“rich in” example in sentences

How to use in-sentence of “rich in”:

+ No other natural environment on Earth is as rich in oxygen.

+ The ores are usually rich in iron oxides and vary in colour from dark grey, bright yellow, deep purple, to rusty red.

+ Because the Pasig River is rich in water lilies, the government made livelihood programs of making baskets from water lilies and other recycled items.

+ Bazargay is rich in its marble resources.

+ Spinach is rich in vitamin K, vitamin A, vitamin C, and folic acidfolate, is rich in iron.

+ This species is highly fished because they are rich in omega-3 fatty acids which makes a good dinner.

+ Jellyfish with algae behave so that their partners get the best light during the day, and descend to depths at night, where the water is rich in nitrates and brown with decay.

rich in example in sentences
rich in example in sentences

Example sentences of “rich in”:

+ Africa is rich in Triassic and Lower Jurassic dinosaurs.

+ The region is rich in coral and has many diving sites.

+ Watermelon, being rich in vitamin C, so it strengthens the body’s immune system.

+ He became very powerful and rich in the process.

+ Featured by the BBC is a tree on the island of New Caledonia, “Pycnandra acuminata”, which grows on soil rich in nickel.

+ Guadeloupe was rich in sugar.

+ Guizhou is a relatively poor and economically undeveloped province, but rich in natural, cultural and environmental resources.

+ The food consumed by the dinvery rich in this period consisted largely of venison, and often of blackbirds and larks.

+ The anus is rich in nerve endings and is also sometimes stimulated during masturbation, as are the nipples.

+ The area is very rich in archaeological remains because of its location.

+ The area of “Ersilia”, is very rich in old artifacts.

+ Africa is rich in Triassic and Lower Jurassic dinosaurs.

+ The region is rich in coral and has many diving sites.

More in-sentence examples of “rich in”:

+ This type of meteorite is rich in carbon.

+ The coastal zones are rich in fish that visit the Norwegian Sea from the North Atlantic for spawning.

+ Fulani ecotype chickens are heavier and rich in meat quality.

+ The Corsican language is very important for the Corsican culture, because it is really rich in proverbs.

+ Manure has been used for centuries as a fertilizer for farming, as it is rich in nitrogen and other nutrients which facilitate the growth of plants.

+ The galls are rich in resins and tannins, from which dyes and inks can be made.

+ Mast cells have many Granule granules rich in histamine and heparin.

+ The province is rich in water; the main river is the Piave river that flows through the province from north to south.

+ Azerbaijan is rich in natural resources which provide energy, especially in crude oil and natural gas, and hydroelectricity and wind power.

+ It is very rich in marine life.

+ South Africa is ranked sixth out of the world’s 17 megadiverse countries, with more than 20,000 different kinds of plants, or about 10% of all the known species of plants on Earth, making it very rich in plant biodiversity.

+ Arkose is a kind of sandstone which is rich in the mineral feldspar.

+ The soil of Gabon is rich in the metals uranium, manganese, and petrolium.

+ It is rich in coal,a tribal district.

+ The crust serves as a source of salt and covers a pool of brine, which is exceptionally rich in lithium.

+ It is one of the most studied meteorites, since it belongs to a group of meteorites rich in organic compounds, known as carbonaceous chondrites.

+ Early man’s ancestor may have also relied upon this system and lived on a diet rich in foliage.

+ A chemical can accept a proton if it has a negative charge, or if the molecule has an electronegative atom like oxygen, nitrogen, or chlorine that is rich in electrons.

+ The area however is rich in minerals.

+ The strong water inflow from the rivers make the Gulf low in salinity and rich in sediments.

+ Bowheads live in pods, are rich in blubber, and have 2 blowholes.

+ Still uncontaminated, the Mort is characterized by shallow and calm waters with a sandy and muddy seabed, rich in phytoplankton.

+ Confections are usually low in Nutritionnutrients but rich in calories.

+ Kiwis are rich in vitamin C, vitamin K, potassium, and fiber.

+ Balochistan is rich in exhaustible and renewable resources; it is the second major supplier of natural gas in Pakistan.

+ This type of meteorite is rich in carbon.

+ The coastal zones are rich in fish that visit the Norwegian Sea from the North Atlantic for spawning.
+ Fulani ecotype chickens are heavier and rich in meat quality.

+ This limestone is rich in fossils.

+ Sapodilla and chico is rich in iron, calcium, potassium, and phosphorus.

+ Strawberries are rich in vitamin C and manganese.

+ This basin is incredibly rich in wildlife and plants.

+ Because there is a galaxy cluster within its borders, this constellation is especially rich in galaxies.

+ Moreover, hazelnut are rich in proteins and unsaturated fats.

+ The lava is rich in magnesium and iron.

+ These natives often talked about the richness and fertility of their native land, speaking of a country rich in silver and gold.

+ Tofu is rich in textured vegetable protein and is relatively low in calories.

+ It also rich in biodiversity and generally consists of indigenous tribes.

+ A century ago, the sea was very rich in cod, herring, and salmon, which were important sources of food in the countries around the sea.

+ Inhalation means bringing air rich in oxygen into the body.

+ The berries are a good source of vitamins C and K, and are rich in iron, copper and manganese.

+ Papaya and guava is very rich in fiber and potassium should be consume after meal everyday.

+ Atlanta is rich in African American history and hip-hop culture.

+ It is also rich in iron, phosphorus, and natural fibers.

+ The area is also very rich in minerals, like gold, silver, tin, and tungsten.

+ It often includes things that are rich in artificial sweeteners, flavours and colourings.

+ Ladakh is also rich in minerals like gold, copper and semi-precious stones.

+ These meteorites have pyroxene, which is a mineral rich in iron and magnesium.

+ Some Americans became very rich in this Gilded Age, and the country developed one of the largest economies in the world.

+ The rivers including the Jardine, Jackson, Olive, Holroyd and the Wenlock are rich in fish.

+ The area is also rich in minerals like gold, tungsten, uranium, zinc and more.

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