“secret” in-sentences

How to use in-sentence of “secret”:

+ It was constructed after 1770 for Madame de Montesson, the secret and morganatic wife of Louis Philippe d’Orléans, Duke of Orléans.

+ He is the current police chief of Orland Park, Illinois, and a former member of the United States Secret Service.

+ When her uncle finds out that Charlie has discovered his secret he sets out to murder her before she exposes him.

+ Following his arrest on assault charges, a Secret Service spokesman did not say how Springer got past the agents.

+ During the time of the Taliban, the organization had secret schools for girls in Kabul.

+ However, Katherine became pregnant quickly and by July of the next year, she could not hold her secret any longer.

+ Some of the protesters threw bricks at the officers, which included United States Secret Service and United States Park Police.

secret in-sentences
secret in-sentences

Example sentences of “secret”:

+ According to the Hitman game series and the Hitman novel, Agent 47 is a genetically-enhanced clone and the culmination of decades of secret research into gene augmentation whom is of English descent.

+ On 18 October 1965, Thorne was supervising a secret mission on a helicopter.
+ Rick thinks the location of the farm should be a secret to keep them safe.

+ According to the Hitman game series and the Hitman novel, Agent 47 is a genetically-enhanced clone and the culmination of decades of secret research into gene augmentation whom is of English descent.

+ On 18 October 1965, Thorne was supervising a secret mission on a helicopter.

+ Rick thinks the location of the farm should be a secret to keep them safe.

+ The children, Claudia and Jamie, are amazed with the treasure and would not leave without knowing what its secret is.

+ Questions included the Turk’s age, marital status, and its secret workings.

+ He released top secret NSA documents proving the United States Government was monitoring phone calls, emails, webcams of its own citizens.

+ This was not a secret vote, and anyone who did not want to become Belgian had to register their full name and address.

+ Parr was a Secret Service Agent.

+ Each person who wants to use asymmetric cryptography uses a secret number that they can tell everyone.

+ He left in secret and covered his tracks so nobody could follow him.

+ Each 15 seconds that passed without the secret being correctly guessed won the contestant $10.

+ Her father and Imelda were lovers and her father worked for the government as a sort of spy against Carchon’s secret organization.

More in-sentence examples of “secret”:

+ He was also one of the creators of the Secret Polish Army, which was a resistance group in German-occupied Poland.

+ The death was kept a secret until this morning, when a city medical examiner was called in.

+ They can find the secret door into the mountain, and open it.

+ The United States Secret Service investigates people who do this.

+ He was known for his roles as Marko in “The Secret of an Old Attic”.

+ The saint who inspired the legend of “Sinterklaas” is Saint Nicholas, who lived in the 4th Century AD and had a reputation for secret gift-giving, especially to the poor and needy, such as putting coins in the shoes of those who left them out for him.

+ Not all succeed, but the ones who do return gather together at a secret place called “The Seven Witches”.

+ An elopement is a marriage done in secret or private.

+ They have a secret goal, which they want to achieve by their breeding program.

+ Timothy McCarthy, a retired member of the United States Secret Service who took a bullet for President Ronald Reagan during the Assassination attempt on Ronald Reaganassassination attempt by John Hinckley, Jr., was named interim village manager in July 2016.

+ Chakravartty, 2000, Page 18 Maks Luburić, one of the chiefs of the secret police, started building concentration camps in the summer of the same year.

+ Tu was assigned to a secret project that was to find the cure for Malaria during this time.

+ As they continue this search they find out that they are not the only mystery solving group that has lived in Crystal Cove.The secret connection with past gangs will reveal the truth behind the cursed in Crystal Cove.

+ It is still possible to get in through a secret door.

+ In 1730 Commonwealth’s neighbours, namely Prussia, Austria and Russia, signed a secret agreement in order to maintain the “status quo”: specifically, to ensure that the Commonwealth laws would not change.

+ On the night of April 11, 1918 the Cheka, the secret police, attacked the building of the Moscow Federation, and the Black Guards offered armed resistance.

