“reasonable” use in sentences

How to use in-sentence of “reasonable”:

+ Many people say the death penalty is reasonable because it scares people away from doing things that are illegal, however many others say there is a potential of executing an innocent man; one says justice, retribution, and punishment; the other side says that execution is murder.

+ If people with disabilities need reasonable accommodations to be able to participate in these programs, the state or local government has to make them.

+ In particular, the “founding” editor, to a reasonable maximum number.

+ It is reasonable to say that planets rather like ours exist, and that life might evolve there also.

+ Countries must make sure people with disabilities are free and safe, even if this means making reasonable accommodations.

+ Importing text: ” must credit the author in a reasonable fashion.

+ Speaking of opposition and the icon stuff, when is a reasonable time to close the vote? I think people are done voting, so we could close it now…

+ She is a gentle, motherly, reasonable lady.

reasonable use in sentences
reasonable use in sentences

Example sentences of “reasonable”:

+ For example, to create larger nomograms for greater accuracy the nomographer usually includes only scale ranges that are reasonable and of interest to the problem.

+ There should be reasonable care for people with disabilitydisabilities or accessibility.

+ The planet Neptune was discovered in this constellation by German astronomer Johann Galle, near Deneb Algedi on September 23, 1846, which is reasonable as Capricornus can be seen best at 4:00am in September.

+ When a person is reasonable or rational they are using all available information to make a decision, and whether their decision can be judged as rational or reasonable depends on the reasons they made it.

+ They are reasonable and moral, and should act kindly to each other.

+ Instead, much of numerical analysis is concerned with obtaining approximate solutions while maintaining reasonable bounds on errors.

+ For systems which conventionally use small values of “e”, such as 3, all single character ASCII messages encoded using this scheme would be insecure, since the largest “m” would have a value of 255, and 255 is less than any reasonable modulus.

+ King arranged for the government to bring in supplies for sale at a reasonable price, which ended the power of some of the military.

+ They must prove the defendant is guilty beyond a reasonable doubt.

+ The credit required by this Section 4 may be implemented in any reasonable manner; provided, however, that in the case of a Adaptation or Collection, at a minimum such credit will appear, if a credit for all contributing authors of the Adaptation or Collection appears, then as part of these credits and in a manner at least as prominent as the credits for the other contributing authors.

+ I’ll wait until we have a formal discussion or there is reasonable opposition to act.

+ Its a reasonable size and well written, in my POV.

+ For example, to create larger nomograms for greater accuracy the nomographer usually includes only scale ranges that are reasonable and of interest to the problem.

+ There should be reasonable care for people with disabilitydisabilities or accessibility.
+ The planet Neptune was discovered in this constellation by German astronomer Johann Galle, near Deneb Algedi on September 23, 1846, which is reasonable as Capricornus can be seen best at 4:00am in September.

More in-sentence examples of “reasonable”:

+ A review of that ban may happen in future after a reasonable time.

+ Dolphins have reasonable eyesight.

+ If a worker with a disability needs reasonable accommodations to do their job, that does not mean they are not qualified to do their job.

+ This is controversial, because a human reader is unable to verify the proof in reasonable time.

+ Do not add this template to a page more than a reasonable number of times.

+ Private companies that teach classes or give tests must make reasonable accommodations to make it possible for people with disabilities to take the classes or tests.

+ The plan is to support all reasonable constructs of the forms 1-5, and any common constructs of the form 6.

+ Definitely a reasonable category.

+ A number of hotels and guest houses are available in Nathia Gali which provide reasonable accommodation to the tourists.

+ However, the accommodation must be “reasonable.” An accommodation is not reasonable if it would be very difficult or very expensive.

+ The intention of these laws is to make sure legal cases are brought to trial in a reasonable length of time.

+ I think there is reasonable doubt here.

+ It is at reasonable length, and has a picture.

+ It is like making an educated, reasonable guess based on the information given.

+ Some philosophers would say that the Thirsty Man’s maxim is a reasonable one.

+ This guideline concerns gross, obvious and repeated violations of basic policies, not subtle questions about which reasonable people may disagree.

+ The Cambridge Dictionary defines it as, “the basic level of practical knowledge and judgment that we all need to help us live in a reasonable and safe way”.

+ Also, reasonable amount of a Class II preservative, a pH adjusting agent, and an antifoaming agent is acceptable.

+ In view of his previous history it would be quite reasonable to take a zero tolerance approach to any repeat of the issues that caused the ban.

+ In his “Discourse of 1759” Revolutionist Jonathan Mayhew argued that people should only obey their governments if they “actually perform the duty of rulers by exercising a reasonable and authority for the good of human society.” Many American colonists were convinced that British rulers were not using their power “for the good of human society.” This made them want to form a new government which would be based on republicanism.

+ If additional reliable sources for a worldwide view cannot be found after a reasonable search, this tag may be removed.

+ I think it’s reasonable to keep German, but remove Esperanto, as almost nobody uses it.

+ It is a breach of the warranty when the promise is broken, i.e., a product is defective or not as good as should be expected by a reasonable buyer.

+ The other parts of the skeleton were still very similar, so it is reasonable to think the difference was an adaptation to different food.

+ Currently it’s at a reasonable length with citations, pictures, and external links, but I feel that it could need a little bit more work.

+ Books should have a reasonable number of articles.

+ To me it looks like a reasonable stub, and since I have no background in physics/chemistry, we might as well discuss.

+ If the offense is a felony and the offender is escaping or attempting to escape, a private person may arrest him upon reasonable and probable grounds of suspicion.” This is called a citizen’s arrest law.

+ Generally, article naming should prefer what the majority of English speakers would most easily recognize, with a reasonable minimum of ambiguity, while at the same time making linking to those articles easy and second nature.

+ This is not a reasonable step.

+ Also, it would have been reasonable to exclude every article on SEWP that is tagged complex from the sample.

+ When DES was approved as a federal standard in 1976, a machine fast enough to test such a number of keys in a reasonable time would have cost an unreasonable amount of money to build.

+ Accepting this result, some argue that to put a price on both is the most reasonable way to proceed to optimize and increase that value relative to other goods or services.

+ The latter property can increase the cost of a dictionary attack beyond the capabilities of a reasonable attacker.

+ This one is a reasonable page, but I think it suffers from having almost too many details, yet missing the whole point of the exercise, which is, why is he regarded as a great man? I also see some impossible sentences, which need to be disentangled.

+ I would like for administrators to conclude if my edit was reasonable or unreasonable.

+ They were the only way to travel long distances in a reasonable amount of time.

+ Lee argued that Nair’s counterclaim disclosed no reasonable cause of action and constituted an inflammatory attack on the integrity of the government of Singapore.

+ This will accommodate itself to our environment reasonable well.

+ Other than being the father of Maksym Tymoshenko, a reasonable search turned up nothing on him.

+ A reasonable summary is that “Homotherium” had features combinbing those of hyaenas and modern big cats.

+ All events have an entrance charge, which is reasonable because theatres do charge performers.

+ Water usage is another reason why Gasteiz won the award, because it is one the cities of Europe than wastes less water – only 10%, and its inhabitants are reasonable consumers.

+ The Oscar is a large predatory fish at grows to a reasonable size.

+ For practical purposes to keep the list to a reasonable length this part of list contains only notable structures.

+ Countries must admit that persons with disabilities have the right to take part in cultural life and enjoy recreation, leisure and sports without discrimination and with reasonable support.

+ A review of that ban may happen in future after a reasonable time.

+ Dolphins have reasonable eyesight.
+ If a worker with a disability needs reasonable accommodations to do their job, that does not mean they are not qualified to do their job.

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