“rational” example in sentences

How to use in-sentence of “rational”:

– The boundary between Ethiopia and Kenya has been a contentious rational distinction.

– A book was published in 1983 about what people said at a big meeting they had to talk about rational expectations in 1981.

– While many of Evans-Pritchard’s peers considered peoples like the Azande as primitive and lesser, Evans-Pritchard found that they were rational and orderly.

– He’s good hearted and also eccentric, wisecracking, sarcastic, esuberant, rational and optimistic.

– Each time we hit a new rational number that is new, we add it to the list of counted numbers.

rational example in sentences
rational example in sentences

Example sentences of “rational”:

- The establishment of the theory is evidence against the rational choice theory.

- This only finds the rational roots.
- This theory starts with Freidman's permanent income hypothesis and Lucas's rational expectation hypothesis.

– The establishment of the theory is evidence against the rational choice theory.

– This only finds the rational roots.

– This theory starts with Freidman’s permanent income hypothesis and Lucas’s rational expectation hypothesis.

– In each one of these cases, Woodward again showed how rational facts and chemical principles, combined with chemical intuition, could be used to achieve the task.

– Knowledge will not be a scarce resource any more, but that will not lead to more rational decisions in most of the cases, because the knowledge on its own is not sufficient to change behavior when strong interests are involved.

– This is true whether the number is rational numberrational.

– A number that is not rational is called irrational.

– One real number that is not rational is.

– Any rational number can be expressed as a unique decimal expansion.

– The Fatou set of a rational function is the complementary set of the Julia set of “f”.

– Random walk hypothesis concludes rational expectation to consumption of the next period is the present consumption.

– The “One Unit Policy” was regarded as a rational administrative reform which would reduce spending and eliminate provincial prejudices.

– A rational fraction is an algebraic fraction where the top and the bottom are polynomials.

– After almost 100 years of rational thought, audiences were clamoring for the mysterious, the supernatural, the vague, and the doomed.

– Thus fear is rational or appropriate, or it is irrational or inappropriate.

More in-sentence examples of “rational”:

– The real numbers are a closure of the rational numbers by including square roots of positive numbers.

– Professor Phelps and John Taylor published research in 1977, “Stabilizing Powers of Monetary Policy under Rational Expectations”.

– Millions looked up to Russell as a prophet of the creative and rational life.

– Stolyarov II, “Rhazes: The Thinking Western Physician”, “The Rational Argumentator”, Issue VI.

– The number of real numbers, that is, all numbers with decimals, is larger than the number of rational numbers, the number of fractions.

– It was first introduced around 1750.Truesdell, C., “The rational mechanics of flexible or elastic bodies 1638-1788″, Venditioni Exponunt Orell Fussli Turici.

– His work inspired American psychologist Albert Ellis to develop rational emotive behaviour therapy in the 1950s.

– She favored a form of rational selfishness.

– An integer is a rational number with no “fraction”, or part.

– The Rational root theorem is a proven idea in mathematics.

– Therefore, the rational numbers are countable.

– In mathematics, a rational number is a number that can be written as a fraction.

– A rational function is a polynomial divided by a polynomial.

– For example, the set of rational numbers—those numbers which can be written as a quotient of integers—contains the natural numbers as a subset, but is no bigger than the set of natural numbers since the rationals are countable: there is a bijection from the naturals to the rationals.

– In “The Tell-Tale Heart” the old man represents the scientific rational mind while the narrator is the imaginative.

– Cameron and Comfort were a part in a debate on television with Atheismatheists Brian Sapient and Kelly O’Conner of the Rational Response Squad, at Calvary Baptist Church in Manhattan on May 5, 2007.

– Using the Gelfond–Schneider theorem and Lindemann–Weierstrass theorem, many of the standard elementary functions can be proved to return transcendental results when given rational non-zero arguments; therefore it is always possible to correctly round such functions.

– While brands are rational and driven by features, cultural icons are emotional, free, driven by feeling, and creating emotional bonds.

– The integers, the rational numbers, the real numbers and the complex numbers are all famous examples of rings.

– When people thought about pulling the trolley switch to kill one person instead of five, the parts of the brain that do cool, rational thinking lit up.

– We don’t want to count numbers twice, so when we hit 3/6, for example, we can skip it, because we already counted the rational number 1/2.

– The president’s situation was stressful and grievous, but was his decision rational or was it influenced by a desire to become famous by ending the war.

– For thinking, he said there are twelve categories or pure rational concepts, divided into four fields: quantity, quality, relation and modality.

– It is a set defined given a rational function.

– It was not until his own age of reason and rational thought, so it was believed, that human history could resume its progress.

- The real numbers are a closure of the rational numbers by including square roots of positive numbers.

- Professor Phelps and John Taylor published research in 1977, "Stabilizing Powers of Monetary Policy under Rational Expectations".

– The rational numbers are also countable, but its counting becomes tricky.

– I’m happy with proposal II, and as long as we, as a community, share our views on Kennedy’s editing and behaviour over the next few months in a calm and rational manner, I can see no harm in unblocking him.

– Similarly, 3/7 is a rational number but not an integer.

– In this way, we produce an infinite list with all the rational numbers.

– A percentage could be called a rational number, because a percentage like 7% can be written as the fraction 7/100.

– Koans are also designed to help the practitioner not just engage in rational thought.

– More examples of fractions that are rational numbers include.

– Maichal says, if an individual choses to use his or her sexual attractivness, this is a rational choice, and the individual will expect something in return.

– They worked on rational expectations and showed problems in it.

– However, we can list all of the rational numbers in the form of a table.

– Narendranath’s thinking and personality were influenced by his parents—the father by his rational mind and the mother by her religious temperament.

– It says that if the coefficients of a polynomial are integers, then one can find all of the possible rational roots by divisiondividing each factor of the term by each factor of the leading coefficient.

– Themes include the tension between groupthink and individuality, between rational and emotional reactions, and between morality and immorality.

– They raise questions of the value of rational thought.

– The goal of the dialectical process is to try to resolve the disagreement through rational talk, Pinto R.C.

– When a person is reasonable or rational they are using all available information to make a decision, and whether their decision can be judged as rational or reasonable depends on the reasons they made it.

– In the next years, Keynesian economics were thought of as less important after the publication of John Muth’s work called rational expectations.

– Thornthwaite, “An Approach Toward a Rational Classification of Climate”, “Geographical Review”, 38:55-94, 1948 which was used from 1948, not only uses temperature and precipitation information, but evapotranspiration too.

– The set of rational number is often represented by the symbol, standing for “quotient” in English.

– Unlike the hypothesis of rational man use in economics, prospect theory reveals the irrational psychological factors that affect the choice behaviour.

– The fantastic is a literary category that contains elements of both the rational and the irrational.

– He is a critical rationalist, giving special attention to rational heuristics.

– Suzuki’s scientific background is reflected in the writing’s rational and analytic style.

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