“regime” use in-sentences

How to use in-sentence of “regime”:

– The regime was Allianceallied with Nazi Germany.

– In 1942, the Nazi regime held a meeting where it was decided decided to kill all Jewish people that fell under German control.

– After the communist coup in February 1948, he became involved in the fight against the then regime by publishing and distributing leaflets, organizing illegal groups and helping to flee abroad.

– The rogue state of Iran Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Sayyid Ali Khamenei condemned the savage attack of the Zionist regime against an international aid convoy heading towards Gaza, and said the Israeli regime proved that it is more brutal than Fascists.

– However, the new regime was kicked out quickly.

– The transition from planned economy to a market economy after the communist regime led to economic collapse in the 1990s, the reasons was that more money was printed, expensive prices and substantial privatization of the companies, which initially leads to skyrocketing unemployment.

– After Piłsudski’s death in 1935 the regime became more and more radical, with regular persecution of the political opponents, never changing into totalitarianism though.

regime use in-sentences
regime use in-sentences

Example sentences of “regime”:

– He was the last of the military regime that ruled the country following the 1964 coup d’état.

– He was an influential figure in the later years of the Communist regime until his downfall during the 1989 Revolution.

– With the fall of the Nazi regime in 1945, the “Horst-Wessel-Lied” was banned, and both the lyrics and the tune remain illegal in Germany and Austria to this day except for educational and scholarly uses.

– Thus, the currency regime in place for the Indian rupee with respect to the US dollar is a “de facto” controlled exchange rate.

– The HungaryHungarian regime had collapsed and was dismantling its border fences with Austria by August 1989.

– He was Nigerian Minister of Information and Culture from 1986 to 1990 during the military regime of General Ibrahim Babangida.

– Most domestic and international observers consider his regime to be one of the most corrupt, ethnocentric, oppressive and undemocratic states in the world.

– Pramoedya was against some policies of Indonesia’s first President, Sukarno, and against the New Order regime of Suharto.

– The term “fascist regime” probably stems from an attempt by this sizable group to demonize the fallen regime and justify their flight from a country at war.

– The band has became controversial for its alleged praise of the World War Two Nazi-affiliated Ustaše regime in their songs and concerts.

- He was the last of the military regime that ruled the country following the 1964 coup d'état.

- He was an influential figure in the later years of the Communist regime until his downfall during the 1989 Revolution.

– However, there was much anger and hatehatred against Chun’s regime by left-wing students who later became known as 386s.

– The same year he created the United Civil Front, a political movement whose main goal is to dismantle Putin’s regime and restore democracy in Russia.

– In 1982, he was arrested and jailed by the communist regime until 1984.

– The second definition emphasizes conditions far from any steady-states, where instabilities can flip a system into another regime of behavior – i.e.

– Hitler and the Nazi regime were responsible for the killing of an estimated 19.3 million civilians and prisoners of war.

– The camp was created by the Ustaše regime in August 1941 and destroyed in April 1945.

– Since the easing of the regime presided over by the latter head of state in the early 1990s, he was elected twice as MP under the Fourth Republic, before resigning on May 27, 1998.

– The most common way for a regime to lose power was a coup, invasion or revolution until the 20th century.

More in-sentence examples of “regime”:

– The regime would eventually form concentration camps in eleven different locations.

– He was known as a leading opposition leader during the regime of Ferdinand Marcos.

– He protested against the Shah regime in Iran.

– Soon after Luria received the award Benito Mussolini’s fascist regime banned Jews from academic research fellowships.

– Fraga was a politician in Spain under Francisco Franco’s dictatorial regime and in the democracy after Franco’s death.

– The coup regime collapsed in 1994 under U.S.

– Under his presidency, Ukraine received a visa-free regime with the EU.

– It was in November 1950 King Tribhuvan restored democracy overthrowing the Rana regime with large number of Nepalese people support.

– The plot consists of Grande on a fictional planet giving up her allegiance to an evil regime and freeing a group of prisoners from their cages.

– In 2013 the Syrian regime used Chemical weapons against the rebels.

– He was executed by the North Korean regime on the accusation of being an American spy.

– Her relationship with the new regime was not completely harmonious.

– Many Asians who had to leave during the regime of Amin have returned to Uganda.

– Construction began in 1936 and were supposed to fall within the 35,000 long ton limit as imposed by the Washington regime and the Anglo-german naval agreementAnglo-German Naval Agreement during the Interwar period.

