“relation” in sentences?

How to use in-sentence of “relation”:

+ The Pirate Bay had to face many lawsuits and a raid in relation to copyright violations.

+ The KATSUA soldiers could also help the American soldiers who stayed behind in Korea to keep a good relation with the Korean military.

+ Ministers in the government report to the Prime Minister, who also tells them what they need to do in relation to their jobs.

+ In relation to this Spaliviero phoned Lindström from MRRC telling her to meet a “solicitor” and give him money.

+ His work in natural history is interesting in relation to modern science, since he touched on aspects of heredity and the struggle for life.

+ Three assumptions are often discussed in relation to the ZPD.

+ The time zones are numbered in relation to the UTC, so in Los Angeles the time zone will be UTC−8, in London UTC+0, in Rome UTC+1, and in New Delhi UTC+5:30.

+ He was also a relation of The Duke of Devonshire and a generational cousin of the war-time Conservative Prime Minister, Sir Winston Churchill.

relation in sentences?
relation in sentences?

Example sentences of “relation”:

+ There was an enduring relation between Caucasian Albania and Ancient Rome.

+ The fellowship of the Society of St.John the Evangelist is a group of people who want to live there lives in close a relation with the monks at the society.

+ The same energy releases may produce coronal mass ejections, although the relation between CMEs and flares is still not known.

+ Whereas is a relation between slope functions and function variables.

+ In 2010 he was convicted of obstruction of justice and perjury in relation to investigations of torture by police, and he served prison time.

+ My personal understanding of resistance in relation to both African and African American cultures would be; having to defy the norms that have been set by the society.

+ It depends on how its position changes in relation to other objects.

+ Thoth had one direct relation to Ma’at that people know of, although some myths say he was the son of Ra.

+ Not all functions have inverse functions: for example, function cannot be both 1 and -1, but every binary relation has its own inverse relation.

+ Species richness of herbaceous fen vegetation in Broadland, Norfolk in relation to the quantity of above-ground plant material.

+ In mathematics, an “n-ary relation” on “n” sets, is any subset of Cartesian product of the “n” sets, The relation is “homogeneous” when it is formed with one set.

+ This work by Planck asserts that the energy of a photon is proportional to its frequency, and their relation can be put in terms of familiar units such as the joule by using the proportionality constant Planck gave us.

+ Some linguists suggest a relation to Altaic languages while others suggest a link to Indo-European languages.

+ A recent research project of the Leiden-based Research School CNWS on the topic concerns the relation between Gbe and SurinamSurinamese creole languages: “A trans-Atlantic Sprachbund? The structural relationship between the Gbe-languages of West Africa and the Surinamese creole languages”.

+ There was an enduring relation between Caucasian Albania and Ancient Rome.

+ The fellowship of the Society of St.John the Evangelist is a group of people who want to live there lives in close a relation with the monks at the society.
+ The same energy releases may produce coronal mass ejections, although the relation between CMEs and flares is still not known.

More in-sentence examples of “relation”:

+ I think that the relation page was more advanced.

+ When placed in between two numbers, it means the divisibility relation for example.
+ Their relation has not been clarified.

+ I think that the relation page was more advanced.

+ When placed in between two numbers, it means the divisibility relation for example.

+ Their relation has not been clarified.

+ Louis XIV then gave the principality to Louis of Mailly-Nesles, marquis of Nesles, a very remote relation of the original princes of Orange.

+ Koreans call someone using the word that indicates their blood relation instead of their name.

+ This is incorrect however, as an offside offence is related to the position of the player in relation to the last two opponents, the ball and the opponent’s goal line rather than the direction the ball is played.

+ In “Mario Kart 64”, which voiced many characters for the first time, some characters had two different voices in relation to the region of the game.

+ Epiphany Epiphany, January 6, is also important in relation to Christmas.

+ A fourth article mentions him in relation to the collapse of another company’s shares.

+ I’m bringing the user Attractor321 to the Administrators for assistance in relation to their editing behaviour.

+ Did not add the relation to crime.

