“reset” how to use in sentences

How to use in-sentence of “reset”:

– A reset button or reset switch is a part of an electronic machine that makes it start again.

– The speed of the USB device is determined during the reset signaling.

– Small note: I have removed the protection from the article, and reset it, so that any user can edit it; the protection was interfering with being able to improve the article during the discussion.

– Tl;dr: 12 RfDs have been re-opened and reset for discussion under standard RfD procedure.

– The feed let the machine down, requiring the machine to be stopped frequently and reset up.

– Comeau originally started his musical career with the band Reset Reset which he formed in 1993 with bandmate Pierre Bouvier.

reset how to use in sentences
reset how to use in sentences

Example sentences of “reset”:

- When the next round begins, territories are reset and a new random layout is selected.

- I have reset the block for one year.
- Once this is done, I guess any person with shell access should be able to reset your password to one of your choice.

– When the next round begins, territories are reset and a new random layout is selected.

– I have reset the block for one year.

– Once this is done, I guess any person with shell access should be able to reset your password to one of your choice.

– Then save to reset the clock to the current time.

– A shortshot can cause the ride to be closed for a period of time while the ride is reset and tested several times before it can be opened again.

– In the process, Buzz is accidentally reset into a Spanish-speaking mode during an attempt to restore him to normal.

– Everything in Mediawiki seems to have reset itself – my settings has reset to preferences, contribs instead of changes…

– This system is polled periodically and reset at precise moments to read an input.

– The output separator can be reset by: disp=or, disp=comma, disp=x, or disp=out.

– Administrators may extend or reset the block duration of any user who has been found to have evaded their block.

– The page had been previously blanked by myself, but that was only to reset it after that current test so as to not affect categories and/or error reports.

– He comes when you reset the game and don’t save it.

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