“rising” how to use in sentences

How to use in-sentence of “rising”:

– A seamount is a mountain rising from the ocean sea floor.

– The red disc is for the sun rising over Bengal.

– It shows that in early autumn when the wind is southerly and when the sky is clear, the rising sun can turn Mount Fuji red.

– Dense bark, shedding lower branches, and high water content in external structures may also protect trees from rising temperatures.

– Intellectuals, students, and industrial workers, feared unemployment rising and social problems.

– People may have to leave two of the mud islands, Boigu and Saibai, unless something can be done about the rising sea.

– Turner has been seen as a rising star in the Democratic Party.

rising how to use in sentences
rising how to use in sentences

Example sentences of “rising”:

- World population has been rising since the end of the Black Death, around the year 1350.

- In the 10th century AD, the region was conquered by the rising Chola power.

– World population has been rising since the end of the Black Death, around the year 1350.

– In the 10th century AD, the region was conquered by the rising Chola power.

– The Laurasian landmass was broken up by the rising sea into large islands.

– Yorkshire Television has made successful programmes such as Emmerdale, Heartbeat, The Beiderbecke Trilogy, Rising Damp, Harry’s Game, The Darling Buds of May, Only When I Laugh and Duty Free.

– It includes information on astronomy such as the setting and rising times of the sun, moon, planets and stars, as well as eclipses.

– This sudden uplift was likely caused by rising magma of the Mackenzie plume, which caused the Mackenzie hotspot.

– The new federation was created after the other four republics broke away from Yugoslavia amid rising ethnic attacks, war and tension.

– They show rising levels of resistance to antibiotics.

– Commencing in 1998, the conservation process involved the following works: elimination of inappropriate additions, strengthening of the building’s structure, repair of cracks in surfaces, control and elimination of destructive factors such as rising damp, restoration of frescoes and decorative details and the sensitive incorporation of modern services and facilities such as water and sewage systems.

– Much of the population lives in Citycities and region that runs north-south with the Wasatch Mountains rising on the eastern side.

– We are ready to support a political solution that guarantees the rapid withdrawal of all Soviet troops and genuine self-determination for the Afghan people.” He ended with, “But now at length I have the happiness to know that it is a rising and not a setting Sun.” Well, you can bet it’s rising because, my fellow citizens, America isn’t finished.

– However, many of the ocean’s volcanic islands and seamounts are found in what are called island arcs, bending chains of islands rising from the sea floor, usually paralleling the concave edges of an oceanic trench.

– She was ranked #1 on Saturday Night Magazine’s Top 20 Rising Stars Under 30.

More in-sentence examples of “rising”:

– The EE Rising Star Award, formerly known as the Orange Rising Star Award, is one of the award categories for the British Academy of Film and Television Arts.

– She was nominated for the Orange Rising Star Award in 2006.

– It is observed to remember the crucifixion of Jesus Christ, his death, and his rising from the dead.

– The player can stop the playfield from rising by clearing blocks.

– The baboons have their hands raised to welcome the rising sun at dawn.

– It depicts the Greek sun god Apollo rising from the sea at daybreak in his four-horse chariot.

– The central area of the park, near the old Olive Downs sheep station, has “jump-ups”, flat topped mesas rising up to above the plains.

– Their last independent release, “Better Not Waste My Time”, was number one on Channel U for 5 weeks before dropping out and then rising again.

– They had hits such as “House of the Rising Sun”, “See See Rider”, “Don’t Let Me Be Misunderstood”, “Inside Looking Out”, “We Gotta Get Out Of This Place”, “Don’t Bring Me Down” and “It’s My Life”.

– Yes or no questions often have a rising end, but not always.

– With rising economic deficits under his administration, he called for taxes to be increased on the rich.

– For the first time, Jeff Bezos was listed as the top billionaire due to Amazon’s rising stock price that resulted in one person’s biggest one year gain in wealth since Forbes started tracking in 1987.

– His most famous work was “Jurassic Park.” Other examples of Crichton’s novels that later went on to become big-budget films include Congo, The Lost World, Rising Sun, and Sphere.

– Onset urbanization caused a rapid rising of the population.

