“reproduction” how to use in sentences

How to use in-sentence of “reproduction”:

– The sex organs, which sciencescientists call the genitalia or genitals, are the parts of the body that allow sexual reproduction to take place.

– A reproduction of Vincent van Gogh’s painting Sunflowers 3 Sunflowers in a Vase was created in 2001 by artist Cameron Cross.

– Energy and time spent on defence can be considerable, but justified if it makes reproduction more likely.

– Sexual reproduction involves the production of ascospores.

– Very similar is reproduction by splitting, common in several phyla such as echinoderms and sponges.

– In botany, apomixis was defined by Hans Winkler as the replacement of the normal sexual reproduction by asexual reproduction, without fertilization.

– In comparison, the amphibia, whose reproduction is tied to water, are represented today by just a few highly specialised groups.

– Eukaryotic cell reproduction either involves mitosis or a more complex process called meiosis.

reproduction how to use in sentences
reproduction how to use in sentences

Example sentences of “reproduction”:

– The advantages of the inflorescence mode is all about reproduction compared to a single primitive flower of the “Magnolia” type.

– Some small and large scale societies use kinship not only for human reproduction but for “economic transactions, the political system and religious beliefs”.

– There are many adaptations which improve the fitnesssurvival and reproduction of plants by reducing the impact of herbivores.

– In popular usage, stereo usually means two-channel sound recording and sound reproduction using data from two speakers.

– In sexual reproduction there is, from the point of view of evolution, a fundamental difference of interest between males and females.

– The phonograph is a device for the mechanical recording and reproduction of sound.

– Ovules produce the female reproductive Cell cells which get fertilized during sexual reproduction in seed plants.

– At first, sexual reproduction might seem to be at a disadvantage compared with asexual reproduction.

– Adult males and young ones of both genders come together and form groups, although these groups to not seem to be made for reproduction or migration.

– Both Asexual reproductionasexual and sexual reproduction occur.

– An egg-adult association, gender, and reproduction in pterosaurs.

- The advantages of the inflorescence mode is all about reproduction compared to a single primitive flower of the "Magnolia" type.

- Some small and large scale societies use kinship not only for human reproduction but for “economic transactions, the political system and religious beliefs”.

– In order to be advantageous, sexual reproduction plus the difficulty of finding a mate.

– Using GDI, it is very easy to draw on multiple devices, such as a screen and a printer, and expect proper reproduction in each case.

– The Titan Stick insect reproduces through sexual reproduction and lay eggs that hatch.

– Sexual reproduction occurs typically during times of stress, such as during extreme temperature changes and low food supply.

– Sexual reproduction is a process that can only be found in eukaryotes.

– Most eukaryotes have some sort of sexual reproduction through fertilisation, which prokaryotes do not use.

– There is evidence that male reproduction abilities are reduced with higher age.

– Something has to be done to remove the things that are harmful to their survival, and their rate of reproduction needs to increase.

More in-sentence examples of “reproduction”:

– The shuffling of alleles which takes place in meiosis may be the reason why sexual reproduction exists at all.

– In home gardens, newts are settling in pools in which there may be a high reproduction rate.

– The first part of cell reproduction involves the replication of the parental cell’s DNA.

– It had a full scale reproduction of the mess, built by Colin Monk.

– There is no proper information about the reproduction habits of the Goblin shark.

– Apomixis is reproduction where only one parent passes genes to the offspring.

– Audio engineering deals with the recording and reproduction of sound through mechanical and electronic means and is a part of audio science.

– Civilization is harming the loggerhead reproduction cycle, due to beach construction.

– The study of male reproduction and sex organs is “andrology”.

– Asexual reproduction produces new individuals genetically identical to the parent plants, except when mutations occur.

– In the rest of the Norwegian Sea, it is found only during the reproduction season, at the Lofoten Islands, Mackerel is an important commercial fish.

– Most species show cyclical parthenogenesis, where asexual reproduction is occasionally supplemented by sexual reproduction.

– Sexual reproduction typically consists of releasing eggs and sperm into the water, with fertilization taking place externally.

– But sexual reproduction is very common in simpler forms of life, where the males have nothing to do with their offspring.

– The function of the adult imago is reproduction and dispersal; they do not eat.

– The sex organs or genitals are used for sexual reproduction and for sexual intercourse.

– Modern definitions usually centre round the idea of using long-chain nucleic acids, though prions have a form of reproduction without them.

– However, asexual reproduction is uncommon.

– Any allele of a gene which interfered with reproduction would have less chance of passing on to the next generation.

– Sex is a type of reproduction common among living things.

– Sexual reproduction is ancestral in eukaryotes, and in metazoa it is carried out by specialised sex cells.

– The Greeks, and most obviously Aristotle, studied living things, and proposed ideas about reproduction and heredity.

– The “significance of meiosis for reproduction and inheritance”, however, was first described in 1890 by Weismann, who noted that two cell divisions were necessary to transform one diploid cell into four haploid cells if the number of chromosomes had to be maintained.

– From this occasional reproduction is produced a seed in an air bag that floats.

– James said that this was mostly because of the “stiff breeze of the pretty reproduction in every variety of what is called tasteful, and in what seemingly proves to be salable, form.” Qtd.

– A hole forms in the cell membrane, then the virus particle or its genetic contents are released into the host cell, where viral reproduction may start.

– The hypothesis is used to explain two different phenomena: the Sex#Evolutionadvantage of sexual reproduction at the level of individuals, and the constant evolutionary arms race between competing species.

– In sexual reproduction its hyphae touch the hyphae of another “Rhizopus” mycelium.

– The fruit is part of a plant’s sexual reproduction cycle.

– This is the main result of sexual reproduction compared to non-sexual modes of reproduction.

– They reproduce primarily by asexual reproduction through binary fission or budding.

– In sexual reproduction the male attaches to a feeding stage and impregnates a budding female.

– Mammalian reproduction has evolved from laying cleidoic eggs to live birth.

– From the late 1920s, McClintock studied chromosomes and how they change during reproduction in maize.

– Often a fourth ink, black, is added to improve reproduction of some dark colors.

– Five of the 21 species of “Timema” are parthenogenetic, including two species that have done sexual reproduction for a million years.

– The basic reason for this is the way sexual reproduction increases the genetic variety in a population.

– So, asexual reproduction is common in many forms of life.

– Many of the complex plant Trait traits related to sexual reproduction evolved first in charophyceans.

– Since the reproduction is asexual, the newly created organism is a clone and is genetically identical to the parent organism.

– Asexual reproduction is infrequent and includes regeneration, budding, fragmentation, and gemmule formation.

– Stereophonic sound, also simply called stereo, is the reproduction of sound using two or more audio loudspeakers.

– Plants can do asexual reproduction in many more ways than animals.

– In amphibia, reptiles, birds and probably all early tetrapods, there is a common opening for urine, reproduction and faeces.

– This system of reproduction is called “apogamy”.

– The only scientific explanation for an animal’s behaviour is that it is well adaptationadapted for survival and reproduction in its environment.

– It took three years for modern laser measuring and the mold to be made in France for the reproduction sculpture, and another three years to carve the marble in Italy.

– Two animals coming together for the purposes of sexual reproduction is called mating.

– What happens is basically the same as sexual reproduction in animals.

- The shuffling of alleles which takes place in meiosis may be the reason why sexual reproduction exists at all.

- In home gardens, newts are settling in pools in which there may be a high reproduction rate.
- The first part of cell reproduction involves the replication of the parental cell's DNA.

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