claimed descent from Woden.

+ The ancestors of nimravids and felids diverged from their common ancestor about 50 mya.

+ The young couple occupied a suite of apartments at Versailles which had previously been occupied by their joint ancestor Madame de Montespan.

+ ARPANET, the early ancestor of the internet, was designed to survive a nuclear war.

+ An ancestor is a person another is descended.”Shorter Oxford English Dictionary”, p63 “The Pocket Oxford English Dictionary”, 9th ed, ed.

+ They can be of any racial background, of any country, and of any religion, who has at least one ancestor from the people of Spain.

+ European mistletoe played a large role in Greek mythology, and is believed to be The Golden Bough of Aeneas, ancestor of the Romans.

+ Bray gives Bond information on Blofeld’s ancestor Count Balthazzar de Bleuchamp.

+ They can also be of non-Hispanic origin but has an ancestor from Mexico, Puerto Rico, Cuba, Central or South America, or other Hispanic origin.

+ The class Aves is now defined as all the descendants of the most recent common ancestor of modern birds and “Archaeopteryx lithographica”.

+ The Confucian way of life includes ancestor worship.

+ The subfamilies within Chelidae show that most of the South American species and all the Australian species are a clade, that is, evolved from the same ancestor monophyly.

+ Greek for “many races” It describes a group of organisms whose last common ancestor is not a member of the group.

+ Chinese folk religion is made up of a combination of religionreligious practices, including Confucianism, ancestor veneration, Buddhism and Taoism.

+ It is however in the folklore stories that one of the ancestor Sardar Zorab Khan Abbasi who was the Commander of Abbasid Army in Hirat, Afghanistan during the Abbasid dynasty attacked on the state of Kashmir when the Kashmiri King refuse to pay tax to Abbasid Governer in Khurasaan.

+ The assemblage of fossils includes a South American anteater, two types of South American flightless birds, and an ancestor of the scaly ant-eater of the old-world tropics.

+ So in a typical family tree, the same ancestor may pop up in more than one place in the pedigree.

+ Samadon Ayangba is believed to be the ancestor of the present day Manipuri Horse.

+ The ancestor may be a taxon of various ranks.

+ It suggests the ancient ancestor of molluscs had bilateral symmetry, and segments.

+ The wild ancestor of the donkey is the African wild ass, “E.

+ For this reason, it may be close to the common ancestor of modern mammals.

+ DNA analysis has indicated that modern humans, Neanderthals, and the Denisova hominin last shared a common ancestor around years ago.Katsnelson, Alla 2010.

+ Through Philip’s daughter Maria Luisa, he is an ancestor of the House of BourbonBourbons of Spain, the Bourbons of the Two Sicilies, and the House of Orléans.

+ Rowe defines mammals as “the taxon originating with the most recent common ancestor of extant Monotremata and Theria”.

+ A matriline is essentially a mother’s line, which traces the descent from a female ancestor to an individual.

+ The European polecat is the only ancestor of the ferret, which was domesticated more than 2000 years ago for hunting vermin.

+ The Eumuroida is the clade including all organisms which evolved from the most recent ancestor of the Calomyscidae, Nesomyidae, Cricetidae, and Muridae.

+ As mentioned in the “Shiji” of Sima Qian this scheme was a result of the military administrative reform of the Xiongnu leader Modu Chanyu in 209/206-174 BC which in turn originated from the Turkic primordial ancestor Oghuz Khagan.

+ Tiān has several meanings including “sky” “day” “Heaven” and “God.” The earliest versions of the character 天 is a picture of a man with a very large head, which suggests “head man” or “leader.” Since Chinese people believed that when any person dies he or she goes to Tiān, and that dead ancestors are more powerful than they were while still alive, it is possible that Tiān originally was the name of the earliest ancestor of the Zhōu ruling house from long before the fall of the previous dynasty, the Shàng.

+ It is the common ancestor of the Frisian languages, Today, laws and deeds which use Old Frisian remain.

+ The eldest son may bear what is called a junior title which an ancestor was given before the dukedom was created.

+ In the Cook Islands, Uanuku Rakeiora is said to be an important chiefly ancestor from Raiatea Island in French Polynesia over 27 generations ago, who was descended from Iro-nui-ma-Oata.

+ Bush share an ancestor on Kerry’s mother’s side and Bush’s father’s side from the 1600s.

+ PMID 23596293 The human coronavirus NL63 shared a common ancestor with a bat coronavirus between 1190 and 1449 AD.

+ Illustrating this concept of connectedness through genealogy are the major personifications of pre-contact times: Tangaroa was the personification of the ocean and the ancestor or origin of all fish; Tāne was the personification of the forest and the origin of all birds; and Rongo was the personification of peaceful activities and agriculture and the ancestor of cultivated plants.

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