“relative to” – example sentences

How to use in-sentence of “relative to”:

+ This alters sex differences in brain structures relative to sexual orientation.

+ A drier and cooler starter has less bacterial activity and more yeast growth, which results in the bacterial production of more acetic acid relative to lactic acid.

+ This template is a utility which superimposes one image over another, and positions it relative to the top left corner of the bottom image.

+ However, there is no sign of any second galaxy which would have acted as the “bullet”, and the core of Hoag’s object has a very low velocity relative to the ring, making the typical formation hypothesis unlikely.

+ Within galaxy clusters, galaxies move relative to other galaxies.

+ If a given article has been tagged and the tagging editor doesn’t ensure that corresponding article talk relative to the tag isn’t either already available or added within a short amount of time then fellow editors are within their rights to remove the tag or alternatively, add talk in support of its use.

+ This is the idea of “relative speed”—the speed of the object relative to you.

+ As there is no way to track the output relative to the input then the system is practically useless.

relative to - example sentences
relative to – example sentences

Example sentences of “relative to”:

+ Owls have massive eyes relative to their body size.

+ Sometimes a street address is not available or is not adequate to describe the location; in such cases other location descriptions may be used, such as an intersection, boundary description, situation relative to major landforms, etc.

+ The lithosphere is divided into tectonic plates, which move gradually relative to one another.

+ The strips are aligned in parallel and interlocked so that the central strip can be moved lengthwise relative to the other two.

+ They are receding relative to us and to each other, but the variations in their redshift show the existence of the Attractor.

+ They were asked to evaluate their performance on these tasks relative to the rest of the group.

+ The angle of the line can be controlled by adjusting the widths of two adjacent borders relative to each other.

+ In snakes, for example, the maxilla is able to move relative to the rest of the skull, and the jaws can separate entirely to swallow prey.

+ The axles maintain the position of the wheels relative to each other and to the vehicle body.

+ A relative isotopic mass is the mass of an isotope relative to 1/12 of the mass of a carbon-12 atom.

+ Though lying within the Arctic Circle, Lofoten has one of the world’s largest higher temperature anomalies relative to its high latitude.

+ This template is represented across to establish the validity of edits relative to Template:V is strongly encouraged prior to attempting to integrate changes.

+ Cultural relativism says that all human action is relative to the culture where the action happens.

+ Often, decibels are used to say how loud a sound is relative to the threshold of hearing.

+ The proper motion of Barnard’s Star is ‘sideways’ relative to our line of sight to the Sun of 90kilometers per second.

+ This is because of their young age relative to the other sections.

+ We should create a world of pure relativism, where morality and religion are strictly relative to each person’s individual notion of reality itself.

+ Researchers noted this drift, and also that the orbit moves relative to the orbits of the other planets.

+ Reflection is measured relative to a line through point O that is at 90˚ to the mirror.

+ Owls have massive eyes relative to their body size.

+ Sometimes a street address is not available or is not adequate to describe the location; in such cases other location descriptions may be used, such as an intersection, boundary description, situation relative to major landforms, etc.
+ The lithosphere is divided into tectonic plates, which move gradually relative to one another.

More in-sentence examples of “relative to”:

+ The passage of time on the show relative to that of the real world is somewhat ambiguous when marked by events of shorter duration.

+ The Southeast African Cheetah is the closest relative to the two other distinct subspecies, the Asiatic Cheetahs and the Northeast African Cheetah.

+ Coulomb’s law explains that the force scale F is relative to ratio of.

+ For skies that have not been directly or indirectly observed, their appearance can be simulated based on known factors, such as the position of astronomical objects relative to the surface and atmospheric composition.

+ They also have movable quadrate bones, which make it possible to move the upper jaw relative to the braincase.

+ When both clocks are not moving, relative to each other, the two times measured are the same.

+ The orbital eccentricity of ~0.0015 and inclination of ~ 0.03° relative to the equator of Jupiter are very small.

+ The endocast showed that the brain was indeed small: relative to body size, maybe the smallest among the dinosaurs.

+ Trail ratings are often relative to the rest of the terrain at the ski resort- for example, the difficulty of a black diamond trail at a small ski area may be a rated as a blue square at a bigger resort with harder trails.

+ In most actions that use blowback operation, the breech is not locked mechanically at the time of firing: the inertia of the bolt and recoil spring, relative to the weight of the bullet, delays opening of the breech until the bullet has left the barrel.

+ For wind power and many other renewable technologies, growth sped up in 2009 relative to the previous four years.

+ A relative isotopic mass is the mass of an isotope relative to 1/12 the mass of a carbon-12 atom.

