“recorder” use in-sentences

How to use in-sentence of “recorder”:

+ A second reason was that the recorder is a good instrument for children to learn about music.

+ Half a second later, Smith said the last words picked up by the recorder designed to record all interactions in the crew area of the shuttle during flight: “”Uh oh…””.

+ The album was produced for Michael Baskette, recorder in Orlando, Florida, by Epitaph Records.

+ After a last sentence said by captain Yi Ching-Fung, “two thousand” at 3.26pm, the recorder nothing more spoken.

+ O’Kelly, “The Recorder Today”, Cambridge University Press, 1990.

recorder use in-sentences
recorder use in-sentences

Example sentences of “recorder”:

+ The first combined flight recorder was invented by Australian scientist, David Warren.

+ A low F sharp on a descant recorder will be fingered 1 2 3 0 2 3.

+ The first combined flight recorder was invented by Australian scientist, David Warren.

+ A low F sharp on a descant recorder will be fingered 1 2 3 0 2 3.

+ To play a tape, a cassette player or cassette recorder is used.

+ These instruments are louder than the recorder and are better for playing difficult music.

+ The recorder started ten minutes before the flight.

+ Instruments such as the recorder can play chords by making several harmonics sound together, but this is extremely difficult to do well and only found in modern music for virtuoso players.

+ The soprano recorder is the size of recorder which is usually played in schools, also known as a Descant.

+ In the 1900s more people started to learn the recorder again.

+ He would record many of his poems on a tape recorder and many of his recordings were sold like records in the Spanish speaking world.

+ Videocassette recorder is an electronic device that records and plays videotapes.

+ The alto recorder is bigger than the soprano recorder.

+ He also became very interested in birdsong and spent a lot of time with his wife in the country with a tape recorder recording birdsong.

+ Some music is written for a recorder duet.

More in-sentence examples of “recorder”:

+ He taught himself about recording with a simple reel-to-reel tape recorder at home, using “sound on sound” to build up the sound of his own music.

+ The analog tape recorder made it possible to erase or record over a previous recording so that mistakes could be fixed.

+ During the tip, an electrical switch is closed and triggers a nearby autographic recorder to register each ’tilt’, thus giving a fairly continuous record of precipitation and, in a more sophisticated form, even rainfall intensity.

+ Video recorder is a camera that can record video.

+ On the recorder some of the notes, especially sharps and flats, have complicated fingering.

+ Finegold had an audio recorder running.

+ Many people played the recorder in Europe in the 1500s and 1600s.

+ The tape recorder was needed for the performance.

+ Then, in 2011, the search for recorders finally ended when an underwater vehicle found the Flight Data Recorder and Cockpit Voice Recorder on 26th April and 2nd May respectively.The recorders are sent to BEA’s headquarters for analysis and arrived on 12th May.

+ The recorder was a very popular indoor instrument.

+ It is blown at the end, but is not like the recorder because it does not have an opening that guides the air across a hole that makes the sound.

+ At age eight, his grandmother bought him a Fisher-Price tape recorder that he used to create radio-style “shows”, voicing the host and the guests.

+ The recorder is sometimes used in popular music.

+ The cockpit voice recorder also showed nothing.

+ There are some extra instruments as well: two recorder recorders, three different kinds of oboe and a viola da gamba.

+ The second one, for example, has a concertino group of four instruments: trumpet, violin, recorder and oboe.

+ The recording was made on a low-cost wire recorder by Paul Braverman, and a major restoration process was required to clean up the audio on the two spools of wire.Woody Guthrie Foundation.

+ Some recorders are smaller than the soprano recorder but are not common.

+ In Europe, people started to play the recorder in medieval times.

+ He carries a tape recorder contain a secret conversation between a group of firearms smugglers and NVA officers.

+ A small tape recorder and tape were found hidden in the cockpit.

+ The recorder is a very social instrument.

+ Recorders higher than a soprano recorder include the Sopranino and Garklein recorders.

+ The recorder was often used by musicians to sound like bird songs.

+ It was a video recorder that allowed you to play PlayStation 2 games.

+ Woodwinds, especially the recorder and clarinets, are transposing instruments.

+ The train’s recorder can be used to upgrade after a crash to reduce the chance of another crash.

+ Some people asked: “Is it music?” Others thought it was boring to just look at a tape recorder during a concert instead of being able to watch live musicians play.

+ To play a G on a treble recorder the fingering is 1-2-3-1-2-3.

+ They use a micro cassette recorder to leave messages for each other.

+ This helped to sell more copies, because violinists, flautists and recorder players might all want to buy the music.

+ Chapter 1: The Revival Other musicians also began to play the recorder at serious music concerts.

+ Groups often play music that is written for several different sizes of recorder together.

+ A recorder is a type of whistle.

+ A Lucy 3.2 million year-old, 40% complete fossil skeleton of an “Australopithecus afarensis” specimen discovered in 1974 was named “Lucy” because the Beatles song was being played loudly and repeatedly on a tape recorder in the camp.

+ The solo instrument might be a violin, flute, recorder or oboe.

+ The Beatles played the recorder in their song “Fool on the Hill” and the Rolling Stones used a recorder in “Ruby Tuesday “.

+ In the late 1930s the tape recorder appeared.

+ For example, an airliner flight data recorder may record 88 different items, each termed a parameter.

+ The recorder is one of the oldest and most popular woodwinds and has been used to great effect by greats, such as Bach, Telemann and Vivaldi.

+ Before her death, she recorded her speech into a tape recorder to express her lamentation to the sufferers of 2011 Tōhoku earthquake and tsunami.

+ A flight recorder is a recorder placed in an aircraft to help with investigating an aircraft accident or incident.

+ She has also written music for young people such as “Lights and Shadows” which includes children’s choir, recorder group and lots of percussion.

+ In the 1980s, the creation of the video cassette recorder caused a rise in the pornography business.

+ Many players blow harder like “normal” recorder playing, to get a very shrill and loud sound.

+ The pilots wanted to approach the runway at 137 knots, but the flight data recorder showed that the speed was below this, and that the engines were idle during the approach.

+ However, investigators could not find any possible cause from the recorders as the flight data recorder showed that the plane was working properly before it broke up.

+ In 1999 she became a Recorder in the County Court and Crown Court.

+ The car’s recorder can monitor the speed of the car or the sharpness of turns.

+ On July 7, 2013, NTSB investigators found the flight data recorder and cockpit voice recorder.

+ He taught himself about recording with a simple reel-to-reel tape recorder at home, using "sound on sound" to build up the sound of his own music.

+ The analog tape recorder made it possible to erase or record over a previous recording so that mistakes could be fixed.

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