“semantics” – some sentence examples

How to use in-sentence of “semantics”:

– A denotational semantics for stateflow.

– Formal semantics is sometimes similar to many other areas of language study.

– Students of General Semantics and users of E Prime contend that to say “This cat is soft” leaves out many other attributes, and implies that the outside “object” of the cat is the “same as” the inside experience of “softness”.

– Heterogeneous “n-ary” relations are used in the semantics of predicate calculus, and in relational databases.

– General semantics is not the same as semantics.

– Chambers Biographical Dictionary, 5e.1990, p.202 Semantics can include simple or very complicated ideas.

semantics - some sentence examples
semantics – some sentence examples

Example sentences of “semantics”:

– General semantics is a philosophy that deals with how people react to things that happen around them based on meaning.

– As English changed, the semantics altered to give us the separate words ‘skirt’ and ‘shirt’ we know today.

– Plato was the first western philosopher to write about semantics in his “Cratylus” in which he argues that words represent concepts that are eternal and exist in the world of ideas.

– The goal of general semantics is for people to know that when we simplify something, either mindmentally or in language, that simplification is not the same thing as the thing simplified.

– The rule is valid with respect to the semantics of classical logic, in the sense that if the premises are true, then so is the conclusion.

– It is also important for the processing of semantics in both speech and vision.

– General semantics teaches that there is always more to something than what is seen, heard, felt, or believed.

– The minimal model semantics of Horn clauses is the basis for the stable model semantics of logic programs.

– These teachers want to improve their students’ writing and may not agree with the ideas of General Semantics or E Prime.

– An operational semantics for Stateflow.

– The semantics of information and services is definitiondefined in Web Ontology Language and RDF Schemas.

– The main idea of General Semantics is that people can only know what they observe and experience when they see, hear, touch, taste, smell, think, and feel, and furthermore, that what they observe and experience can affect how they observe and experience in the future.

- General semantics is a philosophy that deals with how people react to things that happen around them based on meaning.

- As English changed, the semantics altered to give us the separate words 'skirt' and 'shirt' we know today.

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