“realise” – example sentences

How to use in-sentence of “realise”:

– Countries must make a national human rights institution to realise this Convention and to watch the condition of the application of this, and make persons with disabilities enable to participate the institution.

– I realise the last thing we want at the moment is another project page we have to keep up with.

– Brand Director Jon Brooke said his absence made them realise they wanted him.

– Praying together in a congregation helps Muslims to realise that all humanity is one, and all are equal in the sight of Allah.

– When i follow discussions among teachers and parents, i realise that most are very confused about it and make all kinds of fancy claims and counterclaims.

– I realise that this will likely not pass as I am not really actively editing here, but I am willing to propose myself for CheckUser access if community wishes it.

– The McCartney children did not realise their parents were celebrities, and the family atmosphere between all of them was strong.

realise - example sentences
realise – example sentences

Example sentences of “realise”:

– It is a dangerous symptom, because it can make a hypoxic person feel so good and carefree that they do not realise that they are not getting enough oxygen.

– Later, John Thorpe proposes to Catherine, but she does not realise he is asking her to marry him.

– So, can we all take a moment after reading this and pat ourselves on the back and realise just WHAT has been acomplished? We’ve survived multiple closure attempts and we are ALL still contributing to simple in our own little ways and we continue to have more articles and to grow faster than many wikis based upon national languages.

– Also, they did not realise that some people were “asymptomatic carriers”: they could carry the disease without showing signs of it.

– LEED is a way to think up and realise art projects in a durable way.

– I didn’t realise that it would cause this much hassle.

– I realise that some of these issues are only minor, and won’t take too long to fix.

– The new Baalveer is a 9-year-old mischievous boy named Vivan, and soon is made realise his destiny while battling Timnasa and her agents and makes Vivan the new ‘Junior Baalveer’.

– I realise that the indefinite banning order applied at enWP does not apply here, but I feel that the disruption he is dragging in from enWP into SimpleWP should be nipped in the bud.

– I realise this is going to spark controversy.

– French also praised Jordan Peterson saying that Peterson’s book helped a lot of people realise how important the Bible was.

- It is a dangerous symptom, because it can make a hypoxic person feel so good and carefree that they do not realise that they are not getting enough oxygen.

- Later, John Thorpe proposes to Catherine, but she does not realise he is asking her to marry him.
- So, can we all take a moment after reading this and pat ourselves on the back and realise just WHAT has been acomplished? We've survived multiple closure attempts and we are ALL still contributing to simple in our own little ways and we continue to have more articles and to grow faster than many wikis based upon national languages.

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