“resist” – example sentences

How to use in-sentence of “resist”:

– Long after heliocentrism was all but universally accepted, some Protestant leaders continued to resist evolution.

– Perugia is hardly mentioned, except by the geographers, until it was the only city in Umbria to resist Totila, who captured it and laid the city waste in 547, after a long siege, apparently after the city’s Byzantine garrison evacuated.

– The bond is very strong because the adhesive is hard enough to resist flow.

– St Mawes Castle is a well-preserved coastal fortress from the time of Henry VIII, built to resist invasion from Europe.

– At most times, they would resist outside authority, preferring to be ruled by their own chiefs at a local level.

– After six months of age or more, infants begin to resist being placed in cradleboards more vigorously as they become more mobile, and they are often placed in the cradleboard with their arms and hands free, so that they can play with objects hung from the cradleboard for their amusement.

– Evers was assassinated by Byron De La Beckwith, a member of the “White Citizens’ Council, a group formed in 1954 to resist integration of schools and civil rights activity in America.

– Without proper equipment and training, the Afghanistan government was unable to resist the opposition, called the Mujahideen, eventually seeking the aid of the Soviet Union.

resist - example sentences
resist – example sentences

Example sentences of “resist”:

- When the organic matter has broken down into a stable humic substances that resist further decomposition it is called humus.

- However, the residents of the largely uneducated Boyd County farming community chose to resist the offer and controversy followed for almost two decades.

– When the organic matter has broken down into a stable humic substances that resist further decomposition it is called humus.

– However, the residents of the largely uneducated Boyd County farming community chose to resist the offer and controversy followed for almost two decades.

– She led the native people to resist Arab expansion in Northwest Africa.

– Stiffness is its ability to resist bending.

– For resin to survive long enough to become amber, it must resist such forces, or be produced under conditions that exclude them.

– His refusal to submit when a German-pressured Storting body asked him to abdicate inspired the Norwegians to resist the German occupation during World War II.

– It is certain this was known to the Germans, and may have helped the tribes come together to resist him.

– They are usually made of hardened steel which can resist wearing.

– In the diary, he warns everyone to resist tyrants and terrorism, and to not believe in their propaganda.

– Blasians and Afro-Hispanics also resist pressure.

– A bullet with a high BC will travel farther than one with a low BC since it will keep its speed better, resist the wind better, and “shoot flatter”.

– Noxious caterpillars often have thick, leathery cuticles which help them to resist young birds making a ‘test’.

– They were EnglandEnglish textile workers who took an oath to resist machinery in the textile industry.

– In the decades following Durrani rule, they would fiercely resist both the Sikh general Hari Singh Nalwa and Islamist reformer Syed Ahmed Barelvi’s attempts to control the region.

– Researchers are still trying to figure out why only the Desi Cows can resist succumbing to the disorder.

– The rulers of European countries thought it was a good idea to make the Netherlands stronger, to make them able to resist another French invasion.

More in-sentence examples of “resist”:

- Many of these cartoons mostly focused on Popeye's adventures and antics along with Olive and occasionally Wimpy as they tried to resist the antagonistic Bluto.

- The polar second moment of area is a measure of an object's ability to resist torsion as a function of its shape.
- Cyrus at first wants to remove her from the ship, but he cannot long resist Betty Lou's "it" factor; he eventually corners her and proposes marriage, but she gets him back, by telling him that she'd "rather marry his office boy", which accomplishes her goal, but breaks her heart.

– Many of these cartoons mostly focused on Popeye’s adventures and antics along with Olive and occasionally Wimpy as they tried to resist the antagonistic Bluto.

– The polar second moment of area is a measure of an object’s ability to resist torsion as a function of its shape.

– Cyrus at first wants to remove her from the ship, but he cannot long resist Betty Lou’s “it” factor; he eventually corners her and proposes marriage, but she gets him back, by telling him that she’d “rather marry his office boy”, which accomplishes her goal, but breaks her heart.

– Some sought refuge in the Ottoman Empire, which was then relatively tolerant to Jews and Christians and allowed them to have their own courts and laws, as long as they payed taxes and did not resist Ottoman rule.

– She found ways to resist such as running away for five days, wearing layers of clothing as protection against beatings, and fighting back.

