“senses” how to use in sentences

How to use in-sentence of “senses”:

+ Taste is one of the senses experienced by humans and other animals.

+ Therefore we can be sure that our senses give us correct information, for otherwise we would not be here to be deceived.

+ They will not attack humans unless the male senses danger.

+ Positive symptoms are thoughts, behaviors, or anything experienced by the senses that are not shared by others – like hearing voices that are not really there.

+ Technology lets us travel to places we could not otherwise go, and probe the nature of the universe in more detail than our natural senses allow.

+ They are brave and smart, and their senses are very bright.

+ The senses we are born with are extended by a whole range of instruments which record things we cannot see, and make them visible to us.

+ The ways in which these senses are divided from one another in concept, and combined in varying ratios in perceiving the world, differs based on individual physiology, social and cultural context, and physical surroundings.

senses how to use in sentences
senses how to use in sentences

Example sentences of “senses”:

+ The organ senses what is around them with the air particles.

+ This senses movement and vibration in the water pressure and other functions.

+ Some of our senses operate in a logarithmic fashion.

+ Illusions can happen with all five senses, and some involve the way information from two senses is put together.

+ When the salamander senses danger, it can secrete this through its skin.

+ On the other hand, their senses of touch and smell are highly developed.

+ Other senses can change before or during a migraine, and the person may sense funny smells or tastes.

+ Of course, we rely on science and our senses in practical life.

+ What has happened is that Speedy’s brain is confused when he senses danger and he doesn’t know which Laws to obey.

+ In addition to the teeth and jaws of great white sharks, their senses have greatly adapted to sharpen their skills as hunters.

+ A related kind of microscope senses the force instead of the electric current.

+ Imagery is strong describing language which helps us use our senses and memory when we read.

+ Other senses play roles as well.

+ The organ senses what is around them with the air particles.

+ This senses movement and vibration in the water pressure and other functions.
+ Some of our senses operate in a logarithmic fashion.

More in-sentence examples of “senses”:

+ A special type of cells in the eye senses light for a different purpose than seeing.

+ She soon comes to her senses and regrets her decision to kill her children, so she drowns herself in a river in Latin America.
+ She senses Sedgewhisker, one of the cats who had gone on the journey with, and her patrol get attacked by dogs.

+ A special type of cells in the eye senses light for a different purpose than seeing.

+ She soon comes to her senses and regrets her decision to kill her children, so she drowns herself in a river in Latin America.

+ She senses Sedgewhisker, one of the cats who had gone on the journey with, and her patrol get attacked by dogs.

+ It is unclear, however, if the narrator actually has very acute senses or if he is merely imagining things.

+ Kant suggested that humans can’t know about things which our senses don’t see.

+ Research shows that the brain notices and senses our movements and actions.

+ It is used in psychology to describe when an animal or a person senses what someone wants them to do, even though they are not deliberately being given signals.

+ She teases him mercilessly, the audience senses that the attraction might be mutual, were it not for the marriage proposal of the Sergeant Belcore.

+ Parmenides’ explanation is that we think we see change, but our senses are not reliable, and they create the illusion of change.

+ Plato’s main ideas were that knowledge from the senses was always confused and not pure.

+ One of their most interesting senses relates to their touch and electro-reception.

+ The collection praised the human body, the material world, nature, and the experience of the senses at a time when poetry focused on religious experience and the life of the spirit.

+ Panicking, Goku Black then senses what is going on and teleports to Zamasu, Goku then teleports himself and Vegeta to Black and Zamasu.

+ After Pushing an old man out of the way of a car, he gets hit and radioactive chemicals get into his eyes and blind him, but also give his other senses super powers.

+ In the West, the human body’s senses are divided into eight: visual, auditory, gustatory, olfactory, cutaneous, kinesthetic, vestibular, organic.

+ The discography of Senses Fail, an American Rock musicrock band, consists of seven singles.

+ Other scientists think sharks’ senses are good enough to tell that the human is not a seal.

+ The new Home button is also capacitive, meaning that it no longer “clicks” like previous Home buttons but senses pressure for actions like going to the Home screen, taking screenshots, using Touch ID, etc.

+ The Goblin shark senses its prey with the help of electro-sensitive organs.

+ Lorenz argued that if our senses gave us wrong information about our environment, humanity would soon be extinct.

+ PMID 22527036 Auras are a kind of condition which affect certain parts of the brain, usually the parts that control vision but they can also affect the parts of the brain which control the other senses like touch, motor control and the parts of the brain that control speech.

+ These senses were especially strong in Germany, which had no choice but to sign the Treaty of Versailles.

+ Hagfish’s eyes are small and not very useful, because the hagfish uses mostly its senses of smell and touch to find food.

+ Lionblaze trains his apprentice, Dovepaw, when she senses a WindClan patrol being attacked by dogs.

+ The largemouth bass uses its senses of hearing, sight, vibration, and smell to attack and seize its prey.

+ Cephalopods are the most intelligenceintelligent invertebrates and have good senses and large brains.

+ The movement of starfish is guided by their senses of touch and sight.

+ He said that even though we can see, hear, taste, touch and smell, there was no way of knowing that our senses were reacting to matter, because to find out how accurate our senses were, we would need to study the very thing we use to study.

+ In his 1973 book “Behind the Mirror: a search for a natural history of human knowledge”, Lorenz considers an old Philosophyphilosophical question: Do our senses actually tell us about the world as it is? Or do they only give us an illusion? Lorenz’ answer comes from evolutionary biology.

+ When it feels a stimulus to one of its feelers, it attacks if it senses prey.

+ They are very difficult to come close to because of their sharp senses and cautious instincts.

+ Your brain then senses the smell.

+ When the security guard comes in, Magneto senses the iron.

+ They have small eyes, and generally poor Visual perceptionvision, but have excellent senses of smell.

+ Adam represents mind, Eve represents the senses and Noah represents.

+ The unexpected senses are then cancelled by our brain so we do not feel the reaction we would have if someone else tickled us when we least expected it.

+ Some forms of early ascetic Gnosticism held all matter to be evil, and that unnecessary gratifications of the physical senses were to be avoided.

+ Signing Time helps children learn through three senses — visual — and reaches children with different learning styles and abilities by making children want to communicate with other people through signing, singing, speaking and dancing.

+ She senses that he loves another, but she does not know it is Aida.

+ In many simple animals the eyespot senses light with a pigment molecule called an opsin.

+ Their tongue senses taste in the same way as humans do, salty at the tip of the tongue, bitter at the back and sweet at the sides.

+ He thought that knowledge from the senses was more important.

+ His work was on the communication and senses of the European honey bee.

+ Some people say that art is a product or item that is made with the intention of stimulating the human senses as well as the Mindhuman mind, spirit and soul.

+ By using the term “adaptation” for the evolutionary “process”, and “adaptive trait” for the bodily part or function, the two senses of the word may be distinguished.

+ Touch is one of the senses that is part of the nervous system.

+ A ground fault circuit interrupter is a type of circuit breaker which shuts off electric power when it senses an imbalance between the outgoing and incoming current.

+ As the show progressed, he became a kind-hearted but misunderstood old man with completely twisted senses of morality and social behavior.

+ His idealism said that all our ideas came through sensations, but our senses didn’t tell us anything about the world.

+ The Orthodox and Catholic Churches spirituality place importance on the use of human senses such as sight and on the use of beautiful things.

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