“remains” some example sentences

How to use in-sentence of “remains”:

– Leakey and his team have not given the remains a subspecific name.

– During the Middle Ages, Europe changed as the remains of the great Western Roman Empire slowly became independent, unified nation states such as England,Scotland, France, Hungary, Spain, Portugal, Poland, Lithuania, Denmark and Norway.

– In January 2008, Russian scientists said that the remains of a young boy and woman found near Yekaterinburg in August 2007 might be the missing bodies.

– The case remains unsolved and has given rise to a number of conspiracy theories.

– The remains affected United Kingdom.

– Their catalog remains active 50 years later.

remains some example sentences
remains some example sentences

Example sentences of “remains”:

- For example, a $1 bill, which gets the greatest use, remains in circulation an average of 5.9 years; a $100 bill lasts about 15 years.

- Alkali Ridge, also known as Alkali Point, is a set of widely scattered Archaeologyarchaeological remains of the earliest forms of Puebloan architecture.

– For example, a $1 bill, which gets the greatest use, remains in circulation an average of 5.9 years; a $100 bill lasts about 15 years.

– Alkali Ridge, also known as Alkali Point, is a set of widely scattered Archaeologyarchaeological remains of the earliest forms of Puebloan architecture.

– During the dredging of the Villeneuve channel the remains of three large wooden piles were recovered.

– The dried herb also loses most of its flavour, and what little flavour remains tastes very different, with a weak coumarin flavour, like hay.

– Eryopsid remains from the Conemaugh Group, Braxton County, West Virginia.

– Arthur formed from the remains of dissipating Tropical Storm Alma which crossed Central America from the Pacific Ocean.

– Although many authors have been thought to have written this manuscript, the author remains unknown.

– These fragments were the remains of Swanscombe Man.

– At first they hold onto the remains of the strings and feed on the jelly.

– The sun sets on November 18 or 19, and remains below the horizon for about 65 days — that is, until the end of January.

More in-sentence examples of “remains”:

– As of 2013, Jaffee remains a regular in the magazine after 58 years and is its longest-running contributor.

– This remains an excellent approximation for everyday life and even most laboratory work.

– The historical monuments of the county consist of cairns, mounts or forts, remains of religious and military structures, and round towers.

– He was later a member of the Independent Commission for the Location of Victims’ Remains and for a time Northern Ireland Victims Commissioner.

– For example, Philip Miller would become Miller, Philip, but Kim Dong Ho remains Kim Dong Ho, because “Kim” is the surname.

– As of 2015, the right of these refugees to return to their former homes or to receive reparations remains uncertain.

– Nelson remains a compact city with most attractions within walking distance.

– The Reef Research Centre has found the remains of coral that are half a million years old.

– Corium is highly Ionizing radiationradioactive and remains hazardous for many centuries after a meltdown.

– Even though there are still places remains transportation facility is poor.

– Despite Gabrielle’s ascendancy as a warrior, her role as a bard remains important.

– Unlike his siblings, he always remains in the form of the mythical beast rather than that of a God.

– Howitt found the remains of both leaders, Robert O’Hara Burke and William John Wills and buried them close to the site of Innamincka.

– At the end of the war, Zeus took Kronos’ scythe and cut him into pieces, throwing his remains into Tartarus.

– The very delicate remains of one bird are embedded in rock.

– Subsequent repairs and the clearance of the area around the western end of the building uncovered portions of earlier structures, including remains of the Roman city and of the original Norman cathedral.

– Zaliznyak’s first monograph, “Russian Nominal Inflection remains a definitive study in the field.

– The remains affect Ireland and the United Kingdom.

– The Western Plateau, is Australia’s largest drainage division and is composed predominantly of the remains of the ancient rock shield of Gondwana.

– It is in Portsmouth, England with the HMS VictoryHMS “Victory” and the remains of the “Mary Rose”, a ship belonging to Henry VIII of England.

– Though Polydor’s United StatesAmerican branch is gone, in the United Kingdom, however, Polydor continues to sign chart-topping acts and remains one of the strongest imprints in the country — with artists such as Klaxons, Sophie Ellis-Bextor, Take That and Kaiser Chiefs.

– The town remains the county seat of Harrison County.

– As of 2017, it remains the greatest snowfall in one storm in Chicago history.

– Now, the archaeological remains of over 2,200 of these temples and pagodas are in the surrounding plains.

– Mechanical or physical weathering is when the rocks and minerals are broken down but the Chemical composition remains the same.

- As of 2013, Jaffee remains a regular in the magazine after 58 years and is its longest-running contributor.

- This remains an excellent approximation for everyday life and even most laboratory work.

– His contemporaries Robert Hooke and John Ray also argued that fossils were the remains of once-living organisms.

– In this experiment, bacteria from the III-S strain were killed by heat, and their remains were added to II-R strain bacteria.

– The fossilized remains of “H.

– The remains of a lizard in the German specimen’s thoracic cavity show that “Compsognathus” preyed on small vertebrates.

– His remains were later moved to San Juan cathedral.

– It was achieved by Wendell Meredith Stanley in 1935 who also showed that TMV remains active even after crystallization.

– Today, the rebellion remains controversial, and is frequently mentioned by specialists in black and in colonial studies.

– Opinion remains divided as to whether these two populations represent separate species.

– Cremated remains can be kept in a container called an urn, which in turn can be buried on cemetery plot or placed in a depot called “columbarium”, or thrown into the air or water of a place that was special to the cremated person, or buried anonymously in the ground.

– For instance, chalk was laid down in the Upper Cretaceous period, and consists mainly of the remains of microscopic algae called coccoliths.

– A fantasy scene for Page that was shown in Led Zeppelin’s movie “The Song Remains the Same” was made around Boleskin House.

– Louis Hurricane caused severe damage across Alabama, Louisiana, and Mississippi, leaving behind the remains of shattered buildings and uprooted trees.

– It was covered with texts which spoke of this pharaoh’s love for his dead grandfather.Tyldesley, p.126 Thutmose I’s remains were disturbed during the 20th dynasty when KV38 was robbed.

– Most of the wall and its associated fortifications have been destroyed over time, but some remains are still visible.

– These remains were buried in a chapel which had been part of the Roman fort, which became the basis for a church which bore his name, and was rebuilt several times over the years.

– The Neandertal type site revisited: interdisciplinary investigations of skeletal remains from the Neander Valley, Germany.

– A neanderthal skull-cap and other bones had been found, and various remains of early “Homo sapiens”.

– One authority speaks of the remains of a Roman aqueduct at Martigny.

– Holloway remains officially missing to this day, although according to Aruban authorities, she is most likely dead.

– In 1925 the Mothers’ Clinic moved to Central London, where it remains to this day.

– Despite competition from formats such as 828, 126, 110 and APS, it remains so today.

– Giovanni Maria Farina’s formula has been produced in Cologne since 1709 by Farina opposite the Jülichplatz and to this day remains a secret.

– There is a charming local legend about it, but it seems to have been a fortress, in one room of which was found the skeletal remains of a woman, along with a number of Late Roman objects, including a lamp, a golden bracelet and a 4th century coin.

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