+ Later, Hector’s father Priam comes in secret to Achilles to take back his favorite son’s body to give it a proper funeral, which Achilles allows him to do.

+ She tried many times to get the secret behind his great strength.

+ They took Sadegh to Evin Prison, but they took Iraee to a secret place for three days.

+ The idea of the Iron Curtain was referring to the separation of the communist Europe compared to the democratic west, it was the idea that what was happening in the “satellite states” and in Russia was secret to the rest of the world.

+ It is the first to star Daniel Craig as the secret agent James Bond.

+ In “The Wedding of River Song” Amy leads a secret organisation.

+ It is the first to star Roger Moore as the fictional Secret Intelligence ServiceMI6 agent James Bond and was distributed by United Artists.

+ Adam Weishaupt, a Bavarian philosopher and lawyer, started the secret society on the 1st of May 1776 at the university of ingolstat.

+ He was also one of the creators of the Secret Polish Army, which was a resistance group in German-occupied Poland.

+ The death was kept a secret until this morning, when a city medical examiner was called in.
+ They can find the secret door into the mountain, and open it.

+ So, if I wanted to include information about the claimed shooting of an 8-year-old girl by a British soldier, which is one of the events WikiLeaks claims top secret documents show, then I would quote or cite the Mail of Sunday article’s treatment of it and what it said, but not the WikiLeaks document directly.

+ The JIC sets priorities for the intelligence and security agencies: Secret Intelligence ServiceMI6, GCHQ, and Defence Intelligence.

+ A collusion is a secret agreement between two or more people or groups, usually to create unlawful advantages over other groups.

+ Tosca tells him where is the secret place Angelotti was hidden.

+ Iroh has a secret group of friends.

+ The Israeli secret service, the Mossad, kidnapped him and took him back to Israel.

+ He was member of the United States Secret Service.

+ The idea is to use cryptographic hashes; you choose a secret string known only to yourself, put it through a one-way hash function, and publish the result somewhere.

+ To get inside the bunker you had to enter through a secret passageway which was hidden under a grassy hill.

+ Some one-party states are considered dictatorships and called a police state or a military dictatorship, if a secret police force or the military is used to keep a dictator in power through force.

+ There are 120 of them scattered among 15 maps and some secret maps.

+ Max Smart worked for a secret organization called CONTROL.

+ They go on adventures such as going to the hospital which Freak claims has a secret department called the “Bionics Department” which has had his brain cat scanned to be fitted into an artificial body.

+ Later Mahadurgi who had known about Mohan and Raj birth secret knows that she has exchanged the two babies when they were born.

+ Casey starred in “The Secret Life of Walter Mitty.

+ He is known for his roles in “Paper Soldiers”, “Scary Movie 3”, “Along Came Polly”, “Soul Plane”, “The Wedding Ringer”, “Think Like a Man”, “Ride Along”, “Get Hard”, “The Secret Life of Pets”, “Captain Underpants: The First Epic Movie”, “Jumanji: Welcome to the Jungle” and “The Upside”.

+ On 21 January 1785, Jeanne told the Cardinal that Marie Antoinette wanted to buy the necklace; but, not wishing to purchase such an expensive item publicly during a time of need, the Queen wanted the Cardinal to act as a secret buyer.

+ He was then personified as the villain Ernst Stavro Blofeld, in the James Bond saga, “On Her Majesty’s Secret Service”.

+ Proton’s design was kept secret until 1986.

+ US counter-terrorism czar Richard Clarke, Michael Sheehan, and Jamie Rubin participated in what they called “Operation Orient Express.” From page 201 of Clarke’s book Against All Enemies: “Albright and I and a handful of others had entered into a pact together in 1996 to oust Boutros-Ghali as Secretary General of the United Nations, a secret plan we had called Operation Orient Express, reflecting our hope that many nations would join us in doing in the UN head.

+ Paper had been invented in China in the 8th century, but it was kept secret for a long time.

+ Espionage or spying is a practice of getting information about an organization, society, or country that is meant to be secret or confidentialityconfidential, without permission.

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