– They had half of the rivers and mountains south of the Huaihe River to resist the Qing army, including the Hongguang regimes.

– However, the castle was considerably altered to resist the new artillery.

– She resist her arrest but accidentally kills Kenny by impaling him in the face with a sword.

– A fortification intended to resist these weapons is more likely to qualify as a Fortificationfortress or a redoubt.

– They can resist this only with products that, due to censorship, age or moral and moral restrictions, are not available to broadcast channels.

– He turned it into a place to resist the Qing Dynasty.

– After that, the subordinates decided that it was impossible to resist by force because they were surrounded by the army, and held a staff meeting to accept provisional disposition.

– Though Miroku cannot resist the poison, his hand is cured after Naraku’s defeat.

– The immune system is the set of tissues which work together to resist infections.

– In mechanics and fluid dynamicsdynamics, a system is stable if it will not change motion of its own accord, and will resist small efforts to change its direction or position.

– Underground roots and stems can resist more the bad weather than leaves and stems that are above the ground.

– Nationalism is still usually connected to goals that resist strong hierarchy between social classes inside society.

– Fallis then wrote a novel called “No Relation” about a man who wants to become a writer but can’t because his name happens to be Earnest Hemingway,even though he is not related to Ernest Hemingway and starts a support group for people who have famous names while trying to resist his father’s effort to make him take over his father’s underwear company.

– The S-Boxes are carefully chosen to resist cryptanalysis.

– Nowadays, the people’s attitude has changed dramatically though seismic loads, sometimes, exceed ability of a structure to resist them without being broken, partially or completely.

– Some species resist the cold rather well.

– Even Titurel’s son, Amfortas, could not resist the lure of Kundry.

– Icelandic horses are a breed of horse that resist the cold, have two unique gaits, and are a breed with special names.

– Anchors must resist wind and tide, and also the up-and-down movement of waves.

– He warns everyone to resist any ideology that would take away their personal freedoms, and he warns everyone to turn away from any belief that ignores the sanctity of human life.

– A very large church built like a fortress to resist fires better was started in the year of 1196.

– Al Shams was Pakistani armed groups formed by the Pakistan Army to fight out and resist Mukti Bahini and support the army in its campaigns in the former East Pakistan provincial region.

– However, some old names still resist today, such as Garret Hostel Lane which was named after Garret Hostel.

– To end up as amber, the starting resin must resist decay.

– The Monogononta, which have males, produce fertilised ‘resting eggs’ which can resist desiccation for long periods.

– The Government wanted the army to resist at the Grebbe Line and Peel Raam Position, and then fall back to the Fortress Holland.

– But, as time goes by, mankind eventually questions and begins to resist against their creators, to the ire of the Olympians.

– At the same time, he joined the peasant rebellion forces to resist the Qing Dynasty.

– This is later used to trick Artemis into holding the sky, as Artemis would not be able to resist helping a maiden.

– One example is modifying the plant to resist herbicides.

– Limestone is hard enough to resist weathering but usually soft enough to be worked by stonemasons.

– Some involved clever mathematics to resist clever cryptanalysis.

– While within northern Taiwanese cities most names of streets, districts, and subway stops are in Hanyu Pinyin, cities in southern Taiwan use many different spelling systems simply to resist using Hanyu Pinyin.

– During their 2002 album “Keep Fighting”, Max Resist also recorded the song “Battle of Brottby” with references to the Brottby Concert.

– Sometimes, seismic load exceeds ability of a structure to resist it without being broken, partially or completely.

– But they cannot resist much force in tension.

– The term may also refer to the structure supporting one side of an arch, or masonry used to resist the lateral forces of a vault.

– In 1101, he led an invasion to oust his brother Henry; he landed at Portsmouth with his army but his lack of popular support among the English as well as Robert’s own mishandling of the invasion tactics enabled Henry to resist the invasion.

– Goku Black tries to resist the restraint of the distortion but before the distortion pulls Black back to the future Black destroys Trunks’ time machine leaving Future Trunks in the past stranded.

– The flying boats were designed to resist rust and water damage so were very useful for transporting bulk salt, which would have rusted the other planes.

– Today’s production uses this type of plastic to create different things because it can resist very high and low temperatures.

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