“relative” some example sentences

How to use in-sentence of “relative”:

+ This defaults to either left or right, depending on the coordinates of the marker, and its position relative to the right border of the map image.

+ Its relative keyrelative minor is B minor.

+ He was a relative and childhood friend of Mariinsky Theatre singer Nadezhda Papayan.

+ The term “desktop publishing” is attributed to Aldus Corporation founder Paul Brainerd, who sought a marketing catch-phrase to describe the small size and relative affordability of this software in contrast to the expensive commercial phototypesetting equipment of the day.

+ It has an apparent motion of four times the speed of light relative to the galaxy centre.

+ Its Relative keyrelative major is B-flat major.

relative some example sentences
relative some example sentences

Example sentences of “relative”:

+ Its relative atomic mass is exactly 12.

+ Henry VII of EnglandHenry Tudor, a distant relative of the House of Lancaster, then became Richard’s main enemy.

+ The serval has the longest legs of all cats, relative to its size.

+ He was also a distant relative of Diana, Princess of Wales as both belong to the Spencer family, and of the Vanderbilt family through his paternal grandmother, Consuelo Vanderbilt.

+ In the sentence “The spy who loved me”, the relative pronoun is the word ‘who’ and its antecedent is the word ‘spy’.

+ The relative pronouns are also used as interrogative pronouns.

+ The reign of James I was, in fact, a time of relative leniency for Catholics, few being subject to prosecution.

+ Instead of simply sailing downwind, the vessel could move in different directions relative to the direction of the wind.

+ If one survey has a standard error of $10,000 and the other has a standard error of $5,000, then the relative standard errors are 20% and 10%, respectively.

+ A relative atomic mass is the ratio of the average mass per atom of an element from a given sample to 1/12 the mass of a carbon-12 atom.

+ This usually happens when the heterozygote for a gene has a higher relative fitness than the homozygote.

+ It shows the relative positions of the sun, moon, zodiacal constellations, and sometimes major planets.

+ Appian, “Civil Wars”, “… Spartacus sacrificed 300 Roman prisoners to the shade of Crixus, and marched on Rome with 120,000 foot…” Men, women and children wandered throughout Italy, and raided with relative impunity.

+ In applications of mathematics, problems often arise in which the dependence of one parameter on another is unknown, but it is possible to write an expression for the rate of change of one parameter relative to another.

+ It is not a crab at all, but a relative of the arachnids.

+ They have also claimed that similar cartoons are made relative to other religions, arguing that Islam and its followers have not been targeted in a discriminatory way.

+ Its relative keyrelative major is C-sharp major.

+ Relative minors can also be worked out by going round three steps of the circle C major is the relative major of A minor, i.e.

+ It is a relative cavity in the interstellar medium of the Orion Arm in the Milky Way.

+ Its relative atomic mass is exactly 12.

+ Henry VII of EnglandHenry Tudor, a distant relative of the House of Lancaster, then became Richard's main enemy.

More in-sentence examples of “relative”:

+ Soon after, Claudius married Aelia Paetina, a relative of Sejanus, if not Sejanus’s adoptive sister.

+ Designed experiments are critical to this phase of SPC, as they are the only means of objectively quantifying the relative importance of the many potential causes of variation.

+ He was also a distant relative of Louis XVI.

+ This is called relative velocity.

+ If vellum is stored in an environment with less than 11% relative humidity, it becomes fragile, brittle, and susceptible to mechanical stresses; if it is stored in an environment with greater than 40% relative humidity, it becomes vulnerable to mold or fungus growth.

+ Thus, an object in relative motion shortens along the direction of its momentum.

+ In other words, a relative isotopic mass tells you the number of times an isotope of an element is heavier than one-twelfth of an atom of carbon-12.

+ Also, the relative uncertainty is the uncertainty in the mean divided by the mean, times 100%.

+ Each pickup may have different tonal qualities that results from its placement relative to the bridge and its components.

+ It was a saber-toothed cat, but it was not a close relative of cats such as “Smilodon”.

+ It is a North American close relative of the European pikeperch.

+ The speed of a vessel relative to the fluid in which it travels is usually measured in knots.

