“reorganization” – sentence examples

How to use in-sentence of “reorganization”:

– Upon territorial reorganization in 1945, it was given the name of Caaguazú.

– She was the guiding spirit behind the reorganization of the Paris Opéra Ballet.

– He is the first Secretary of State for Justice in a 2007 reorganization and enlargement of the portfolio of the Department for Constitutional Affairs.

– The Postal Reorganization Act signed by President of the United StatesPresident Richard Nixon on August 12, 1970, replaced the cabinet-level Post Office Department with the independent United States Postal Service.

– The therapeutic effect is achieved by the neutralization of traumatic emotional experiences and the progressive reorganization of the psychic structures to include previously unacceptable mental contents, too.

– After the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks in the United States, there was a reorganization so that the CIA and other intelligence agencies, report to a Director of National Intelligence.

– After the British administrative reorganization of India, Sylhet became a part of Assam.

– After some reorganization it was declared as the No.

reorganization - sentence examples
reorganization – sentence examples

Example sentences of “reorganization”:

- The 2011–12 National League A season was the fifth ice hockey season of the National League A since the reorganization of the Swiss league.

- After reorganization of members, they renamed King Gnu in 2017.

– The 2011–12 National League A season was the fifth ice hockey season of the National League A since the reorganization of the Swiss league.

– After reorganization of members, they renamed King Gnu in 2017.

– Made in 1984 during the reorganization and Was brought back in to The Walt Disney Company following the arrival of then-Disney CEO Michael Eisner, it was known as The Walt Disney Pictures Television Animation Group, the name was then changed and shortened to Walt Disney Television Animation starting in 1987 and was its name up until 2011, when it has been shortened again to Disney Television Animation.

– The “Department of Benaco”, which was created in 1797 and included some territories of actual Province of Trento and Province of Verona, was disbanded in 1798 and with it the District of Alto Adige after a structural reorganization of the Napoleon’s first Italian republic.

– The most rapid genetic reorganization occurs in small populations which have been isolated.

– The counties of Northern Ireland ceased to be administrative entities in 1973, with the reorganization of local government.

– He served in the second military junta of the National Reorganization Process dictatorship.

– In the local government reorganization of England in 1974 the counties of West Yorkshire, North Yorkshire, South Yorkshire were established instead.

– The current House committees were created from the Legislative Reorganization Act of 1946.

– In 1971, the Postal Reorganization Act went into effect, creating the United States Postal Service.

– The district as known today was created in 1969, during the reorganization of the districts in North Rhine-Westphalia, by combining Sieg District with the Rural District of Bonn.

– The partial reorganization of the provinces included separation of Sind from Bombay, Splitting Bihar and Orissa into separate provinces, Complete separation of Burma from India, detachment of Aden from India and establishing as a separate colony.

– During the reorganization of the districts in 1969 several of the municipalities in the district were joined together to become cities, but the district itself was only changed a little bit.

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