“safeguard” use in sentences

How to use in-sentence of “safeguard”:

– When the democratic movement to safeguard the national existence of the Jumma people was negotiated by the government with repressive measures through the civil and police administrations, including through militarization with the construction of three Army cantonments, it forced Manabendra Narayan Larma, the then MP and the hero of the CHT Jumma movement, to call for an armed struggle.

– And safeguard our nation through life.

– However, some have argued that a constitution can be written in such a way that it lets tyranny arise, and that a constitution is therefore not a fail proof safeguard against tyranny.

– Large parts of the island, and all of the adjacent inter-tidal area, are protected as Lindisfarne National Nature Reserve to help safeguard the internationally important wintering bird populations.

– The Japanese too left their imprint on the island which stand in the form of bunkers used as watch points to safeguard the Island from any foreign invasion.

– The goals of DAG are the promotion and understanding between Germans and Armenians and to safeguard the likings of Armenians living in Germany.

– They try to safeguard the interests and the progress and well-being of Muslims.

safeguard use in sentences
safeguard use in sentences

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