“rhinoceros” how to use?

How to use in-sentence of “rhinoceros”:

– The northern white rhinoceros eats mainly grass, and other low lying vegetation.

– The Javan rhinoceros is a herbivorous browser that belongs to the order of the Odd-toed ungulatesPerissodactyla and is one of the three species of rhino native to Asia.

– In January 2009 the zoo announced plans to expand the Eastern Black Rhinoceroseastern black rhinoceros exhibit.

– The scientists wondered if bringing flocks of oxpeckers to groups of rhinoceros without them would help the rhinos avoid human hunters.

– The rhinoceros was in Lisbon, but Durer never saw it.

– They found that the black rhinoceros listens for the noises the oxpecker makes.

rhinoceros how to use?
rhinoceros how to use?

Example sentences of “rhinoceros”:

- Odd-toed ungulates have an uneven number of toes: Horses have only one toe, rhinoceros have three toes, and tapirs have four toes on the front feet and three toes on the hind feet.

- Sudan was a captive northern white rhinoceros who lived at the Ol Pejeta Conservancy in Laikipia, Kenya.

– Odd-toed ungulates have an uneven number of toes: Horses have only one toe, rhinoceros have three toes, and tapirs have four toes on the front feet and three toes on the hind feet.

– Sudan was a captive northern white rhinoceros who lived at the Ol Pejeta Conservancy in Laikipia, Kenya.

– The white rhinoceros or square-lipped rhinoceros is one of the five species of rhinoceros that still exist and is one of the few megafauna species left.

– The Sumatran rhinoceros is a small, hairy rhinoceros which survives in limited numbers in pockets of Indonesian and Malaysian rain forests.

– The Eastern black rhinoceros is also known as the East African black rhinoceros.

– The third was done a few years before by Julius Maternus, a Roman explorer who reached the Lake Chad area and described the abundance of animals like hippopotamus and rhinoceros in that northern Nigerian region.

– The elephant is the heaviest, and the white rhinoceros is the second heaviest, but a bit smaller than the hippo.

– The black rhinoceros is not actually black, but dark.

– A rhinoceros is any animal in the family Rhinocerotidae.

– The rhinoceros is a herbivore.

– The white rhinoceros is not white, but lighter coloured.

– The rhinoceros was from an extinct Indian species.

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