“searchable” use in-sentences

How to use in-sentence of “searchable”:

+ Please consider searching Wikimedia Commons which has an extensive library of aircraft images, many of which are categorised and searchable by aircraft registration.

+ The attraction for going this way is that my work becomes easily searchable in the public domain.

+ Yahoo! Search, originally referred to as Yahoo! provided Search interface, would send queries to a searchable index of pages supplemented with its directory of sites.

+ A searchable modern translation is available at.

+ The website is searchable by keyword.

+ Originally, Yahoo! Search started as a web directory of other websites, organized in a hierarchy, as opposed to a searchable index of pages.

+ I had considered putting this in a user page, but I don’t think it would be searchable so I don’t see any point.

+ Which means that currently all the user space on here is searchable by Google.

searchable use in-sentences
searchable use in-sentences

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