“romanesque” some ways to use

How to use in-sentence of “romanesque”:

– The sculptured portico is a noted work of Romanesque art.

– One thing is sure: when the Turkish peopleTurks were expelled from Hungary the fleeing troops slaughtered the families living here, destroyed the Romanesque church and set the village on fire.

– The round shape of the separating walls, the console style penance seating and the small Romanesque semi-columns all belong to this period.

– The cathedral also contains Romanesque architectureRomanesque, French Gothic, Baroque and neoclassical elements.

– He designed the Romanesque church of the abbey.

– The neo-Romanesque architectureromanesque style is a reminder of the many Romanesque churches in the Rhineland like Bonn Minster.

romanesque some ways to use
romanesque some ways to use

Example sentences of “romanesque”:

– In the early Romanesque style Cistercian churches, some of which are partially maintained, it is easy to recognize the simple, smooth forms, sparse decorations and furnishings.

– In some Romanesque or Gothic monasteries, the entrance to the chapter house is a miniature version of the entrance to a cathedral.

– It is a Romanesque architectureRomanesque palace that was made in the 19th century by King Ludwig II of Bavaria.

– It was built in the Romanesque style of architecture.

– The church is built in the Romanesque style.

– Considerable parts of it are still in Romanesque architecture.

– In the Western EuropeWest, Byzantine architecture was replaced by Romanesque and Gothic architecture.

– In the Romanesque period before the Gothic, some churches had vaulted roofs.

– It is also special because its nave is built in Romanesque architectureRomanesque style, but the Gothic style.

– It was started in the Romanesque style.

– Sculptor Harry Liva carved it out of Indiana limestone in Romanesque style.

- In the early Romanesque style Cistercian churches, some of which are partially maintained, it is easy to recognize the simple, smooth forms, sparse decorations and furnishings.

- In some Romanesque or Gothic monasteries, the entrance to the chapter house is a miniature version of the entrance to a cathedral.

More in-sentence examples of “romanesque”:

- Davy has described in great details Romanesque Symbolism as it developed in the Middle Ages in Western Europe.

- Emperor Cathedral shows Romanesque and Gothic architecture.

– Davy has described in great details Romanesque Symbolism as it developed in the Middle Ages in Western Europe.

– Emperor Cathedral shows Romanesque and Gothic architecture.

– The building is a Romanesque architectureRomanesque structure with later Gothic and Baroque additions.

– It was built in the Romanesque style.

– Naves are found in humble Saxon churches, and in grand Romanesque architectureRomanesque and Gothic Christian Abbeys, Cathedrals, and Basilicas.

– Even in the relatively hostile republic of Ragusa the Romanesque of the custom-house and Rectors’ palace is combined with Venetian Gothic, while the graceful balconies and ogee windows of the Prijeki closely follow their Venetian models.

– The Worms cathedral is one of the most important Romanesque buildings in Germany.

– The church of Saint Martin is of Romanesque architecture and was partly renovated during the Gothic period.

– The country area around the town has many Romanesque churches: some of those on the plain were built on the Roman Via Flaminia and indicate the road’s former route.

– Maria, at Zara, erected in 1105, is first in a long list of Romanesque buildings.

– At Arbe there is a beautiful Romanesque campanile which also belongs to the 12th century; but the finest example in this style is the cathedral of Trail.

– Many of these buildings were from the Middle Ages and were Romanesque or Gothic in style.Nikolaus Pevsner, “An Outline of European Architecture”.

– Sernin Basilica, the largest remaining Romanesque building in Europe, “Europe Close” designated in 1998.

– It was built in Romanesque style and its three churches date rom the 10th to the 12th century.

– The Basilica was a Romanesque building.

– The Romanesque Revival architectureRomanesque Revival structure was added to the National Register of Historic Places in 1976.

– The original North Dakota capitol building was built in 1883-84, in a Romanesque Revival style made popular by the famous American architect H.H.

– It has a clear Romanesque and Gothic form.

– The current gothic cathedral was built between 1135 and 1270, on the site of an romanesque church which had been destroyed by a fire.

– Buildings in the Romanesque style have very thick walls and round arches, Castles and churches or cathedrals were built in this style.

– All the types of buildings, and the general shape of the buildings were already there in the Romanesque period.

– There were two main ways to make a nave vault in the Romanesque period.

– The Romanesque style in England is called Norman architecture.

– Compared with the rounded Romanesque style, the pointed arch of the Early English Gothic looks more elegant and, more importantly, is better at distributing the weight of the stonework above it.

– The Cathedral of Ávila is a Romanesque and Gothic church.

– Today, Mont-Saint-Michel has a church of Romanesque style.

– At first the pattern made by the ribs was quite plain, like Romanesque vaults, but architects, particularly in England, soon started adding small ribs in between the main ones and making different patterns.

– It is in the Romanesque style of architecture.

– He ordered the construction of the cathedral and of the Romanesque architectureRomanesque cloister.

– Gothic architecture grew out of Romanesque architecture, in France in the 12th century.

– The Western transepts and tower were completed in an exuberant Romanesque style with a rich decoration of intersecting arches and complex mouldings.

– There are also many notable tombs and tombstones in the church, the oldest is a romanesque masterwork from the 11th century, and the largest a baroque monument to field-marchal Maurice of Saxony that fills up the entire rear wall of the choir.

– The building now is a late Romanesque building with four big towers.

– The Romanesque architectureRomanesque “Palas” is the oldest part of the buildings.

– The building has Romanesque architecture and was made of highly fireproof red brick.

– Architects in Western Europe in the Middle Ages made Romanesque architecture, then Gothic architecture.

– The town is picturesque; and its streets are interesting for their remains of ancient architecture, especially of the Romanesque period, and the memories of great historical events.

– Most of the city is built in a Romanesque style.

– Many Romanesque architectureRomanesque and Gothic abbeys were planned like Cluny.

– It is one of only three Romanesque cathedrals in Germany.

– Many of the buildings are made from limestone, including the with its Romanesque architecture.

– It was built between 1220 and 1240 in the Romanesque style.

– The cathedral was started in Romanesque style.

– The St Albans Psalter is the best known of a number of important Romanesque illuminated manuscripts produced in the Abbey scriptorium.

– The Cathedral of Sigüenza It is built in Romanesque and Gothic style.

– This is the first Romanesque architectureRomanesque cathedral built in Aragon.

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