“sender” – example sentences

How to use in-sentence of “sender”:

+ Balikbayan boxes may have things the sender thinks the recipient wants, regardless of whether the things can be bought in the Philippines, such as non-perishable food, toiletries, household items, electronics, toys, designer clothing, or things hard to find in the Philippines for cheap prices.

+ Longer messages than this will be sent as multiple messages, where the sender has to pay for each individual message.

+ Services may allow real-time textreal-time point-to-point communications as well as multicast communications from one sender to many receivers.

+ It can also mean that the sender can tell people what do to because of the emergency.

+ In a symmetric-key algorithm, both the sender and receiver share the key.

+ During war the sender of a letter paid a war tax.

+ For a message exchange to be successful, the sender and the recipient must have agreed on a vocabulary.

sender - example sentences
sender – example sentences

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