“reactor” use in-sentences

How to use in-sentence of “reactor”:

+ Reactor 1 was decommissioned in 1996, and reactor 3 was decommissioned in 2000.

+ Therefore the German Nuclear Reactor Insurance Association had no resulting liability to Tokyo Electric Power Company, the owner of the Fukushima I Nuclear Power Plant, because of Fukushima I nuclear accidents.

+ It is built around the reactor to keep the radiation from getting out, if something happens to the reactor.

+ The accident occurred when the fourth reactor suffered a huge power increase.

+ The event is the only reported fatal reactor accident in the United States.

reactor use in-sentences
reactor use in-sentences

Example sentences of “reactor”:

+ However, Australia does have a small research reactor in Sydney, and it does export uranium.

+ Leonid Pavel, to convert the reactor core into a nuclear bomb before killing him.

+ Level 4 is related to significant damage of the reactor core / radiological barriers and/or a fatal exposure of a worker, but the off-site impact is minor, resulting in public exposure of the order of the prescribed limits.

+ In the movie’s climax, Vader throws Palpatine down one of the station’s reactor core, apparantly killing him.

+ The SL-1, or Stationary Low-Power Reactor Number One, was a United States Army experimental nuclear power reactor which underwent a steam explosion and meltdown in January 1961, killing its three operators.

+ In a PWR, the coolant is pumped under high pressure to the reactor core where it is heated by the energy released by the fission of atoms.

+ Mazin also interviewed nuclear scientists to learn how a reactor works, and former Soviet citizens to gain a better idea of the culture in 1986.

+ There was a partial core meltdown in reactors 1, 2, and 3; hydrogen explosions destroyed the upper part of the buildings housing reactors 1, 3, and 4; an explosion damaged the containment inside reactor 2; fires broke out at reactor 4.

+ The German Nuclear Reactor Insurance Association was founded shortly thereafter in 1957.

+ In December 2012, Areva estimated that the full cost of building the reactor will be about €8.5 billion, or almost three times the original delivery price of €3 billion.

+ Containment building is a building with a nuclear reactor in it.

+ The world’s reactor fleet is aging quickly and not enough new units are coming online.

+ Unit 1 is a 439MW boiling water reactor constructed in July 1967.

+ There is no time for the player to rest however, as he must now head to the nuclear reactor at the center of the Flood infested spacecraft, “High Charity” in an effort to kill the Flood.

+ However, Australia does have a small research reactor in Sydney, and it does export uranium.

+ Leonid Pavel, to convert the reactor core into a nuclear bomb before killing him.
+ Level 4 is related to significant damage of the reactor core / radiological barriers and/or a fatal exposure of a worker, but the off-site impact is minor, resulting in public exposure of the order of the prescribed limits.

More in-sentence examples of “reactor”:

+ Wayne Enterprises is on the point of becoming bankrupt after Bruce wasted almost all of the companies money on a fusion reactor project when he learns that the core could be weaponized.

+ A nuclear meltdown occurs when the middle portion of the nuclear reactor containing the fuel rods is not properly cooled.
+ The term "China syndrome" refers to a scenario, not meant to be taken literally, where a reactor core could melt through the Earth "all the way to China".

+ Wayne Enterprises is on the point of becoming bankrupt after Bruce wasted almost all of the companies money on a fusion reactor project when he learns that the core could be weaponized.

+ A nuclear meltdown occurs when the middle portion of the nuclear reactor containing the fuel rods is not properly cooled.

+ The term “China syndrome” refers to a scenario, not meant to be taken literally, where a reactor core could melt through the Earth “all the way to China”.

+ The direct cause was the improper withdrawal by a maintenance team of a single reactor control rod.

+ At the end of March, production moved to Visaginas, Lithuania, to shoot the exterior and interior of the Ignalina Nuclear Power Plant, a decommissioned nuclear power station, also known as “Chernobyl’s sister” due to its visual resemblance and the nuclear reactor design used at both Chernobyl and Ignalina.

+ Stark builds an arc reactor that produces clean power.

+ Homiel Province and Mahilyow Voblast were hurt severely after the Chernobyl nuclear reactor catastrophe.

