“selene” – some sentence examples

How to use in-sentence of “selene”:

– Many other goddesses, such as Artemis and Hecate, were associated with the moon, but only Selene was regarded as the personification of the Moon itself.

– His wife was Cleopatra Selene II.

– Some say that Hera had Selene create the lion from sea foam and that Iris, the goddess of the rainbow, carried it to Nemea.

– The Apollonius of Rhodes tells how Selene loved a mortal, the handsome hunter or shepherd—or, in the version Pausanias knew, a king— of Elis, named Endymion, from Asia Minor.

– In post-Renaissance art, Selene is shown as a beautiful woman with a pale face.

– Two of them died of illness, but her daughter, Cleopatra Selene II, married an African King Juba II of Numidia.

– As a result of Selene becoming one with Artemis, later writers sometimes said Selene was a daughter of Zeus, like Artemis, or of Pallas the Titan.

– In most versions he is a shepherd, and a young man of unusual handsomeness – so much so that the Moon goddess Selene falls in love with him.

selene - some sentence examples
selene – some sentence examples

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