– In contrast, a totalitarian regime attempts to control virtually all aspects of the social life, including the economy, education, art, science, private life and morals of citizens.

– He was a critic of the Salazar regime and as a result, he was exiled in France in 1963.

– He was a prominent member of the Interim Iraq Governing Council, which was established following the overthrow of the Saddam Hussein regime by the invasion of Iraq in 2003.

– Our people at the same time have overthrown the monarchic regime that has reigned supreme for dozens of centuries.

– Islamist movements, such as the Muslim Brotherhood, rejected the change of regime as a military coup, and not democratic.

– According to “The Washington Post”, “hundreds of young men have left Ben Guerdane over the past three decades to wage jihad in Iraq, Afghanistan and Bosnia, radicalized in part by a repressive regime that persecuted Islamists”.

– The Krenz regime decided to allow people to leave directly to the west through border checkpoints in East Berlin.

– The British won the war, and Galtieri’s regime collapsed.

– The Shah regime arrested him again.

– Imambara Zadibal is the first Imambara constructed in Kashmir Valley by Kaji Chak, minister in the regime of Sultan Mohammad in the year 1518.

– Gorbunovs was the Chairman of the Supreme Soviet during the final years of the Soviet regime in Latvia and as Chairman of the Supreme Council of Latvia during the first years after the country regained its independence.

– Often called a fascist by his opponents, Dr Salazar’s regime was instrumental in issuing Portuguese travel documents to thousands of Jews fleeing though Europe and to Portugal a boarding point for the ultimate destination in North America.

– These two intellectuals were publicly denounced by the Broz’s regime and persecuted.

– The 104 years regime of Ranas came to and end due to their autocratic rules.

– Until about 1861, Napoleon’s regime exhibited decidedly authoritarian characteristics, using press censorship to prevent the spread of opposition, manipulating elections, and depriving the Parliament of the right to free debate or any real power.

– They was forcibly relocated and massacred by Ottoman EmpireOttoman and Kurdish forces between 1914 and 1920 under the regime of the Young Turks.

– The United Nations Partition Plan for Palestine was adopted on 29 November 1947: it planned to divide Palestine into an Arab state, a Jewish state, and the Special International Regime for the cities of Jerusalem and Bethlehem.

– On 25 April 1974, the Portuguese Armed Forces headed by General António de Spínola organized a Military Coup against Salazar’s regime called the Revolution of Carnations.

– Pavelić’s Ustaše regime was the most murderous Nazi puppet state in the whole of occupied Europe.

– There are signs, however, that this regime is far from perfect.

– Looking for a refuge from the military regime of General Augusto Pinochet, Letelier accepted academic positions in Washington, D.C.

– He was Minister of Defense under Saddam Hussein’s regime from 1995 to 2003.

– He led the overthrow of Idi Amin’s regime in Uganda.

– His regime seemed to be very strong.

– During the regime of the Nizam V- Mir Tahniyath Ali Khan Siddiqi, Dar-ul-Uloom, the first regular educational institution of Hyderabad, was set up in 1854.

– They fled to Australia during Pol Pot’s Khmer Rouge regime in 1980.

– So he argued that the US Government – in addition to the embargo’s direct influence on supporting Cuba’s regime – indirectly interferes with the possibility of improving Cuba.

– Obiang’s regime kept clear authoritarian characteristics even after other parties were legalized in 1991.

– Duke Richard was forced to recognize the new regime as his sister was again Queen.

– At the time, Saddam’s regime was not disliked by most of the world.

– Sommerfeld wanted to have Werner Heisenberg on his seat, but in the time of the Nazi regime the job could only go to a person who taught the so-called German Physics, which included a kind of mysticism.

– Others have thought that Tresca was eliminated by the NKVD because of the criticism of the Stalin regime of the Soviet Union.

– Himmler’s SS organized and administrationadministered Germany’s regime of concentration camps and, after 1941, the holocaust in Poland.

– Bolsonaro was a open supporter of the military regime in Brazil in 1964.

– He is the first Catholic martyred during the Communist regime in Romania to be elevated to the honor of the altars.

– The Red Army killed the members from the old fascist regime on June 1, 1946.

- The regime would eventually form concentration camps in eleven different locations.

- He was known as a leading opposition leader during the regime of Ferdinand Marcos.
- He protested against the Shah regime in Iran.

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