+ Therefore, there was no observable parallax, that is, a movement of the stars relative to each other while the Earth moves around the Sun.

+ It is based on the position of stars relative to an observer’s true or ideal horizon.

+ This defaults to either left or right, depending on the coordinates of the marker, and its position relative to the right border of the map image.

+ In typical stud games, the player with the lowest card showing must pay the ‘bring in,’ an amount relative to the limits, which starts off the action.

+ In a “solid”, the positions of atoms are fixed relative to each other over a long time.

+ Tidal conditions precisely determine the exact height of an assemblage relative to sea level.

+ The Earth’s Moon is larger relative to its planet than any other satellite in the solar system.

+ This is the largest-known proper motion of any star relative to the Sun.

+ It has an apparent motion of four times the speed of light relative to the galaxy centre.

+ Guo was also able to more accurately establish the location of Astronomical objectcelestial bodies and the angles of the Sun relative to Earth.

+ In applications of mathematics, problems often arise in which the dependence of one parameter on another is unknown, but it is possible to write an expression for the rate of change of one parameter relative to another.

+ In “spin” column numbers represent the sign of the angular momentum relative to the upside of the disc.

+ The single is a branch out statement relative to the group’s other well-known songs as this song contains less rock musicrock elements and is lacking the group’s sound from their previous two albums “A Fever You Can’t Sweat Out” and “Pretty.

+ The passage of time on the show relative to that of the real world is somewhat ambiguous when marked by events of shorter duration.

+ The Southeast African Cheetah is the closest relative to the two other distinct subspecies, the Asiatic Cheetahs and the Northeast African Cheetah.
+ Coulomb's law explains that the force scale F is relative to ratio of.

+ Libration is an oscillating motion of orbiting bodies relative to each other.

+ Sidereal time is a “time scale that is based on the Earth’s rate of rotation measured relative to the fixed stars”.

+ The speed of a vessel relative to the fluid in which it travels is usually measured in knots.

+ Eyes have a wide range of structures and forms, all of which have evolved quite late relative to the underlying proteins and molecules.

+ If they are separated by a distance of 100 meters, the car in the back is moving at 10 meters per second and the car in front is moving at 5 meters per second, both relative to the ground.

+ The inclination of the Earth’s orbit has a 100,000 year cycle relative to the invariable plane.

+ The mathematical bases of special relativity are the Lorentz transformations, which mathematically describe the views of space and time for two observers who are moving relative to each other but are not experiencing acceleration.

+ The displayed universe is relative to a given location, yet once the mass/energy in that vicinity is stated, Einstein’s equations predict what is occurring—or did occur or will occur—anywhere in the universe.

+ Sources should be unimpeachable relative to the claims made; outlandish claims beg strong sources.

+ In spite of their violence, the amount of material ejected in novae is usually only about 1⁄10,000 of a solar mass, quite small relative to the mass of the white dwarf.

+ The inclination of Earth’s orbit drifts up and down relative to its present orbit with a cycle having a period of about 70,000 years.

+ It looks into the arrangement of atoms inside of molecules in space relative to one another and how they will interact.

+ Each pickup may have different tonal qualities that results from its placement relative to the bridge and its components.

+ The output of the assembler program is called the object code or object program relative to the input source program.

+ Because the Pacific plate is the largest of all the tectonic plates on Earth, crustal material at its western edge has had up to 170 million years to compact and become very dense; hence its great height-difference relative to the higher-riding Mariana Plate, at the point where the Pacific Plate crust is subducted.

+ Aristarchus thus believed the stars to be very far away, and saw this as the reason why there was no visible parallax, that is, an observed movement of the stars relative to each other as the Earth moved around the Sun.

+ Accepting this result, some argue that to put a price on both is the most reasonable way to proceed to optimize and increase that value relative to other goods or services.

+ The short-beaked echidna has the largest prefrontal cortex, relative to body size, of any mammal.

+ Conversely, a wetter and warmer starter has more bacterial activity and less yeast growth, with more lactic acid relative to acetic acid.

+ By converging space and time and presuming both relative to the energy density in the vicinity, and by setting the only “constant” or absolute as not even mass but as light speed in a vacuum, general relativity revealed the natural world’s previously unimagined balance and symmetry.

+ Where the strings are struck relative to bridge changes to the tone of the sound considerably.

+ Knowing this, the ratio of this difference relative to the entire encompassing one orbit is simply equal to ratio of the time of flight to the orbital period of one whole orbit i.e.

+ They have also claimed that similar cartoons are made relative to other religions, arguing that Islam and its followers have not been targeted in a discriminatory way.

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