“seismic” some ways to use

How to use in-sentence of “seismic”:

– Optionally adds a value or relation, identifies a source, or links to explanatory text at Seismic magnitude scales.

– Elevated building foundation is a kind of seismic base isolation technology which is made a major part of a building superstructure.

– One phenomenon, which seems to be a reliable precursor to eruptive activity, is a low-frequency seismic event known as a “tornillo event”.

– Sometimes, seismic load exceeds ability of a structure to resist it without being broken, partially or completely.

– However, the report also stated the pier did not require any seismic retrofitting.

– When earthquakes occur, they release energy in a form of seismic waves.

– Any building code has either some minimum requirements for seismic loads.

– The next most seismic region Java to Mediterranean, and out into the Atlantic.

seismic some ways to use
seismic some ways to use

Example sentences of “seismic”:

- Around 500,000 years ago seismic activity diverted a nearby stream which began to cut down into the sediments, revealing seven main layers in the walls of the gorge.

- The technique of using a seismometer to build up a picture of the Earth's interior is called seismic tomography.
- Cob is fireproof, resists seismic activity, and inexpensive.

– Around 500,000 years ago seismic activity diverted a nearby stream which began to cut down into the sediments, revealing seven main layers in the walls of the gorge.

– The technique of using a seismometer to build up a picture of the Earth’s interior is called seismic tomography.

– Cob is fireproof, resists seismic activity, and inexpensive.

– Even today, earthquakes happen in this area, known as New Madrid Seismic Zone.

– Beyond the meeting of Indus and Panjnad rivers, the Indus river was known as Satnad carrying the waters of seven rivers including Indus river, which is believed to be in ealrlier times the Saraswati River/Ghaggar-Hakra River river which eventually dried and became a seasonal river due to seismic shifts in the glacial region of Himachal Pradesh where it originated and later on Kabul river and the five rivers of Punjab.

– He discovered that seismograms of earthquakes showed two kinds of seismic waves.

– It also conducts and supports research on long-term seismic hazards.

– The best way to do it is to put the structure on a shake-table that simulates the seismic loads and watch what may happen next.

– They can also examine the crust in a seismic survey to try and find information about layers of rock, locate oil or gas fields and to get information about the internal structure of volcanos.

– For details of “breaking news” earthquakes recourse should be had to “the same source the news agencies go to”: the Advanced National Seismic System and various regional networks which monitors global seismicity and provides information on notable events, usually within 15 minutes.

– After earthquakeseismic waves make a structure vibrate, a tuned mass damper can decrease their damaging effect and improve the building’s seismic performance.

– Hildebrand developed methods for interpreting seismic data, and then realized that the technology could be used to detect, analyze, and modify pitch.Frere Jones, Sasha.

– Best practice is to check with an authoritative source, such as the USGS or the International Seismic Centre.

– A proximity fuze uses sensors which can be one or more combinations of the following: radar, active sonar, passive acoustic, infrared, magnetic, photoelectric, seismic or even television cameras.

– They can also pick up underground nuclear tests, and this is what many of the seismic recording stations were set up for.

– Werder Pier was closed to the public in 1996, when Caltrans used it as an equipment staging area for the seismic retrofit of the 1967 span.

– The island, of Volcanovolcanic nature and subject to seismic activity, presents many gullies and streams – the only waterways because there are not rivers.

– The Lunar ascent stage, the part that helped it take off from the surface, was deliberately crashed back onto the Moon so that shock waves could be measured by seismic equipment left behind.

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