+ Knowing the period-luminosity relation for local RR Lyrae-type variable stars allows the distance of more distant stars of this type to be determined.Salaris, Maurizio Cassisi, Santi 2005.

+ He is also a member of the EgyptiansEgyptian Public Relation Association EPRA and the Journalist Association as well as being a member of the Syndicate of Pharmacists.

+ This enables the parietal cortex to map seen objects in relation to the body.

+ A relation of love and hatred.

+ In some countries it is enough to make a statement that the relation is broken and it is not possible for it to be fixed.

+ Percentages are determined in relation to the total number of votes.

+ Augustine Perumalil explained that Kristeva’s “semiotic is closely related to the infantile pre-Oedipal referred to in the works of Freud, Otto Rank, Melanie Klein, British Object Relation psychoanalysis, and Lacan’s pre-mirror stage.” It is an emotional field that is related to the instincts in the gaps and sounds of language rather than in the denotative meanings of words.

+ It has no relation to the movies “Troll 2” and “Troll 3”.

+ On March 14, 2015, Durst was arrested in New Orleans, Louisiana, on a first-degree murder warrant signed by a Los Angeles judge in relation to the Berman killing.

+ Within Pakistan, Jalaluddin had a relation with Pakistan but he did not act against the TTP.

+ The relation between the amount of entropy in a black hole and the size of the black hole’s event horizon was first thought of by a research student and proven by Hawking, whose calculations said that black holes emit radiation.

+ These words have another meaning in relation to the music, because Messiaen does not write music with a regular number of beats in a bar.

+ Historically dominated by White settler society, race in the United States as a concept became significant in relation to other groups.

+ Assigning gives a relation between “y” and “x”.

+ Alfred Adler, founder of individual psychology, used the word compensation in relation inferiority feelings.

+ No relation to the big thing on RfA if that’s what you’re thinking, I just don’t think I’m really active enough to justify keeping them.

+ As chair of the Blue Ribbon Committee, Pimentel recommended the prosecution of top government officials of previous administrations in relation to the Expo Pilipino centennial scam and the misuse of the moneyfunds of the Armed Forces.

+ He is of no relation to the President of Armenia Serzh Sargsyan.

+ That means that general physical, chemical, biological, and fertility properties of soils are fixed in a map and that they are looked at in relation to the use and management of soils.

+ Intersectionality or intersectional theory studies the relation between the many different ways that people are kept in a lower social position, controlled, and left out of important parts of society because of their differences.

+ The relation between nodes is usually defined as an Edge.

+ This means that an object’s position depends on where it exists in relation to other objects.

+ David Hume was another philosopher who looked at the relation between cause and effect.

+ An alternate reality version who is a descendant of Johnny Joestar through his mother Holy Joestar-Kira and thus a distant relation to the Higashikata family.

+ He has no relation to Tom Baker, who played the fourth incarnation of the Doctor.

+ This is the relation between pressure and volume in adiabatic process.

+ Other well-known relations are the equivalence relation and the order relation.

+ I mean that in general, not just in relation to the discussion of PBP89; it applies to others as well.

+ RBI intervention in currency markets is solely to deliver low “volatility” in the exchange rates, and not to take a “view” on the rate or direction of the Indian rupee in relation to other currencies.

+ Today’s philosophers sometimes use the term ‘Hume’s fork’ to refer to Hume calling everything we can think about either a relation of ideas.

+ The persons who train martial arts disagree with relation to the matter of the competitions.

+ The diagram illustrates Ananke’s orbit in relation to other retrograde non-spherical moons of Jupiter.

+ Relations can be transitive.One example of a transitive relation is the “smaller-than” relation.

+ George Clinton has no known relation of 42nd President of the United StatesPresident Bill Clinton, who took his stepfather’s surname as a child.

+ Also, there has been a continuous improvement in knowledge about sex and in medical attention to female needs in relation to birth.

+ He claimed that the Ahmadiyya Movement stood in the same relation to Islam, as Christianity stood to Judaism at the time of Jesus.

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