“selective” some ways to use

How to use in-sentence of “selective”:

+ The second copy of the gene is often relatively free from selective pressure.

+ On 16 August 1946, the first group of aviation cadets in the Selective Training Program came on board, and after 1 September, the station would be used by the Naval Air Transport Service.

+ This is done through Selective History deletion, Revision Deletion or Oversight.

+ Lehman College offers a variety of selective and distinguished undergraduate and graduate programs in the Schools of Arts Humanities, School of Education, School of Natural and Social Sciences, School of Health Sciences, Human Services, and Nursing, and School of Continuing Education.

+ This is a selective list of Japanese idol music groups, divided by projects or talent agencies.

+ He said that the human gene pool should be improved by selective breeding policies.

+ Because of selective generation of the active inhibitor in the virus infected cell and its greater inhibitory effect on viral DNA synthesis, acyclovir has low toxicity for host cells: a several hundred-fold chemotherapeutic index has been noted.

selective some ways to use
selective some ways to use

Example sentences of “selective”:

+ Drew University is a selective coeducational private university located in Madison, New Jersey, USA.

+ So, natural selection had similarities to selective breeding, except that it would happen by itself, over a much longer time.
+ Sildenafil, a selective inhibitor of cGMP specific phosphodiesterase type 5, was approved for the treatment of PAH in 2005.

+ Drew University is a selective coeducational private university located in Madison, New Jersey, USA.

+ So, natural selection had similarities to selective breeding, except that it would happen by itself, over a much longer time.

+ Sildenafil, a selective inhibitor of cGMP specific phosphodiesterase type 5, was approved for the treatment of PAH in 2005.

+ Registration with Selective Service is also required for several federal programs and benefits, including job training, federal employment, naturalization, Pell grants and student loans.

+ The school is selective and co-educational.

+ Probably the most common method uses selective abortion.

+ It is easy to change the height of dogs by selective breeding, and the reason working dogs come in different sizes is to make them better at a particular job.

+ But, selective ion monitoring only monitors selected peaks associated with a specific substance.

+ Specialised selective stains using immunology or radioactive labelling are now routine.

+ This means that over thousands of generations, viruses and other germs have placed selective pressure on bats, killing bats with weak immune systems and leaving bats with good immune systems to survive and have young.

+ Some of topics in the novel include selective mutism, death, and grief.

+ The M1918 is a selective fire automatic rifle.

+ This template allows for selective linking to a game summary page depending on if the transcluding page is or is not the game summary page.

+ This form of administration has the advantage of selective deposition in the lungs with less systemic side effects.

+ It means the same thing as selective breeding and is an ancient method of genetic engineering.

+ An individual’s behavior can affect the way in which they experience the environment through selective attention.

+ The metal ions themselves must be prevented from moving between the electrodes, so some kind of porous membrane or other mechanism must provide for the selective movement of the negative ions in the electrolyte from the right to the left.

+ In 1876, Haeckel had written about Sparta’s selective infanticide policy in In Sparta, all newborn infants were examined carefully.

+ Abstraction requires selective use of this structural split of abilities in the psyche.

More in-sentence examples of “selective”:

+ Eukaryotes bother with the more complicated process of meiosis because sexual reproduction such as meiosis confers a selective advantage.

+ Administrators can help, by deleting user pages and doing selective restorations, to clear the edit history of respective pages.

+ Functions of epithelial cells include secretion, selective absorption, protection, transcellular transport, and sensing.

+ The snake’s resistance to the toxin has resulted in a selective pressure that favours newts which produce more potent levels of toxin.

+ Recent work shows how master control systems in development can organise selective changes in different parts of an organism.

+ This selective survival advantage for carriers is responsible for keeping the mutation in populations way above its mutation rate.

+ Increases in newt toxicity then apply a selective pressure favouring snakes with mutations conferring even greater resistance.

+ Now there are over 100 different colours because of selective breeding.

+ Its admission process is among the most selective of top schools.

+ A mass spectrometer is typically used in one of two ways: Full Scan or Selective Ion Monitoring.

+ Two selective endothelin receptor antagonists are in the final stages of approval: sitaxsentan and ambrisentan.

+ TJHSST is a selective school, which means that only a small group of people can go to the school.

+ Torquoselectivity also happens in selective electrocyclic reactions that break open rings.

+ The blood–brain barrier is a highly selective permeability barrier.

+ The FG 42 was a selective fire weapon.

+ People have used selective breeding to make bigger horses to do heavy work.

+ Fluoxetine is a one of a group of antidepressants called selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors.

+ It is a selective state schools in the United States.

+ This selective elimination of maladapted individuals from a population is natural selection.

+ This is called selective fire.

+ Like her older sister, she was educated at selective schools for high society girls.

+ The idea to improve the human species by selective breeding is called eugenics.

+ This process has been called selective incorporation.

+ It is very selective about what it eats and where it perches.

+ Eukaryotes bother with the more complicated process of meiosis because sexual reproduction such as meiosis confers a selective advantage.

+ Administrators can help, by deleting user pages and doing selective restorations, to clear the edit history of respective pages.
+ Functions of epithelial cells include secretion, selective absorption, protection, transcellular transport, and sensing.

+ A single enantiomer of a cyclization product is formed from the selective ring closure of the starting material.

+ They were described as “the selective tier of state-funded secondary education in England and Wales”.

+ It is possible that this was because the animals were almost perfectly adapted to their lifestyle, therefore selective pressure, it is assumed, was low.

+ Jitsi introduced the Videobridge in 2013 to support video calling with multiple people using a new Selective Forwarding Unit architecture.

+ But later, other tabby patterns happened because of mutations and selective breeding of the mackerel tabby.

+ Weapons used for this are selective fire rifles.

+ Rather, plasmids provide a mechanism for horizontal gene transfer within a population of microbes and may provide a selective advantage under a given environmental state.

+ It is regarded as one of the best and most selective universities in China.

+ A stud farm, in animal husbandry, is an establishment for selective breeding using stud animals.

+ The fact that living things inherit traits from their parents has been known since prehistoric times, and used to improve crop plants and animals through selective breeding.

+ It may also reflect a selective effect: people with chronic life-threatening illnesses are less likely to become wealthy or to live in expensive areas.

+ He was most impressed by the fact that polymorphism concealed powerful selective forces.

+ Farmers grew crops including those invented and improved by selective breeding.

+ It re-established the Selective Service registration requirement for all 18-to-26 year old men born on or after January 1, 1960.

+ However, none oversighters are online at the moment, so a selective deletion can be done in the interim.

+ In the United States and Canada, redlining is the process of denying services to residents of specific, often racially dominant neighborhoods or communities, either directly or through the selective raising of prices.

+ The doctor says that Teni is suffering from Selective Memory Loss.

+ They were removed from the endangered list in 1987 and Florida allowed selective hunting in 1988.

+ All contributions are outlined in his book « High Power Laser Interactions : Isotopes Separation – Nuclear Fusion Control – Elementary Particles Selective Creation ».

+ While I support the idea of having equality among all human beings, I do not agree that there should be selective service that favors women into getting jobs faster and those that are not dangerous.

+ The second, less common adaptation, is the selective intake of potassium ions into the cytoplasm.

+ The M2 carbine is a selective fire version of the M1, which means it can switch between semi-automatic and full automatic fire.

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