“regulation” use in-sentences

How to use in-sentence of “regulation”:

+ A regulation game is played with six players on the court.

+ Haley supports lower taxes, opposes regulation and is extremely anti-union.

+ The general lack of controls and regulation at the time lead to some deaths and injuries linked back to supposed cannabis extracts.

+ Sulston “for their discoveries concerning genetic regulation of organ development and programmed cell death’.” The Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine 2002.

+ Gene regulation may also serve as a basis for evolutionary change: control of the timing, location, and amount of gene expression can have a profound effect on the development of the organism.

+ A regulation game is played to 25 points and the winners must be ahead by 2 points.

+ The effects of this regulation of the water flow from the lake have been studied.

+ The regulation mentioned a letter from Suharto.

regulation use in-sentences
regulation use in-sentences

Example sentences of “regulation”:

+ In 1950, she reported her work on “Ac/Ds” and her ideas about gene regulation in a paper.

+ They won the prize “for their discoveries concerning the mechanism and regulation of the cholesterol and fatty acid metabolism”.

+ In most countries there is some regulation and some planning done by the government.

+ Physiological regulation of normal states: some tentative postulates concerning biological homeostatics.

+ Magnetic resonance imagingMRI studies have shown that certain parts of the brain responsible for mood regulation are larger in bipolar patients.

+ Loewi asserted that sympathetic regulation of cardiac function can be mediated through changes in chemical concentrations.

+ The Bavarian “Reinheitsgebot”, a regulation about the purity of beer, was started there in 1516.

+ In terms of European Union legislation, a derogation can also Implication and inferenceimply that a member regulation into their own legal system.

+ A regulation attached to a printed version of the “Horst Wessel-Lied” in 1934 required the right arm to be raised in a “Hitler salute” when the first and fourth verses were sung.

+ There was not much interest in the amendment after the passage of the Fair Labor Standards Act of 1938, which implemented federal regulation of child labor with the Supreme Court’s approval in 1941.

+ Dewey often described education as a mechanism for social change, explaining that “education is a regulation of the process of coming to share in the social consciousness; and that the adjustment of individual activity on the basis of this social consciousness is the only sure method of social reconstruction”.

+ In 1950, she reported her work on "Ac/Ds" and her ideas about gene regulation in a paper.

+ They won the prize "for their discoveries concerning the mechanism and regulation of the cholesterol and fatty acid metabolism".

More in-sentence examples of “regulation”:

+ The capillary bed usually moves no more than 25% of the amount of blood it could contain, although this amount can be increased through auto regulation by making the smooth muscle relax in the arterioles that lead to the capillary bed as well as metarterioles making themselves smaller.

+ Finally, on 29 May 1981, the Attorney General published regulation SK-052/JA/5/1981 about the banning of "This Earth of Mankind" and its sequel "Child of All Nations ".

+ The capillary bed usually moves no more than 25% of the amount of blood it could contain, although this amount can be increased through auto regulation by making the smooth muscle relax in the arterioles that lead to the capillary bed as well as metarterioles making themselves smaller.

+ Finally, on 29 May 1981, the Attorney General published regulation SK-052/JA/5/1981 about the banning of “This Earth of Mankind” and its sequel “Child of All Nations “.

+ Her work on controlling elements and gene regulation was difficult and was not immediately understood or accepted by her contemporaries; she described the reception of her research as “puzzlement, even hostility”.

+ He is president of the Public Research and Regulation Initiative.

+ The Court held that while Congress had broad lawmaking authority under the Commerce Clause, the power was limited, and did not extend so far from “commerce” as to authorize the regulation of the carrying of handguns, especially when there was no evidence that carrying them affected the economy on a massive scale.

+ For the good government of the CHT, in 1900 the British government enacted the CHT Regulation 1 of 1900 and declared it as an Excluded Area, in order to protect the Jumma people from economic exploitation by non-indigenous Bengali people and to preserve their traditional socio-cultural and political institutions based on customary laws, community ownership of land and so on.

+ Foreign investment is directed at larger divisions who can grant tax and regulation help and incentives.

+ He became known for independent farmers’ rights and the regulation of transgenic agriculturecrops during his protracted legal battle with multinational agrichemical company Monsanto.

