“respond to” – sentence examples

How to use in-sentence of “respond to”:

– Wollstonecraft wrote the “Rights of Woman” quickly so that she could directly respond to ongoing events; she wanted to write a more thoughtful second volume, but died before doing so.

– One day, it was found that a reed failed to respond to the current.

– They also respond to serious crimes like bank robberies when normal police officers cannot control the criminals.

– Though we do have seven CheckUsers, some are not active, and some who do “use” the right do not always respond to on/off-wiki requests.

– They contain the pigment Iodopsin and respond to bright light and colour, because of which we can see stuff clearly around us.

– New models of touchpads often do more things because they can respond to the pressure of more than one finger.

– The situation where one player is making threats, and his opponent must respond to them.

– The deep Web contains library catalogs, official legislative documents of governments, phone books, and other content which is dynamically prepared to respond to a query.

respond to - sentence examples
respond to – sentence examples

Example sentences of “respond to”:

– I have had some edits rolled back by user Gotonda who has declined to respond to my notations on his talk page of why they were inappropriate..

– It uses Siri to answer phone calls, respond to text messages, give directions, and play music while keeping your eyes on the road.

– In the Catechism of the Catholic Church is specified that by means of meditation “The mind seeks to understand the why and how of the Christian life, in order to adhere and respond to what the Lord is asking”; also it is pointed out that “meditation engages thought, imagination, emotion, and desire.

– Herpes virus meningitis may respond to an antiviral drug.

– The governor of the state in which the disaster occurred must declare a state of emergency and formally request from the President that FEMA and the federal government respond to the disaster.

– With administrative tools, DannyS712 would be able to respond to vandalism/spam themselves, and they have more than enough experience both here and on other projects to be trusted with more buttons.

– He is known for creating the 5-point Likert scale, a scale that allows people to respond to questions of interest, in order to measure people’s attitudes.

– If this user does not respond to any of the messages and if this type of pointless edits are not stopped, this IP should be blocked, imo.

– It seems there’s some confusion here…I’ll clarify and respond to some two comments.

– I’m fine with anyone reviewing my block, but please give me the chance to respond to the blocked users first ok? Afterall, I blocked them and I deserve the chance to respond to a request for unblocking.

- I have had some edits rolled back by user Gotonda who has declined to respond to my notations on his talk page of why they were inappropriate..

- It uses Siri to answer phone calls, respond to text messages, give directions, and play music while keeping your eyes on the road.

More in-sentence examples of “respond to”:

- Administrators patrol this category from time to time and will respond to requests as appropriate.

- I will not be able to respond to admin requests so I ask the other sysops monitor my talk page for any activity.
- Organisms can respond to stress in different ways.

– Administrators patrol this category from time to time and will respond to requests as appropriate.

– I will not be able to respond to admin requests so I ask the other sysops monitor my talk page for any activity.

– Organisms can respond to stress in different ways.

– It lets animals respond to what is around them.

– If the infant is part of a litter it plays with its littermates; if it is a single infant, after the first stage of infancy it will begin peer play with other juveniles nearby, close enough for the mother to quickly respond to any difficulty.

– Washington was a delegate to the Continental CongressFirst Continental Congress, which was created by the Thirteen Colonies to respond to various laws passed by the British government.

– In terms of computer network defense, defense in depth measures should not only prevent security breaches but also buy an organization time to detect and respond to an attack.

– Lee did not respond to the offer.

– In February 2021, Pedro Pierluisi, said Congress was “morally obligated” to respond to last year’s referendum.

– These workers proved that mice which could not respond to LPS had mutations which abolished the function of TLR4.

– Police officers have to patrol and respond to emergencies as quickly as possible.

– The larger parties must respond to these opinions, and sometimes the larger parties copy ideas from third parties.

– An interesting feature of the game is that it is interactive and the characters can respond to you differently depending on what you are wearing.

– Two Philadelphia Police Department officers arrived in the area to respond to a domestic dispute.

– Modified epitheliumepithelial cells, known as hair cells, respond to changes around the fish.

– The body position does not respond to stimuli, and there is decreased sensitivity to pain.

– Each color receptor respond to different ranges of the color spectrum.

– He also helps carry out the council policies, develops programs and budgets to respond to council goals, and makes sure that people get effective and efficient city services.

– Former co-stars, many fans throughout the entertainment business along with politicians such as John McCain and Chris Christie taking to the internet to respond to his sudden death.

– If a report has been marked as resolved for a while, go ahead and remove it when you respond to new ones.

– Halsey ordered the remainder of the task force to return to base and directed the rest of his naval forces to take station in the Coral Sea, south of Guadalcanal, to be ready to respond to a Japanese attack.

– Sometimes, this happens because the person’s immune system did not respond to the vaccine.

– The most common ones are pH-sensitive hydrogels, which respond to pH changes in the environment.

– After Hulette did not respond to mouth-to-mouth resuscitation, the paramedics rushed to their townhouse but they pronounced her dead.

– Phototropism is one of the many plant tropisms or movements which respond to external stimuli.

– However, lately there has been a growing contention that the Federal Council is often too slow to respond to the needs of the moment, too resistant to change and too weak to lead the powerful federal bureaucracy.

– Once they have identified an invader, the cells respond to remove pathogens or pathogen-infected cells.

– I think what we did was to respond to a situation that was unconscionable.” On September 9, 2008, journalist Jake Tapper talked about the comic strip in Ayers’ blog, where he explained the soundbite: “The one thing I don’t regret is opposing the war in Vietnam with every ounce of my being….

– During his morning routine, Rogers would respond to every single fan mail and return them to the respective sender.

– If I need to supply more reasons as to why this page should be recovered please respond to me.

– The destruction of the French railway system prior to D-Day made it hard for the Germans to respond to the invasion.

– Various sensors, mostly bristles, respond to touch, from strong contact to very weak air currents.

– In bacteriumbacteria and other single-cell organisms, the transduction processes a cell has limits the number of ways it can respond to its environment.

– Work songs included a vocal call and response, or where the lead drummer makes a beat and then the others respond to it.

– I will respond to all suggestions for improvement on this article.

– You do not take an approach that negotiates with the editor, and you seem to think that if he doesn’t respond to the warnings, then he should be blocked.

– The editor using the IP never respond to messages on the Talk page.

– These markets will quickly respond to changes in supply and demand to find a price.

– When the narrator reports that the police respond to a call placed by a neighbor who heard a distressful scream, the narrator invites them to look around, confident that they will not find any evidence of the murder.

– I also want to respond as quickly as I can to respond to and answer all questions.

– It also allows users to answer phone calls and respond to text messages on their Mac or iPad.

– They are used to respond to Stress stress, to suppress pain and hunger.

– Esthercita, daughter of the mayor of this town, is obsessed with Damian, who does not respond to his flirtations, but Damian finally gives in, and she seduces him to succeed.

– Lastly, the light-responsive hydrogels respond to light.

– I’m on IRC most of the day so readily able to respond to requests as they come.

– Once the questions submission period has ended on April 20, the Elections Committee will then collate the questions for the candidates to respond to beginning on April 21.

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