“satellites” in sentences?

How to use in-sentence of “satellites”:

+ Like Saturn’s other irregular moons, S/2007 S2 is thought to be an object that was captured by SaturnSaturn’s satellites are thought to have done.

+ Direct-broadcast satellites transmit many television channels.

+ Most of the artificial satellites are in a low Earth orbit or a geostationary orbit.

+ They are a series of satellites placed by NASA.

+ It gathers information from weather satellites in space and observations on earth.

+ It is also good to know in case the GPS satellite satellites are damaged by a solar flare, or equipment is lost or broken, so it is still taught to sailors and pilots.

+ Io and Europa are also satellites that have internal structures similar to that of terrestrial planets.

satellites in sentences?
satellites in sentences?

Example sentences of “satellites”:

+ Some mobile phones are able to make telephone calls using communications satellites instead of masts on the ground, which means people can make calls from anywhere in the world.

+ These satellites were launched by the Satellite Launch Vehicle, and three of them were able to make it into orbit.

+ Some mobile phones are able to make telephone calls using communications satellites instead of masts on the ground, which means people can make calls from anywhere in the world.

+ These satellites were launched by the Satellite Launch Vehicle, and three of them were able to make it into orbit.

+ Artificial satellites come from more than 50 countries and have used the satellite launching capabilities of ten nations.

+ The Solar System’s gas giants, Jupiter and Saturn, have heavier elements making up between 3 and 13 percent of their mass.The Interior of Jupiter, Guillot et al., in “Jupiter: The Planet, Satellites and Magnetosphere”, Bagenal et al., editors, Cambridge University Press, 2004 Gas giants are thought to consist of an outer layer of molecular hydrogen, surrounding a layer of liquid metallic hydrogen, with a probable molten core with a rocky composition.

+ It is not yet clear if these are real satellites or merely persistent clumps within the F Ring.

+ Dust clouds, asteroids, and man-made satellites are found in those points.

+ The Indian National Satellite System is a series of satellites built and launched by ISRO.

+ Although there are other satellites with retrograde orbits, they are much smaller than Titan, and much more distant from their host planets.

+ A GPS unit takes radio signals from Satellite satellites in space in orbit around the Earth.

+ Atlas V is an orbital launch vehicle used by the United Launch Alliance satellites into orbit.

+ These satellites allow scientists to measure the area covered by sea ice relatively well.

More in-sentence examples of “satellites”:

+ India became the first nation in the world to have launched over a hundred satellites in one mission.

+ Primitive communication satellites were tested in the early 1960s.

+ With three satellites in fact there is still a third possible point, but that is twice as high as the satellites above the earth’s surface and does not need to be reckoned with in car travel.

+ A few hundred satellites are currently working, but thousands of unused satellites and satellite fragments orbit the Earth as space debris.

+ Communications satellites relay microwaves around the world.

+ Communications satellites are important for television and other communications, and other satellites help with weather prediction and other jobs.

+ DSP satellites are used to detect missile and spacecraft launches.

+ Broadcasting and communications satellites and mobile phones and many computers communicate by radio waves.

+ On July 2, 1967, at 14:19 UTC, the Vela 4 and Vela 3 satellites detected a flash of gamma radiation unlike any known nuclear weapons signature.

+ Most of them are in a controlled orbit, so the flares from these satellites can be predicted.

+ It has many different types including Medium, Medium+, and Heavy for many different types of satellites orbitorbiting at many different altitudes above the Earth.

+ In space, satellites may be natural, or artificial.

+ Virgin Orbit is a company in the Virgin Group that will provide a for small satellites to be put into space.

+ GPS satellites work because they know about both kinds of time dilation.

+ Communications satellites are satellite satellites stationed in space for the purpose of telecommunications.

+ Far from the North Pole and South Pole, a GPS unit can receive signals from 6 to 12 satellites at once.

+ Starting in 1979, satellites started measuring the temperature of the Earth.

+ An airplane carries the rocket which would then be launched to carry satellites to low Earth orbit.

+ Observers on the sides of those satellites facing away from the planet would never see Saturn.

+ It follows a very inclined and very eccentric orbit illustrated on the diagram in relation to other irregular satellites of Neptune.

+ Artificial satellites are smaller, unmanned spacecraft.

+ Farhand is the founder of Soar, an online mapping platform that integrates various imagery feeds from drones, satellites and aerial sensors.

+ Other examples of natural bodies known to be in horseshoe orbits include Janus and Epimetheus, natural satellites of Saturn.

+ One team of scientists from Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg looked at air pollution information from satellites and statistics on COVID-19 deaths in Italy, France, Germany and Spain and saw that places with large amounts of nitrogen dioxide pollution had more people die from COVID-19.

+ In the 1970s, Gehrels was in charge of the Imaging Photopolarimeter experiment on the Pioneer 10 and Pioneer 11 satellites which explored the planets, Jupiter and Saturn.

+ The diagram illustrates the Gallic group in relation to other irregular satellites of Saturn.

+ Observers on the sides of the Galilean satellites facing away from the planet would never see Jupiter, for instance.

+ In the later years of the program, satellites were used instead since they are cheaper.

+ The competition began on August 2, 1955, when the Soviet Union responded to the US announcement four days earlier of intent to launch artificial satellites during the “International Geophysical Year by declaring they would also launch a satellite “in the near future”.

+ The Indian Remote Sensing satellites are a series of satellites built and launched by ISRO.

+ The Soviet Union and its various satellites are a good example.

+ Most artificial satellites also orbit the Earth, but some orbit other planets, or the Sun or Moon.

+ The Defense Support Program satellites that orbit the Earth.

+ He also produced several techno dance singles, formed his own record company called Satellites Records, and later returned to jazz-fusion in 1991.

+ From the moons of Jupiter, solar eclipses caused by the Galilean satellites would be spectacular, because an observer would see the circular shadow of the eclipsing moon travel across Jupiter’s face.

+ In 1978, Almaz began to using spy satellites instead of space stations.

+ In June 2015 the company asked the federal government for permission to begin testing for a project that aims to build a web of 4,425 satellites capable of beaming the Internet to the entire globe, including remote regions which currently do not have Internet access.

+ The first actual request of photovoltaics was to power orbiting satellites and other spacecrafts, but today the most photovoltaic modules are used for grid connected power creation.

+ ISRO first planned to launch the satellites between 2012 and 2014, but it had to be moved to later years.

+ This is right above the equator, so the satellites in this orbit do not swing north or south, but stay perfectly still above a point on the equator.

+ There are also artificial satellites orbiting something other than the Earth.

+ Without accounting for time dilation, the GPS result would be useless, because time runs faster on satellites so far from Earth’s gravity.

+ Information from satellites gave measures of the storm’s strength.

+ In the beginning, ISRO built satellites that were then launched by other countries, like the Soviet Union.

+ The L1 point is used for satellites that watch the sun, to look for solar flares.

+ From the late 1970s, there were different satellites that could provide data which was independent of solar illumination or weather conditions.

+ They are usually inside the Roche limit where large satellites cannot form.

+ JAXA is responsible for research, technology development and the launch of satellites into orbit.

+ India became the first nation in the world to have launched over a hundred satellites in one mission.

+ Primitive communication satellites were tested in the early 1960s.

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