“rotation” – some sentence examples

How to use in-sentence of “rotation”:

– The reaction produces a single product because only one direction of rotation was allowed.

– A symmetry of a system is an operation done to a system, such as rotation or displacement, that leaves the system fundamentally unchanged.

– His single “Alone Again” from the Funny Farm album achieved rotation on the national music network Much Music.

– At Cornell her thesis studied evidence of bulk rotation in the universe.

– Peale, Rotation histories of the natural satellites, in J.A.

rotation - some sentence examples
rotation – some sentence examples

Example sentences of “rotation”:

- The 2024 Copa América is expected to be hosted by Ecuador due to CONMEBOL's host rotation order.

- In the case of celestial bodies such as the retrograde Carme group of moons, such motion may be real, defined by the natural rotation or orbit of the body.
- A Ferris wheel and observation wheel have a horizontal central axis, and parallel axes for each gondola, where the rotation is opposite, by gravity or mechanically.

– The 2024 Copa América is expected to be hosted by Ecuador due to CONMEBOL’s host rotation order.

– In the case of celestial bodies such as the retrograde Carme group of moons, such motion may be real, defined by the natural rotation or orbit of the body.

– A Ferris wheel and observation wheel have a horizontal central axis, and parallel axes for each gondola, where the rotation is opposite, by gravity or mechanically.

– The Axis of rotation is an imaginary line passing through the centre of mass of any celestial body around which the celestial body rotates.

– Using the average speed of rotation for a slice of toast as it falls from the table and the usual height of a table, a slice of toast that began butter-side-up on the table will land butter-side-down on the floor 81% of the time.

– The Earth makes one complete rotation around this imaginary axis every 23 hours 56 minutes 4 seconds.The line passes through the north and south poles of a planet.

– Fulcrum is the Axis axis of rotation or point of support on which a lever turns in raising or moving something.

– In 2009 the single “Ingen ingenting” was qualified to Sveriges Radio P4’s so called B rotation list, which guaranteed it a lot of airplay over the radio each week.

– If not, do we really need the columns of when they were displayed? They are in a rotation after all…

– In case of Earth, the axis of rotation of Earth passes through the north pole, the centre of mass of Earth and the south pole.

More in-sentence examples of “rotation”:

- Each hand shows the time it is named for and moves around the face of the clock one complete rotation for each movement to the next larger hand.

- This rotation is used to turn the compressor.
- I therefore propose that we replace our current rotation system by the new one.

– Each hand shows the time it is named for and moves around the face of the clock one complete rotation for each movement to the next larger hand.

– This rotation is used to turn the compressor.

– I therefore propose that we replace our current rotation system by the new one.

– Its rotation is chaotic, meaning its Axis axis of rotation wobbles, unlike how the Earth and the Moon rotate, or any other moon in the Solar System.

– Helped by heavy rotation and usage in promotions, the song made the band very popular.

– In three papers which were published in 1952–53, Bohr and Mottelson demonstrated close agreement between theory and experiment, for example showing that the energy levels of certain nuclei could be described by a rotation spectrum.

– A rolling thunder is a move where a wrestler does a forward roll towards an opponent and uses the complete rotation to spring up onto their feet and into the air to perform an attack.

– The French commander, Marshall Philippe Pétain, used a system of rotation by which every division in France fought for a short time at Verdun.

– As the collapse continues, conservation of angular momentum means that the rotation accelerated.

– In cases of Stereochemistrystereochemical retention, the migrating group translates without rotation into the bonding position.

– The rotation is continuous and the metal remains liquid; once all waves and imbalances die out, the telescope is then used.

– It consists of a ball held by a socket containing sensors to detect a rotation of the ball about two axes.

– Alongside triple battles are Rotation Battles.

– The Foucault pendulum, or Foucault’s pendulum was created as an experiment to show the rotation of the Earth.

– The rotation period could not be estimated well.

– The short axis is the rotation axis.

– Kalliope’s rotation is then a bit retrograde.

– A shooting star senton is a move where the wrestler jumps forward from higher ground, does a backflip in midair, and continues the rotation and adds another 90 which ends in a senton.

– The rotation of pillar causes water to form a great whirl.

– Voyager 1 measured Saturn’s rotation as being 10 hours 14 minutes at the equator, 10 hours 40 minutes closer to the poles, and 10 hours 39 minutes 24 seconds for the planet’s interior.

– Sidereal time is a “time scale that is based on the Earth’s rate of rotation measured relative to the fixed stars”.

– For this reason, an upside down throw is typically released with either clockwise rotation and the left edge up, or counterclockwise rotation and the right edge up.

– Finally, shouldn’t all the articles be in rotation at the same time? It really doesn’t matter when they get shown and when…

– Its rotation period is very common for big asteroids, but nothing is known of its axial tilt.

– If the point of rotation lies outside the circle, the shape of the torus will have a hole, and the torus will be called ring torus.

– A tornado does not necessarily need to be visible; however, the extremely low pressure caused by the high wind speeds and rapid rotation usually causes water vapor in the air to condense into a visible “condensation funnel”.

– There are two ways that natural and man-made things can use rotation to move around.

– We could also just expand the rotation and add a new article subpage.

– Galaxies and the universe: properties of the universe are revealed by the rotation of galaxies and their distribution in space.

– The velocity of a carousel’s rotation is about 5 rounds a minute.

– The amount of energy stored is a function of the weight and the speed of rotation – making a heavier wheel rotate faster takes more energy.

– A shooting star leg drop is a move where the wrestler jumps forward from higher ground, does a backflip in midair, continues the rotation and lands on the downed opponent with their leg.

– Because all skating jumps are landed going backwards, the Axel jump has an extra half rotation in the air than all other skating jumps.

– In 1987 the rotation stopped and the race stayed at Silverstone.

– Songs in heavy rotation will be played many times in a 24-hour period.

– A geographical pole is either of two points on the surface of a rotating planet where the axis of rotation meets the surface of the planet.

– In the study of planets, a light curve can be used to work out the rotation period of a minor planet, natural satellitemoon, or comet nucleus.

– Alpha helices are coils that turn in a clockwise rotation and beta strands form a beta sheet where the chains lie alongside each other.

– Similar to tropical cyclonehurricanes, a Coriolis effect causes the rotation of a polar vortex.

– There are no oceans or landmasses to cause local heating and the rotation speed is much higher than that of Earth.

– Objects that are very spread out from the axis of rotation are very hard to start spinning, but once they get going, they are also hard to stop.

– It was printed in newspaper rotation and distributed through a national newspaper stands network.

– In writing about their rotation, I remembered that there was a lovely, simple and very educational argument about how to work out their maximum rotation speed.

– The orbit of the bulge fit in with Pluto’s rotation period, which was already known from Pluto’s light curve.

– Gluck’s student short film name “Man’s Best Friend was awarded the esteemed Walter Lantz Award.” The film premiered worldwide in heavy rotation on MTV’s network, and received many top awards in the US and International film circuits and toured worldwide in Spike and Mike’s Sick and Twisted Animation Festival.

– The video for the single “God Promised A Paradise” was in heavy rotation on MTV.

– This means that earth’s rotation moves stars past the telescope.

– Specifically, a right-handed turn around an axis usually counts as positive, while a left-handed rotation counts as negative.

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