“reference point” example in sentences

How to use in-sentence of “reference point”:

+ In mathematics, the polar coordinate system is a dimensiontwo-dimensional point on a plane is determined by a distance from a reference point and an angle from a reference direction.

+ To make a scale from the equation, a reference point has to be chosen.

+ Using the compass and the map, he should choose a reference point nearby.

+ Hydrogen was chosen as a reference point because it bonds covalently with many elements.

+ The whole planet Earth is used as a reference point for measuring voltage.

+ That divergence, at 30 million years ago, was a reference point for the split between chimpanzee, and “Homo” at 5 mya.

+ Very often, the reference point is mean sea level, the level of the ocean midway between high and low tide on an average day.

reference point example in sentences
reference point example in sentences

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