Sentence example of “algae”

How to use in-sentence of “algae”:

+ Some algae may harm other species.

+ The top layers of algae is able to photosynthesize and continue living.

+ Corals have evolved structures, often tree-like, which offer the algae maximum access to light.

+ Microscopic and macroscopic algae also produce isoprene, but much less than trees.

+ Most red algae are also multicellular, macroscopic, marine, and reproduce sexually.

Sentence example of algae
Sentence example of algae

Example sentences of “algae”:

+ Their favorite food is algae and while growing up, they consume large amounts of it.

+ Lichen is a symbiosis between a blue-green algae and fungi.

+ The various sorts of algae play significant roles in aquatic ecology.

+ Some microscopic algae are also in lichens.

+ They included many soft bodied animals such as jellyfish, sea anemones, sponges, arthropods and algae and various kinds of aquatic worms.

+ Often it also contains symbiotic algae which provide much of the cell’s energy.

+ The abundance of algae in algal blooms causes layers of algae that are unable to get sunlight, and this causes the algae to die and start to decompose.

+ There is good reason to think the slime is produced by the algae to control the way their carbonate skeletons are formed.

+ Limpets eat by grazing on algae found on rock surfaces.

+ Some species, such as “Lottia gigantea” “garden” a patch of algae around their home scar.

+ Their favorite food is algae and while growing up, they consume large amounts of it.

+ Lichen is a symbiosis between a blue-green algae and fungi.

+ If a mat of duckweed is maintained for the removal of the toxins, it also prevents the development of algae and controls the breeding of mosquitoes.

+ Red algae store sugars as a type of starch outside their plastids.

+ The study of algae is called phycology or algology.

+ They are also a food source for many fish and algae eaters.

+ Certain bacteria, fungusfungi and algae are able to produce cyanides.

+ Red algae is used to make the food “Nori”.

+ The dinoflagellate algae use sunlight to make food, and the anemone uses some of the food.

More in-sentence examples of “algae”:

+ They scrape films of algae from the rock with a radula, a ribbon-like tongue with rows of teeth.

+ Nearly all algae have parts that do photosynthesis the same way as cyanobacteria.

+ Sometimes an excessive algae bloom will occur.

+ His extensive and careful studies of the life history of fungi and contribution to the understanding of algae and higher plants were landmarks of biology.

+ This derives from those algae and animals which have skeletons of silica.

+ They include brown, golden, yellow-green algae and diatoms.

+ It is a primary cause of eutrophication of surface waters, in which excess nutrients, usually nitrogen or phosphorus, stimulate algae growth.

+ The algae benefit from a safe place to live and consume the polyp’s carbon dioxide and nitrogenous waste.

+ Since the discovery of the first representative of these haloperoxidases and the bromoperoxidase VBrPo of the brown algae “Ascophyllum nodosum”, also known as wrack or pigweed, a plethora of macroalgae has been reported to have available VHPOs hence haloperoxidases that contain vanadate H coordinated to a histidine residue in the enzyme’s active center, and thus clearly distinct from the more common heme- based and non-heme peroxidases.

+ The coloured mantle has places where the skin is transparent, and acts like a lens to concentrate light on the algae beneath.

+ Ice algae and snow algae are algae and cyanobacteria which grow on long-lasting snow and ice fields like glaciers.

+ Also algae and plants get it from symbiosis.

+ Like algae or invertebrates, they are often grouped together for convenience.

+ Animals, plants, algae and fungi are all eukaryotes.

+ The algae may be found between ice crystals or attached to them, in the water or saltwater channels between ice crystals.

+ Only a few types of alga occur within lichens; these algae also have their own names.

+ The green algae are the large group of algae from which the higher plants developed.

+ These algae because they provide food for krill.

+ Euglenids are believed to descend from an ancestor that took up green algae by secondary endosymbiosis.

+ The plates are formed by single-celled planktonic algae called coccolithophores, and were laid down in the off-shore seas.

+ They get their food from the water, usually eating algae and other tiny creatures.

+ These can cause blue-green algae to grow in the lake which makes the water unsafe for humans or animals.

+ Phytohormones are found not only in higher plants, but in algae too, with similar functions.

+ Like the land plants, green algae contain chlorophylls “a” and “b”, and store food as starch in their plastids.

+ Phycology includes the study of prokaryoteprokaryotic forms known as blue-green algae or cyanobacteria.

+ They scrape films of algae from the rock with a radula, a ribbon-like tongue with rows of teeth.

+ Nearly all algae have parts that do photosynthesis the same way as cyanobacteria.
+ Sometimes an excessive algae bloom will occur.

+ The burrowing must have disturbed the mat of bacteria and algae which covered the sea-floor.

+ This is a large group of aquatic algae with about 6000 species.

+ Blooms of red algae occur from time to time in hot weather, and they have to be killed off.

+ More usually, the algae are the green alga “Trebouxia”.

+ The aquatic vegetation such as moss, seaweed and algae are visible at surface level.

+ Cohn was the first to classify algae as plants, and to define what distinguishes them from green plants.

+ They eat algae and their mouths have suckers so they can hold onto rocks in fast streams.

+ However, algae on land are usually inconspicuous and are far more common in moist, tropical regions than dry ones.

+ Sea urchins mostly feed on algae and small animals.

+ For instance, chalk was laid down in the Upper Cretaceous period, and consists mainly of the remains of microscopic algae called coccoliths.

+ Golden algae is also a common term.

+ In the wild platy fish will eat algae and plants.

+ Due to the strain the algae can put on the polyp, the coral often ejects the algae.

+ Some anemones have a symbiosis with a type of algae which lives inside them.

+ Biodiesel is a type of fuel prepared by changing vegetable oil, animal fat, special types of algae and possibly even sewage.

+ The tadpoles eat algae off rocks and dead things from the bottoms of the water.

+ Only in recent years has it become clear how different the many kinds of algae are.

+ The tadpoles eat algae on the bottom of the stream.

+ The algae is eaten by small insects.

+ Because the water is still algae often grows, using nutrients and covering the plants roots so that they are not able to take in the nutrients so well.

+ Hooker made plant collections at each location and while travelling drew these and specimens of algae and sea life pulled aboard using tow nets.

+ BIFs were formed as anaerobic algae produced waste oxygen that combined with iron, forming magnetite.

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