“sensitive to” use in sentences

How to use in-sentence of “sensitive to”:

– It is also used in photoresistors that are sensitive to infrared and red light.

– Many solids attract water and/or sensitive to oxygen.

– Also perch have a lateral line system, which a set of sense Organ organs that are sensitive to vibrations in the water.

– The lipid bilayer envelope of these viruses is sensitive to desiccation, heat, and detergents This makes it easier to sterile these viruses than non-enveloped viruses.

– The aerobiological stability of UL was a major concern, being sensitive to sun light, and losing virulence over time after release.

sensitive to use in sentences
sensitive to use in sentences

Example sentences of “sensitive to”:

– Each is about 16 mm wide.They are very sensitive to touch, and weigh as much as their entire brain.

– They are sensitive to iron deficiency of the youngest leaves while the leaf veins remain green.

– This causes the clitoris and other parts of the woman’s sex organs to become larger, harder, redder in colour, and very sensitive to being touched.

– It is a very sensitive explosive, too sensitive to be used.

– Then the paper is put into other chemicals that make it not sensitive to light any more.

– Most are sensitive to cold and require a warm, usually tropical, habitat, although a few have adapted to the cooler climates of southern Australia.

– One reason for this is because sea ice formation and melting is very sensitive to temperature changes.

– Chandra is sensitive to X-ray sources 100 times fainter than any previous X-ray telescope.

– Basil is very sensitive to cold.

– Conflict resolution as both a professional practice and academic field is highly sensitive to cultural background.

- Each is about 16 mm wide.They are very sensitive to touch, and weigh as much as their entire brain.

- They are sensitive to iron deficiency of the youngest leaves while the leaf veins remain green.
- This causes the clitoris and other parts of the woman's sex organs to become larger, harder, redder in colour, and very sensitive to being touched.

More in-sentence examples of “sensitive to”:

– Most migraines cause a headache and nausea and might make the person dizzy or very sensitive to bright lights or loud noises.

– The engine was sensitive to fuel mixture control, and wrong settings caused the engine to cut out during takeoff.

– He found out that they had difficulties such as changing environments, being sensitive to certain stimuli, having speech problems and allergies to food.

– He was the first to use the term dynamic systems that are very sensitive to starting conditions.

– Unfortunately, humans are very sensitive to the venom that the spider gives in its bite.

– Fischer-Tropsch catalysts are famous for being extremely sensitive to the addition of sulfur.

– Employees at those sites were very sensitive to potential lightning strikes.

– A lot of children who are sensitive to dairy or gluten will find this leads to eczema flare ups.

– For example, many public wiki projects are quite sensitive to copyright issues, and so you should explain where you got the file from, and what its copyright status is, on the description page.

– In studies made in upper Beas Valley, it was found that the Cheer pheasants were sensitive to the presence of humans.

– Muslims are sensitive to and mindful of the circumstance that two mosques along with the rest of East Jerusalem are claimed and illegally occupied by the state of Israel.

– The human eye is most sensitive to this frequency, when adapted for bright conditions.

– Coral polyps are sensitive to changes in their environment.

– Their main sense is that of touch, and they are particularly sensitive to vibrations that may indicate approaching danger.

– Honeybees have right antennas that are more sensitive to smells.

– Half of them are sensitive to green, a quarter each is sensitive to red or blue.

– These cone photoreceptors are sensitive to different portions of the visionvisible spectrum.

– It means that people with heavy dyslexia are sensitive to loud noise, may have problems speaking, and may not be able to concentrate.

– That treatment makes the pictures visible, and the exposed film is no longer sensitive to light.

– Young guineafowl are very sensitive to weather, in particular cold temperatures.

– The switch is sensitive to some environmental cue or trigger.

– Afghan Hounds are known to be very sensitive to injuries and complain a lot when they have them.

– There is treatment available; it focuses on making the patient less sensitive to the fear they suffer from, or showing him or her how the cycle of fear works.

– Women who are getting radiation therapy for cancer in the pelvic area may have pain during sex because the walls of the vagina have atrophied and are more sensitive to injury.

- Most migraines cause a headache and nausea and might make the person dizzy or very sensitive to bright lights or loud noises.

- The engine was sensitive to fuel mixture control, and wrong settings caused the engine to cut out during takeoff.
- He found out that they had difficulties such as changing environments, being sensitive to certain stimuli, having speech problems and allergies to food.

– Xanthan gum is also a strong laxative and can cause diarrhoea in people who eat too much of it, or who are sensitive to it.

– The value of the assets were very sensitive to economic conditions, and increased uncertainty in these conditions made it difficult to estimate the value of the assets.

– In practice there are some difficulties with this technique: wet and dry fingers make very different images, and the system is sensitive to dust and dirt on the surface.

– Some people are very sensitive to glutens in their food.

– This value is much less sensitive to the factors affecting the surface gravity, mentioned above.

– Color blindness is very sensitive to changes in material.

– If we are having an ongoing account attack finding IPs or a range that can be blocked can be time sensitive to prevent further disruption.

– His personality is remarkably unselfish, extremely mature in his religious faith, sensitive to other people’s feelings, and loving – “he certainly loved people: throughout his life he seemed to believe in people and to trust them, and yet no one ever thought him simple-minded or naive.

– The female sex organ most sensitive to touch is the clitoris.

– He discovered that ants were sensitive to the ultraviolet range of the spectrum.

– Altwaijri is developing studies of Saudi children that will be sensitive to factors in Saudi life such as socioeconomic standards, diet, and geography.

– Circular slide rules are mechanically more rugged and smoother-moving, but their scale alignment precision is sensitive to the centering of a central pivot; a minute 0.1mm off-centre of the pivot can result in a 0.2mm worst case alignment error.

– This disease causes the skin to be sensitive to sunlight. A person with this disorder must always stay out of the sun, or they will get a sunburn. People with this disease are often called a “Moon child” because they can only go outside during the night.

– They are very sensitive to vibrations in the ground.

– The plastic has been specially treated, so it is sensitive to light.

– The three types of cone cell are sensitive to different wavelengths of light.

– When this happens, they become very sensitive to being touched.

– Cobalt catalysis is more sensitive to sulfur than iron.

– Cone cells are less sensitive to light than rod cells.

– Many lichen are sensitive to changes around them.

– Each layer is sensitive to a different wavelength of light.

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