“risky” – sentence examples

How to use in-sentence of “risky”:

– These missions were often highly risky and critical for the safety of Turkish Infantry troops, tanks and transport vehicles.

– Building nuclear plants is seen to be “a risky business”, according to several notable credit rating agencies and investment analysts.Bill Theobald.

– He did not tell Huck because he wanted a risky plan to rescue Jim.

– If false accusations were, some day, to be punished, as an eye-for-an-eye, then false claims would be greatly reduced and made less likely, as being too risky to try.

– However, because of the many American land-based airplanes on Hawaii, he thought that it was too risky to attack directly.

risky - sentence examples
risky – sentence examples

Example sentences of “risky”:

- At first, Urey was reluctant to put a graduate student on such a risky project but finally he agreed.

- An unsecured debt is more risky to the debt-holder.
- After going to dangerous lengths to prove herself, Bhumi is recruited into Fernandez's department, and begins to prepare for her risky new role.

– At first, Urey was reluctant to put a graduate student on such a risky project but finally he agreed.

– An unsecured debt is more risky to the debt-holder.

– After going to dangerous lengths to prove herself, Bhumi is recruited into Fernandez’s department, and begins to prepare for her risky new role.

– Jim is held in a shed and Tom has a risky escape plan.

– After the meeting, Longstreet assumed Lee had given up the risky Harpers Ferry scheme.

– In many cases, risky behaviour can provoke seizures.

– This was deemed too risky by the Dutch government and General Reijnders.

– Extremely risky instruments with high yield are usually called junk bonds.

– However, there is usually an order for which are most risky and which are the least: the least risky instruments, such as Treasury bonds, yield the least, then safe and “guaranteed” instruments like long-term deposits, then overnight deposits, and so on to the various municipal bond and corporate bonds.

– To score quickly, risky shots must be played which increases the chances of batsman being out.

– Solar cookers are also sometimes used for cooking outside, especially when using fire is risky or there is no fuel.

– A venture capital fund is a pooled investment vehicle that primarily invests the financial capital of third-party investors in enterprises that are too risky for the standard capital markets or bank loans.

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