“renovation” how to use?

How to use in-sentence of “renovation”:

– The Museum is currently undergoing renovation and will reopen in 2013.

– Wood conducted a major expansion of its art collectioncollection and oversaw a major renovation and expansion project for its facilities.

– In some countries, notably Egypt, political approval is required for the construction or renovation of a church – such restrictions are not present in the construction of Mosques.

– The Museum is currently undergoing renovation and will reopen in April 2012.

– During the renovation of villages for the construction of Naya Raipur, it displaced the population of one village.

– The renovation included the construction of a roof over the three two-tiered stands and the installation of seats in half of the stadium.

renovation how to use?
renovation how to use?

Example sentences of “renovation”:

– The renovation started in May 2010.

– During the renovation in 2009, the hotel was modernized.

– He was awarded the Nobel Prize in Literature in 1934, for his “bold and brilliant renovation of the drama and the stage”.

– The area is currently under plan for Road Renovation under the District Authority’s plans.

– There was a massive renovation of the building from 1995 to 2000.

– In late 2009, South Korean forces and the United Nations Command began renovation of its three guard posts and two checkpoint buildings within the JSA compound.

– Repairs and renovation of Manila Cathedral were completed in 1958.

– The renovation reduced the number of visitors that can enter the stadium.

– The renovation was done at the beginning of the 21st century.

– Since the 1990s, developments such as CityPlace and renovation of 1920s architecture on Clematis Street have brought people back to downtown for the entertainment and shopping district.

– Following the 2001 season, a major expansion and renovation project was started, which was done in two phases in order to play the 2002 season in the stadium.

– Between 1918 and 1940 the center of the city undertook large renovation work.

– In 1952, due to the nationwide Renovation of educational systems, Zhejiang University was restructured and separated into 15 institutions.

– The area opened in 2005 after a renovation of Otter Creek.

– The tower remained as built for over 40 years until maintenance issues on the service tower required an extensive renovation which included covering its facade in photovoltaic panels.

– In the reconstruction after the Great Fire, Hooke proposed redesigning London’s streets on a grid pattern with wide boulevards and arteries, a pattern later used in the renovation of Paris, Liverpool, and many American cities.

- The renovation started in May 2010.

- During the renovation in 2009, the hotel was modernized.

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