+ She had died without any children, so the English agreed to have a Scottish monarch because James was the son of Mary, Queen of Scots, thus the closest relative Elizabeth had.

+ Moby Duck appears to be a relative of Donald’s.

+ Cold is a relative term used in comparison with the adjective warm.

+ A small difference between the temperature of the bulbs shows a high relative humidity coming from a low evaporation rate.

+ Inertial reference frames are often used in general relativity and special relativity to describe relative motion of observers or objects and the effects they will endure.

+ The humidex differs from the heat index in using the dew point rather than the relative humidity.

+ He was murdered by Giric, a relative who took the throne after the murder/assassination of Áed in 878.

+ This tail is unusually short relative to the body length and is considered an important diagnostic feature.

+ Despite the relative brevity of this article, it seems complete enough for GA.

+ However, wear patterns on the teeth of its relative “Platybelodon” suggest that it used its lower tusks to strip bark from trees, and may have used the sharp incisors that formed the edge of the “shovel” more like a modern-day scythe, grasping branches with its trunk and rubbing them against the lower teeth to cut it from a tree.Lambert W.D.

+ C major is called the relative major of A minor.

+ After years of relative low success he achieved great success as he entered the twilight of his career.

+ Onshore winds elevate daytime relative humidity levels in Milwaukee as compared to inland locations nearby.

+ However, it is usual way of using marketing mix, and the relative importance of each mix can be different in many cases in terms of the situation of the market, the characteristic of the product, the characteristic of the company and so on.

+ The output of the assembler program is called the object code or object program relative to the input source program.

+ Sidereal time is a “time scale based on Earth’s rate of rotation measured relative to the fixed stars”.

+ He also had a relative success in the series “Fury”.

+ Two samples of an element that consists of more than one isotope, collected from two widely spaced sources on Earth, are expected to have slightly different relative atomic masses.

+ Hot Jupiters were, until the advent of space-borne telescopes, the most common form of exoplanet known, due to the relative ease of detecting them with ground-based instruments.

+ The relative proportions is what picks up indications of a problem.

+ This corresponds to an air temperature of 25°C and relative humidity of 50% in the sea-level psychrometric chart.

+ Its relative minor is A major.

+ He was a distant relative of Peter Ustinov.

+ Its relative keyrelative minor is parallel minor is A-flat minor.

+ Ingelger married Adelis, a close relative of Raino, Bishop of Angers.

+ Higgs bosons contain the relative mass in the form of energy and once the field has endowed a formerly massless particle, the particle in question will slow down as it has now become “heavy”.

+ Despite his relative inexperience, the shock of the attack and the all-too-obvious risk to himself, Trooper Finney recognised the need to inform his headquarters of the situation.

+ Its relative keyrelative minor is parallel minor is G-flat minor.

+ The Earth’s Moon is larger relative to its planet than any other satellite in the solar system.

+ The WWF scheme is broadly similar to Udvardy’s system, the chief difference being the delineation of the Australasian ecozone relative to the Antarctic, Oceanic, and Indomalayan ecozones.

+ Their name refers to the long tails produced by tidal action, which is the relative difference between gravitational pulls on the near and far parts of each galaxy.

+ The orbit of Amalthea has an Orbital eccentricityeccentricity of 0.003 and an inclination of 0.37° relative to the equator of Jupiter.

+ River otters are a distant relative of the weasel family.

+ The economist sees relative good, because people may later not want to pay for it.

+ Portraits of Anandapur’s royal family, the Maharajah and his wife, can be found in most of the businesses within the two villages, and a map of the kingdom, featuring both villages and their location relative to the mountains and river can be found on the wall of the Disney Vacation Club kiosk located there.

+ Only an external observer experiencing relative rest measures the object in relative motion to be shortened along its travel pathway and its events slowed.

+ Sakura meets Syaoran Li, a boy of her age and a relative of the Clow Cards’ creator Clow Reed.

+ The fundamental idea is that smaller endothermic animals have, relative to their mass, a larger body surface.

+ Soon after, Claudius married Aelia Paetina, a relative of Sejanus, if not Sejanus's adoptive sister.

+ Designed experiments are critical to this phase of SPC, as they are the only means of objectively quantifying the relative importance of the many potential causes of variation.

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