“ring system” some ways to use

How to use in-sentence of “ring system”:

– Rhea may have a thin ring system with three narrow bands in a disk of solid particles.

– The Neptune planet Neptune has a dim planetary ring system which is made up of several separate rings and some “ring arcs”.

– The Saturnian moon Rhea may have a thin ring system with three narrow bands in a disk of solid particles.

– The ring system of Uranus has thirteen distinct rings.

– Because it showed up brighter than expected when photos of it were taken, it may have a ring system five times wider than that of Jupiter.

– Pictures from “Voyager 2” in 1989 solved the problem, when the ring system was found to have several faint rings.

– The ring system was created when several moons crashed together.

ring system some ways to use
ring system some ways to use

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