+ According to the regulation of the FIFA, each star is equivalent to a world-wide conquered.

+ Arm feathers were probably still present on “Gigantoraptor”, since their main functions, such as display and covering the eggs while brooding, are not related to the regulation of body heat.

+ A qualified electronic signature is an electronic signature that is compliant to EU Regulation No 910/2014 for electronic transactions within the internal European market.

+ Other important factors are, for example, voltage regulation and number of connectors.

+ Also, there is a genetic disorder which damages the regulation of iron levels in the body.

+ He is best known for his discoveries with the mechanism and regulation of cholesterol and fatty acid metabolism.

+ Cisgenesis, a new tool for traditional plant breeding, should be exempted from the regulation on genetically modified organisms in a step by step approach.

+ Although regulation of fat stores is the primary function of leptin, it also plays a role in other physiological processes.

+ In the United States, as of the 2011 changes to Americans with Disabilities Act regulation only dogs may be used as service animals for the purposes of going to public places.

+ In humans, GABA is also directly responsible for the regulation of muscle tone.

+ The removal of “tatami” regulation made them more common in the Meiji Era.

+ This means that the government of the new GDPR, stronger European regulation on personal data.

+ McClintock’s research became well understood in the 1960s and 1970s, as researchers discovered the mechanisms behind the genetic change and gene regulation that she had shown in her maize research in the 1940s and 1950s.

+ The regulation is binding.

+ He worked in social history, transportation economics, regulation by commission, the history of economic thought and labor history.

+ The one team having less than the regulation two named alternate captains is the Buffalo Sabres.

+ Socialism places an emphasis on equal rights for everyone, and there is plenty of government ownership or regulation of various industries that make companies play by the government’s rules.

+ Even in 1950, in implementing its brazen designs violating the principles and spirit of the CHT Regulation of 1900, the Government of Pakistan started Bengali Muslim settlement program, which continued up to 1966.

+ A new form of regulation has been created to some extent to deal with problems such as the given away the limited number of slots available at airports.

+ Bloch won the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine in 1964 with Feodor Felix Konrad LynenFeodor Lynen “for their discoveries concerning the mechanism and regulation of the cholesterol and fatty acid metabolism”.

+ The opposite of regulation is deregulation.

+ The Pakistani government recognized CHT as an Excluded Area and even in the first Constitution of Pakistan, which was adopted in 1956, CHT was declared as an Excluded Area under the CHT Regulation of 1900.

+ In biology regulation means to control something.

+ The birth defects of thalidomide led to the development of greater drug regulation and monitoring in many countries.

+ The program’s news-bulletin format was described as deceptive by some newspapers and public figures, leading to an outcry against the perpetrators of the broadcast and calls for regulation by the Federal Communications Commission.

+ The government had enacted the CHT Regulation in 1958 in order to grab Jumma people’s ancestral lands.

+ Classified information is sensitive information to which access is restricted by law or regulation to particular classes of people.

+ He was also Director of the New Hampshire Bureau of Securities Regulation from 2002 to 2010.

+ Failure rates are important factors in insurance, business, and regulation practices as well as fundamental to design of safe systems throughout a national or international economy.

+ In Luxembourg, following the liberalisation of the energy markets, an independent organisation – the Luxembourg Institute of Regulation – organises and supervises access to the networks.

+ Soft tennis is different from regulation tennis.

+ The General Data Protection Regulation enforces rules that protect people against a wide variety of privacy issues.

+ Both sides bear the inscription “III VIR R P C”, meaning “One of Three Men for the Regulation of the Republic”.

+ The business is carried out legally, following the rules and regulation of the nation.

+ The court held that, as with the agricultural production in the earlier case, home-grown cannabis is a legitimate subject of federal regulation because it competes with marijuana that moves in interstate commerce.

+ Teams that have named more than the regulation two alternate captains, excluding those without a captain, are required to rotate the two “A”s between those players by methods of their choosing.

+ Henry’s work on energy regulation and metabolism, protein metabolism and body composition has enabled him to develop a new model of energy regulation.

+ That is because people inside are familiar with the regulation and more likely to find the information.

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