“rum” – some sentence examples

How to use in-sentence of “rum”:

+ Her favourite sacrifices include jewels, golden rings, rum and black pig.

+ Some rumdark rum is splashed over the Baked Alaska, and the whole dessert is flambéed while being served.

+ On 29 January 1796, a reward of five gallons of rum was offered by Governor John Hunter for his capture.

+ Rum is also produced in the city; rum is made with alcohol from the sugar cane.

+ He was ordered to arrest John Macarthur John Macarthur and George Johnston who were the leaders of the Rum Rebellion but they had already sailed to England before he got to Australia.

+ Purple is considered his sacred color, and usual offerings include black goats, black roosters, cigars, coconut and white rum spiced with African bird pepper.Randy Conner, David Hatfield Sparks Mariya Sparks, Cassell’s “Encyclopedia of Queer Myth, Symbol Spirit”, London and New York: Cassell, 1997.

+ Cardi B’s stage name comes from the rum Bacardi.

rum - some sentence examples
rum – some sentence examples

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