– When James Francis Edward Stuart tried become king of Kingdom of EnglandEngland, Ireland and Scotland in the Jacobite rising of 1715, Forman was late in sending orders to the English general Charles Wills, who was fighting the Jacobites.

– The average IQ scores for many populations have been rising about three points per decade since the early 20th century.

– It is a series of parallel rock hill ridges rising from 4,000 feet in the north.

– Long-term prospects for the key tourist sector have been greatly bolstered by the expansion of air travel in the Pacific, the rising prosperity of leading East Asian countries, and the willingness of foreigners to finance infrastructure development.

– This can be seen at the very middle of the Act II Interlude, when a piano plays a rising pattern of notes, which then reverses direction and falls.

– A tide is the periodic rising and falling of Earth’s ocean surface caused mainly by the gravitational pull of the Moon acting on the oceans.

– The star is shown rising into the blue sky that is stretching over Brazil.

– After the Easter Rising in 1916, Ó Ceallaigh was put in jail, released, and put in jail again.

– The “Irish Independent” said about the 1916 Easter Rising that it was “”insane and criminal””.

– It is shown rising on one side, and setting on the opposite side, and traveling, through the night, through the underworld, ruled by Osiris.

– British newspapers and picture postcards often called the Easter Rising the Sinn Féin rebellion.

– However, in September 2009, Santander announced that it will continue its sponsorship with Vodafone McLaren-Mercedes due to its brand awareness in the UK rising from 20 to 82 percent.

– She was awarded the Rising Star Award at the Denver Film Festival on November 12, 2009.

– The terms are written with a rising degree from right to left.

– Here, as is common with “wh-” questions, there is a rising intonation on the question word, and a falling intonation at the end of the question.

– But this has happened only once, to John Erskine, 6th Earl of Mar who was “deprived” of both the knighthood and the earldom after taking part in the Jacobite rising of 1715.

– The game was the third in the Dead Rising Dead Rising video game series and is the sequel to Dead Rising 2 which was released in 2010.

– From 1978 to 2007, Tharoor was a career official at the United Nations, rising to the rank of Under-Secretary General for Communications and Public Information in 2001.

– In the years after the fame of the automobile was rising enormous.

– The leaders stopped and Berger was the big loser with Nannini and Senna the big gainers, rising directly behind the Williams men.

– He and the other survivors of the Rising took over Sinn Féin and then turned into a republican party.

– However the Alliace for the Future of Austria even announced the people’s initiative “Preisstop jetzt!” calling for a stop to rising prices to be held; however, due to the necessary timeframe, the period during which people will be able to sign for the initiative will only start after the election, thus limiting its potential impact.

– This may be caused by a rising mantle plume or some other cause.

– The name of the river comes from an Algonquian languagesAlgonquian word, “lappihanne meaning “river of quick, rising water” or “where the tide ebbs and flows” the name used by the local native population, the Rappahannock tribe.

– Some of the things that they painted were: snow gently falling over a town, mist rising on a river in the pink morning light, people walking through a field of wheat with bright red poppies growing in it, sunlight dappling through leaves onto people dancing, a train sending up clouds of smoke in a big railway station, and water lillies floating on a pool under drooping willows.

– The letter É indicates a rising tone in Vietnamese.

– On 24 April 1916 the Easter Rising began.

– In 2015, the name was One Billion Rising Revolution.

– If the sea level keeps rising at the same rate, this country will be covered by water in about 50 years.

– After WrestleMania XIV in March 1998, the WWF regained the lead in the Monday Night Wars with its new “WWF Attitude” brand, led in particular by rising stars Steve Austin, The Rock and Mankind.

– It is the most prominent of the group, rising to nearly 3,000 m above sea level at Pico do Fogo.

– Originally called there as a rising starlet, her roles were generally supporting ones.

– He was formerly in a band called Rising with his sister.

- The EE Rising Star Award, formerly known as the Orange Rising Star Award, is one of the award categories for the British Academy of Film and Television Arts.

- She was nominated for the Orange Rising Star Award in 2006.
- It is observed to remember the crucifixion of Jesus Christ, his death, and his rising from the dead.

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