“second language” some ways to use

How to use in-sentence of “second language”:

– However, English has the largest total number of speakers including native and second language speakers.

– Today, it is still the most common second language in some of the countries in the region.

– There is a second language in wikitable codes.

– Persian was also taught as a second language in schools in Pakistan until 2006.

– It is spoken as native tongue and as second language by about 58% of the population, according to a poll taken by the Fondation Émile Chanoux in 2002.

– In multi-racial societies, like Singapore, students have been learning a second language for many years.

– Larsen-Freeman mostly researches second language acquisition.

second language some ways to use
second language some ways to use

Example sentences of “second language”:

- Along with Stephen Krashen, he developed the “Natural Approach” to second language learning.

- They said that making Esperanto a universal second language was not their main goal.
- English as a second language is the single most popular subject in the world, after mathematics.

– Along with Stephen Krashen, he developed the “Natural Approach” to second language learning.

– They said that making Esperanto a universal second language was not their main goal.

– English as a second language is the single most popular subject in the world, after mathematics.

– The Romance language family is one of the biggest in the world, and in total, there are almost a billion Native languagefirst and second language speakers.

– The Chinese taught as a second language in Southeast Asia uses simplified characters, and the government of Singapore and the Chinese community in Malaysia have adopted simplified characters as their standard script.

– It is the main second language of the world and the international language of science, travel, technology, business, diplomacy, and entertainment.

– However, England was taken over by speakers of other languages, especially French languageFrench, Danish, and Latin, and since the new rulers became second language speakers of English, the grammar simplified to what it is today.

– Tok Pisin is a Lingua francamarket language used in parts of the South Pacific, mainly Papua New Guinea and the Solomon Islands, but also in areas of Vanuatu, where a second language known as Bislama is also spoken.

– Her work on the complex/dynamic systems approach to second language development is very important and well-known.

– Interlanguage fossilization is when people learning a second language keep taking rules from their native language and incorrectly applying them to the second language they are learning.

– The teaching of English as a second language has a long history.

– The dynamic approach to second language development includes the idea that students each have their own path to learning, and that teaching is fundamentally a process of managing learning.

– It is also spoken as a second language in western parts of Belarus, Lithuania and Ukraine.

– We have some special English as a second language classes called “Living English.” These students get the chance to learn English through school subjects such as science and history.

– They also speak Arabic as a second language but to a very small extent.

– In continental Europe English as a second language is nowadays sometimes even taught in American English, except perhaps in Scandinavia and the Netherlands.

– It is also spoken as a second language by some Brahui.

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