“rome” how to use in sentences

How to use in-sentence of “rome”:

– Paolo Gentiloni Silveri ; born 22 November 1954 in Rome is an Italian politician.

– In 64, most of Rome was destroyed in the Great Fire of Rome.

– The technique first appeared in Rome in the 16th century.

– Caruso died of complications from Parkinson’s disease in Rome on 7 March 2019, aged 84.

– He then returned to Rome and celebrated a triumph for the conclusion of the wars on 22 October 180.

– Gattegna died in Rome on 10 November 2020 in Lazio, Italy from COVID-19 at the age of 81.

rome how to use in sentences
rome how to use in sentences

Example sentences of “rome”:

- The time zones are numbered in relation to the UTC, so in Los Angeles the time zone will be UTC−8, in London UTC+0, in Rome UTC+1, and in New Delhi UTC+5:30.

- In Rome in 1960 he broke the English Olympic record, recording a time of 2hours 27mins.

– The time zones are numbered in relation to the UTC, so in Los Angeles the time zone will be UTC−8, in London UTC+0, in Rome UTC+1, and in New Delhi UTC+5:30.

– In Rome in 1960 he broke the English Olympic record, recording a time of 2hours 27mins.

– It is set in Ancient Rome and Ancient Judea.

– He ruled Rome from 534ndash;510 BC.

– She studied at Rome University.

– Whenever a king died, Rome entered a period of “interregnum”.

– Nicolodi died on 26 November 2020 in Rome at the age of 70.

– The painting is meant to show that at that time, the early 1500s, there was a new birth of ideas and learning among the people of Rome that was equal to the learning of Ancient Athens.

– Barenboim played the piano in Vienna and Rome in 1952, Paris in 1955, London in 1956.

– Actually the violin had not been invented, Nero wasn’t in Rome at the time, and when he heard of the fire he returned to direct relief efforts.

– The river is well-known because the city of Rome was founded on its eastern banks.

– Abyssinia and Rome ruled by Justinian were both Christian countries.

– He competed at the 1960 Summer Olympics in Rome in the road race and finished in sixth place.

– She died in Rome from lung cancer.

– In 26, Tiberius moved from Rome to the Isle of Capri, and left administration largely in the hands of his unscrupulous Praetorian Prefect Sejanus.

– The opera was first performed in Rome on January 19, 1853.

More in-sentence examples of “rome”:

– The Gospel was probably written in Rome and is thought by scholars to be from the memories of Jesus’ follower or “disciple”, Peter.

– He co-founded the Patristic Institute Augustinianum in Rome and was made a cardinal cardinal on 18 February 2012 by Benedict XVI.

– Born in the United States, he returned to Italy in the early fifties to open an atelier in Rome in the highly fashionable Via Veneto.

– He seems to have left Rome when the papal choir had money problems.

– Cerniglia died in Rome on 14 May 2020, aged 81.

– Corsi died in Rome on 22 February 2016.

– Greece was then ruled by the Roman Empire, and many argue that Rome conquered Greece with its army, but Greece conquered Rome with its culture.

– Galasso died in Rome of prostate cancer on 12 February 2018 at the age of 88.

– Ancient Greece and Ancient Rome had many slaves.

– He was a member of the European Parliament from 2004 to 2008, and served as president of the Province of Rome from 2008 to 2012.

– In 49 AD Claudius married his own niece Agrippina the YoungerAgrippina, and she called Seneca back to Rome to be a tutor for her son Nero.

– He flew to Rome the next day for treatment, and his wife Courtney Love met him there a few days later.

– The EU grew out of the European Economic Community which was established by the Treaties of Rome in 1957.

– In 216 and 205 BC, Perugia assisted Rome in the Second Punic War.

– Others followed Newman to Rome while others, such as Pusey and John Keble, remained in the Anglican Church to continue the work of reforming it.

– These were brought from Rome via artists commissioned by the Valencian Pope Alexander VI.

– Giovanni Maria Ciocchi del Monte was born in Rome in 1487.

– Although Rome at first rejoiced at the death of Sejanus, the city quickly plunged into more extensive trials, as Tiberius relentlessly persecuted all those who could in any way be tied to the schemes of Sejanus or had courted his friendship.

– In Rome there are many basilicas like this, because Rome was a very big city, with many Christian people.

– Benetti died in Rome on 24 February 2016 from complications of pneumonia.

– Lucretia’s kinsman, Lucius Junius Brutus, summoned the Senate and had Tarquinius and the monarchy expelled from Rome in 510 BC.

– Peter’s and build a basilica that would be the grandest church in the world and make Rome famous.

– Beltrami later taught at universities in Pisa, Rome and Pavia.

– After western Rome was captured by Germanic people, the Empire continued to control modern Egypt, Greece, Palestine, Syria and Turkey.

– In 1391, and again at the beginning of the 15th century, tales were in circulation about a paradise within a German mountain and a traveler who idles with a Sybil before heading to Rome for the Pope’s forgiveness.

– The Pope Joan story states that she was German and arrived in Rome dressed in men’s clothes, managing to convince people that she was in fact a man.

- The Gospel was probably written in Rome and is thought by scholars to be from the memories of Jesus' follower or "disciple", Peter.

- He co-founded the Patristic Institute Augustinianum in Rome and was made a cardinal cardinal on 18 February 2012 by Benedict XVI.
- Born in the United States, he returned to Italy in the early fifties to open an atelier in Rome in the highly fashionable Via Veneto.

– Scimone died on 6 September 2018 in Rome at the age of 83.

– Levada died on September 26, 2019, in Rome at the age of 83.

– Frederick protected Luther, and did not send him to Rome for trial.

– Although Rome ceased to be the operational capital, it was still the nominal capital of the entire empire.

– He spent the last 12 years of his life in Rome and created many of his most famous paintings.

– He studied at the Royal College of Music, King’s College, Cambridge where he was pipe organorgan scholar, and in Rome with Franco Ferrara.

– When Gregory died on March 27, 1378, the cardinals in Rome elected an Italian-born pope named Urban VI as his successor.

– Felicissimus, a “rationalis” in Rome started a rebellion in the city, possibly in this first winter.

– His sketchbooks, which are now in a museum in Berlin are very important evidence for showing what Rome was like in the 1500s.

– A strong force drawn from the Judaean and Syrian legions marched on Rome under the command of Mucianus.

– It was the first time in 800 years that Rome was sacked.

– On Henry III and Pope Clement’s way back to Rome in October 1047, Pope Clement suddenly died.

– The second set of recordings was made in Rome in April 1904.

– Born in Savona, Italy, she studied at the Milan Conservatory of Music, under Ghirardini and Merlini, and later in Rome with Mercedes Llopart.

– The Allies went north-west to Rome which was captured on 4 June.

– After that to Malta, and then lastly the went to Rome and the Pope Paschal II declared them as an independent nation though they had no territory.

– Sulla set about purging Rome of his enemies.

– But fifty years later Rome lost the area that since then remained an integral part of the Sassanian Empire for more than two centuries.

– He must have been old enough to teach philosophy by the time Domitian banished all philosophers from Rome ca.

– Vulcan was among the gods placated after the Great Fire of Rome in AD 64.

– The Roman Forum was the central area around which ancient Rome developed.

– Sica died of a heart attack in Rome on 5 December 2014, aged 65.

– De Crescenzo was hospitalized in Rome for pneumonia in July 2019.

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