“restore” use in sentences

How to use in-sentence of “restore”:

– Can you give us specifics on how we can restore the page.

– He worked tirelessly to restore relations between the Muslims and the British.

– His son James Francis Edward Stuart attempted to restore the Jacobite line after James’s death, but failed.

– For a long time, the state has been trying to restore the Everglades.

– I also deleted the sandbox this morning to test out a restore feature I was scripting, but did not get a chance to because he without talking to me, or letting me know.

– Attempts to restore it have often caused more harm than good.

– However, the government of Pakistan decided on March 14, 2006 to take all steps to restore tourism of the Kaghan valley.

– However Japanese neoconservatives want to restore the military in that they want to use the Japanese “Self-Defense” Forces to for more than just “self-defense”.

restore use in sentences
restore use in sentences

Example sentences of “restore”:

- So can anyone of you please restore the page? Thanks.

- I ask to restore it in order to make it look normal.

– So can anyone of you please restore the page? Thanks.

– I ask to restore it in order to make it look normal.

– Louis wrote to Napoleon after the disastrous Russian campaign to restore him to the Dutch throne.

– Pertinax tried to restore discipline in the Praetorian Guard, and did not pay them what they had expected.

– The flights restore a regular direct air link between Australia and Sri Lanka after a hiatus of 16 years.

– Having worked hard to restore the duchy throughout his reign as a result of it being destroyed by the various wars throughout Leopold’s life.

– Wormtail uses Harry’s blood, Tom Riddle Sr.’s bone, and his own hand to restore Lord Voldemort to a body.

– She currently has page in the Restore NYC website in which she urges people to donate and help the cause.

– They acted in the name of Japan’s emperor, to restore the emperor’s powers.

– Temporary abdominal closure techniques are most commonly used in cases of abdominal compartment syndrome in which decompressive laparotomy is necessary to reduce intra abdominal pressure to restore system perfusion.

– This agreement would restore the San Joaquin River below the dam, reducing pollution.

– We’ll restore your access as quickly as possible, so try again soon.

– Now seeing as it’s still serving as a deleted category, I say we recreate or restore it till at least the discussion on simple talk concludes.

– No plans have been indicated to restore the site, on speculations of angry responses from the People Republic of China and abroad.

– Politically he was a member of the Bonaparte party which sought to restore the Bonaparte family to the French throne.

– He also believed that the best opportunity to restore Malta to its original state was to expel the British.

– The same year he created the United Civil Front, a political movement whose main goal is to dismantle Putin’s regime and restore democracy in Russia.

– I thought about what he said and asked him to restore the articles so I could see if undeletion was worth pursuing.

– This would give admins the ability to delete the page and restore it.

More in-sentence examples of “restore”:

– Wayne decides to use the Mother Box to resurrect Superman not only to help them fight Steppenwolf’s army, but also to restore hope in humanity.

– She had been blind, but a series of operations helped restore her eyesight.

– In 2010, she supported Restore Freedom, a campaign against sex trafficking, where she helped and advocated towards building a safehouse in New York that shelters and helps survivors of sex trafficking.

– Moisturizers are designed to either impart or restore hydration in the stratum corneum, which is an interactive, dynamic structure, and maintenance of hydration can impact its barrier function.

– According to the Bible, Jesus sacrificed himself for all of mankind not only to show his love but also to pay the penalty of our sin, restore our relationship with God, and to destroy the power of death and the grave.

– Richard N Cooper, “The General Theory of Employment, Money, and Interest” Foreign Affairs ; Sep/Oct 1997 Published in February 1936, it sought to bring about a revolution, commonly referred to as the “Keynesian Revolution”, in the way economists thought– especially in relation to the proposition that a market economy tends naturally to restore itself to full employment after temporary shocks.

– Now, one of the largest projects in the American West has been begun to restore the San Joaquin River.

– Please restore this page ASAP in its entirety as there was a PLETHORA of knowledge to be harvested from this page.

– An antivenom injection is available, which can help to restore the health of people who have become very ill after being bitten by the spider.

– There is also a school for librarians, and a workshop to restore ancient tets and to create facsimile copies.

– While some wanted to restore the buildings to their colonial splendor, some of Cusco citizens urged city officials to retain the exposed walls.