+ A nuclear reactor is a machine that uses nuclear fissionfission to generate heat.

+ He then spends his time downstairs building a new armored suit and a new arc reactor more powerful than the last one.

+ In both the comics and the movies, he uses the arc reactor as a form of sustainable energy to help the world.

+ The vessel can be a chemical reactor or a simple flask.

+ Any reactor that uses uranium-based fuel will produce plutonium dioxide.

+ Some of the devices that stopped the reactor from exploding were switched off.

+ He has also been a member of Neurotic Outsiders, Juno Reactor and Kings of Chaos.

+ If the total damage exceeds the stipulated maximum sum of €2.55 billion, the German Federal Government pays the German Nuclear Reactor Insurance Association for the excess losses.

+ He served as the Director of the Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation at the United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission from 1988 until his retirement in 1998.

+ The boilers of steam turbines can be heated by many different types of fuel, even a nuclear reactor in some power stations and warships.

+ In the end, the reactor was brought under control.

+ Nuclear reactor accidents remain a possibility and no convincing solution to the problem of long-lived radioactive waste has been proposed.

+ A converter is a chemical reactor which turns raw iron into steel.

+ In a nuclear power plant, the cooling tower is isolated from the nuclear reactor by a heat exchanger, and the steam from the cooling tower is not radioactive.

+ On 21 April 2010, a dozen environmental groups called on the United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission to investigate possible problems in the AP1000 reactor design.

+ News reporter Kimberly Wells Ventana Nuclear Power Plant when they witness an earthquake followed by a reactor scram.

+ He conceived the nuclear chain reaction in 1933, patented the idea of a nuclear reactor with Enrico Fermi, and in late 1939 wrote the letter for Albert Einstein’s signature that resulted in the Manhattan Project that built the atomic bomb.

+ The Windscale fire was a devastating fire in Britain’s first nuclear reactor at Windscale in 1957.

+ The first nuclear reactor was built in 1942 by a team of scientists led by Enrico Fermi.

+ Australia has 40% of the world’s known uranium deposits as well as similar deposits of the other potential fission reactor fuel thorium, and sells uranium to members of the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty.

+ Magnox is a type of nuclear reactor designed to run on natural uranium.

+ The large amount of power generated by a nuclear reactor allows nuclear submarines to work at high speed for long periods of time.

+ Pure heavy water is not radioactive, but heavy water that has been through a nuclear reactor is slightly radioactive.

+ The Advanced Gas-cooled Reactor is a type of nuclear reactor used in the United Kingdom.

+ The plant also has machines which remove heat from the reactor to operate a steam turbine and generator to make electricity.

+ A reactor core could not melt through the Earth’s crust, and even if it did melt to the center of the Earth, it would not go back up to the surface against gravity.

+ In nuclear power plants heat from the Nuclear fissionfission reactions in the reactor changes water into steam.

+ A nuclear meltdown is sometimes called the “China syndrome”, which refers to a scenario, not meant to be taken literally, where a reactor core could melt through the Earth “all the way to China”.

+ He became interested with the idea of building a breeder reactor in his home.

+ Also, the parts of the reactor stay radioactive, and can kill people, for hundreds or thousands of years, so people are not sure where they can keep parts of old reactors safely away from people.

+ For example, all chemicals entering the reactor must have all sulfur removed.

+ He uses the arms to allow him to build and touch a reactor that uses energy from the sun.

+ The Bessemer converter was the first successful reactor on converting pig iron into steel, and the era of steel began.

+ The steam is then condensed in huge cooling towers, and it turns back into water and is sent into the reactor again.

+ This process is called “conversion” and the reactor a “converter”.

+ Then, there was a power surge; the reactor fell out of control and exploded.

+ Talia’s truck crashes, but she remotely destroys the reactor before dying.

+ Large portions of the TMI-2 reactor core melted, though the fact that a partial meltdown had occurred did not become clear until 1985.

+ The third layer is the reactor pressure vessel made of steel more than a dozen centimeters thick.

+ Facilities were constructed or expanded under the abandoned military bases and civilian factories and industrial sites in the area, and a large lab was established directly beneath Reactor 4 and its Sarcophagus.

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