“sensitivity” how to use in sentences

How to use in-sentence of “sensitivity”:

– Because this is a bit like what might happen this century this might be the most useful way for most people to talk about climate sensitivity when they are talking about the Paris Agreement.

– It has pressure sensitivity as well as support for Google Assistant.

– Extended affine arithmetic-based global sensitivity analysis for power flow with uncertainties.

– The artist is someone who has a special sensitivity to create a work or activity.

– Later in her life, she began to suffer from pain in her eyes and sensitivity to light.

– When the amount of information collected about the ions in a given gas chromatographic peak decreases, the sensitivity of the analysis increases.

– Loss, misuse, modification or unauthorized access to sensitive information can negatively affect the privacy of an individual, trade secrets of a business or even the National securitysecurity, internal and foreign affairs of a nation depending on the level of sensitivity and nature of the information.

sensitivity how to use in sentences
sensitivity how to use in sentences

Example sentences of “sensitivity”:

– The story tells of a maiden whose royalty is established by her sensitivity to a pea placed under her matresses.

– No single test has adequate sensitivity and specificity to diagnose pelvic inflammatory disease.

– This can allow Grignard reagents to form with less sensitivity to water being present.

– In addition, sensitivity testing is carried out to determine whether the pathogen is sensitive or resistant to a suggested medicine.

– The operation of assigning the level of sensitivity to data is called data classification.

– The sensitivity of the PMT can be improved by cooling it, to reduce temperature induced noise.

– This sensitivity is called coeliac disease.

- The story tells of a maiden whose royalty is established by her sensitivity to a pea placed under her matresses.

- No single test has adequate sensitivity and specificity to diagnose pelvic inflammatory disease.
- This can allow Grignard reagents to form with less sensitivity to water being present.

– Reid said that he could not support Richard Nixon for re-election and the Republican Party had “moved to the right” and was “not showing the compassion and sensitivity to meet the problems of the average American.” He turned back a Republican challenge later on in 1972.

– The body position does not respond to stimuli, and there is decreased sensitivity to pain.

– So it is very important to find out more exactly what the climate sensitivity is.

– It was designed to observe differences in the cosmic microwave background at microwave and infra-red frequencies, with high sensitivity and small angular resolution.

– It mapped the differenceanisotropies of the cosmic microwave background at microwave and infra-red frequencies, with high sensitivity and small angular resolution.

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