– Stuart tells them that he wants a fully-fueled Boeing 747 to be put on the runway and says that nobody should touch the Esperanza’s plane or try to restore the landing instruments.

– As a disk imaging solution, True Image can restore the previously captured image to another disk, effectively replicating the structure and contents to the new disk, also allowing partition resizing if the new disk is of different capacity.

– Instead of stars, Mario captures Shine Sprites that will help restore the island.

– In 2013, the Professional Football League of Azerbaijan decided to restore the Azerbaijan Supercup.

– Successively Vespasian was determined to restore and reinforce the full authority of Rome in the Caucasus as far as the Caspian.

– The Los Angeles River Master Plan was created in 1991 as a plan to restore a large stretch of the river and one of its large Tributarytributaries, the Tujunga Wash.

– I’ve never actually needed to restore revisions yet, so was unaware of the exact details of what would occur.

– In 1991 and 1992, Congress recommended that $27.7 million be spent to restore the center and improve handicapped access.

– Koch many historic places only to restore them such as the Donahue house, a Woolworth mansion in Manhattan; Architectural Digest, January 1994, article by Brendan Gill.

– After taking possession of the Company treasury, Nana advanced up the Grand Trunk Road stating that he wanted to restore the Maratha confederacy under the Peshwa tradition, and decided to capture Cawnpore.

– Zuko now tries to capture the Avatar to restore his honor and please his father.

– Was this a deliberate change? Is it something I can restore in my private settings? Thanks.

– Users who repeatedly restore the same comment to another user’s talk page may be blocked for violating the three-revert rule or harassing another user, regardless of whether the talk page is for a registered editor or for an unregistered “anonymous” editor.

- Wayne decides to use the Mother Box to resurrect Superman not only to help them fight Steppenwolf's army, but also to restore hope in humanity.

- She had been blind, but a series of operations helped restore her eyesight.

– This method results in a larger image file as it is not able to compress, resize, or selectively restore files on the unrecognized filesystem.

– List of ages of popesPope Nicholas V, was worried about it and got two architects, restore it or build a new one.

– Loeffler donated $750,000 to Restore Our Future, a Super PAC supporting former Governor Mitt Romney’s 2012 presidential campaign.

– In 308 BC, Bomilcar attempted a coup to restore the monarch to full power, but failed, which led to Carthage becoming in name as well as in fact a republic.

– Restorationism, also called Christian primitivism is a movement that tries to restore to model itself after what is known or believed of the Early Church.

– Hisoka also infiltrated the Phantom Troupe for chance to fight their leader Chrollo Lucilfer, aiding the Phantom Troupe restore Chrollo’s Nen ability for his benefit.

– This led the Florida Legislature to create new agencies to restore important insurance coverage.

– I request you to restore my page.

– Cech also studied telomeres, and his lab discovered an enzyme, TERT, which helps to restore telomeres after they are shortened during cell division.

– Please restore the article, or tell me how I can get a copy of the article.

– The main crime they accused him of was plotting with Austria to restore the absolute monarchy.

– Oranges and other fruits can restore vitamins.

– Probably seeking to restore Cnut’s “North Sea Empire”, Harald also claimed the Danish throne, and spent nearly every year until 1064 raiding the Danish coast and fighting his former ally, Sweyn.

– The park is the site of a reforestation project to restore the area which was destroyed by the eruptions.

– Before we know it, we may have people with 1 edit running for RfA, and then see them restore it with summaries of “Brought back due to authors request to view constructive critisism”.

– Dante saw in him a new Charlemagne who would restore the office of the Holy Roman Emperor for re-take Florence from the Black Guelphs.

– Kirby has to help him find the pieces of the magic yarn to restore Patch Land to normal.

– When adding Jews back in, restore and edit footnote 7.

– In 1944, the Japanese began to restore the buildings including the walls that the Dutch had built, the Hai-Shen Temple, the Wunchang Pavilion and the Penghu Academy.

– In 1968 the Soviet Union sent tanks into Prague to Wenceslas Square to restore their power.

– There, they meet Ralsei, a prince of the dark, who tells them that the three of them are heroes destined to close a geyser of dark energy to restore balance to that world.

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