“rather than” example in sentences

How to use in-sentence of “rather than”:

+ Theater revenues declined rather than increase, and few of the other economic benefits that had been predicted came to pass.

+ The famous “One is not born, but rather becomes a woman” declaration made by Simone de Beauvoir led to new thinking on the way gender was perceived as a construction, rather than something inherent.

+ A Google representative stated, “It’s in keeping with our vision of a unified Google search experience to make popular, useful features part of the default experience, rather than maintain different versions of Google.

+ It was the first and so far only “Star Trek” show to be based on a space station rather than a starship.

+ Seems to be more of a game description rather than of a TV series.

+ He says the mispronunciation caught on in high school, and rather than fight it he just went with it.” born January 15, 1979 is an American football quarterback for the New Orleans Saints.

+ Most YA stories show an adolescent as the lead character, rather than an adult or a child.

+ English orthography often uses Digraph rather than diacritics to show more sounds that can be shown with single letters of the Latin alphabet.

rather than example in sentences
rather than example in sentences

Example sentences of “rather than”:

+ Wiles got the crucial idea for avoiding, rather than closing this gap.

+ This template is for use in a list in the body of an article, rather than in a navigation template like Template:Navbox.
+ At be allowed to move to mainspace as a general WikiProject rather than remain as a user project in userspace.

+ Wiles got the crucial idea for avoiding, rather than closing this gap.

+ This template is for use in a list in the body of an article, rather than in a navigation template like Template:Navbox.

+ At be allowed to move to mainspace as a general WikiProject rather than remain as a user project in userspace.

+ They think that they are corrupt and are more interested in wealth and power rather than Buddhist principles.

+ Children play on their own rather than against each other.

+ The record in the modern era, usually dated from 1969 of a knock-out tournament format, rather than a challenge format, is held by Stephen Hendry, who won the title 7 times between 1990 and 1999.

+ This fact suggests that the Yankees are a superlative baseball franchise, rather than simply the greatest baseball team in history.

+ It’s a back of the envelope calculation, as we scientists would call it, an argument that focuses on giving an idea of what’s going on rather than any real truth, well within the scope of any older secondary school student in the United Kingdom studying their A-levels and something exciting that shows them that even simple A-level physics can be used on something as complicated and exotic as neutron stars.

+ Some artists have done more rapping rather than singing.

+ This marked the origin of the cereal box, though in modern times the sealed bag is plastic and is kept inside the box rather than outside.

+ The scene is night rather than day, and Gothic Europe rather than the classical world of Greece and Rome.

+ In those departments, such as the New York City Fire Department, most of the fire department’s calls are medical emergencies rather than fires.

+ Often, it is not necessary to re-write technical articles for better clarity; instead, just add several commas and see if an article can be easily clarified, within minutes, rather than spend hours re-writing, or splitting, the technical descriptions.

+ Public health intervention prevents rather than treats a disease through surveillance of cases and promotes healthy behaviors such as hand washing, vaccination programs and distribution of condoms.

+ As ISFDB indexes story titles by a record number rather than by their name, you will always need provide the record number when using this template.

+ His conservatively structured works, in the German romantic musical tradition, placed him in the camp of Romantic classicism exemplified by Johannes Brahms, rather than the opposing “New Music” of Franz Liszt and Richard Wagner.

+ The rights afforded by the ius gentium were considered to be held by all persons; it is thus a concept of human rights rather than rights attached to citizenship.

+ Due to this it has been speculated that it was meant to be held, rather than simply looked at.

+ Some trans women want to simply be called “women” rather than being called a “trans” woman, but this does not apply to all trans women.

+ Many of those prisons are private prisons run by companies rather than the government.

More in-sentence examples of “rather than”:

+ Older gameplay features include never reloading your weapon, having all weapons on you at all times rather than just two weapons, having a traditional health bar rather than health regeneration, running at full speed at all times, rewarding offensive gameplay rather than defensive gameplay, and defense being based on strafing rather than taking cover.

+ Series co-creator Angela Santomero stated that Patton brought Joe, his character, closer to the preschool viewer, as Joe was more willing to "jump into a problem rather than figure it out first like Steve".

+ Older gameplay features include never reloading your weapon, having all weapons on you at all times rather than just two weapons, having a traditional health bar rather than health regeneration, running at full speed at all times, rewarding offensive gameplay rather than defensive gameplay, and defense being based on strafing rather than taking cover.

+ Series co-creator Angela Santomero stated that Patton brought Joe, his character, closer to the preschool viewer, as Joe was more willing to “jump into a problem rather than figure it out first like Steve”.

+ BOM data is used in hundreds, possibly thousands, of Australian related articles and use of this template means that should BoM change urls or page titles at some time, only this template will require updating, rather than requiring a need to change multiple articles.

+ Disputes should be settled through civil discussion rather than power wrestling.

+ They use a run-and-pause technique, rather than the steady probing of some other waders.

+ Anti-capitalists, in the strict sense of the word, are those who wish to completely replace capitalism with another system; however, there are also ideas which can be characterized as “partially” anti-capitalist in the sense that they only wish to replace or abolish certain aspects of capitalism rather than the entire system.

+ A study concluded that penis width, rather than length, was a more important factor of sexual stimulation probably because a wider penis provides more friction to the clitoral area, while a longer penis reaches a less sensitive area.

+ Ludlow links to the town rather than the Ludlow epoch.

+ If necessary, disruptive editors should be blocked rather than preventing improvements by other users.

+ Despotism has always been associated with Eastern rather than Western states.

+ It however looks like the interest is omre centered around Pokemon in general and Pokemon-themed games, rather than the individual pokemons.

+ Another means of avoiding change conflicts is to make a single larger change, rather than frequent smaller changes: this makes it more likely that you will get an change conflict, but less likely that you will cause others to get an change conflict.

+ Since the World Bank and Unesco also teamed up to support the prize, I am going through a regular Rfd, rather than a quick-delete.

+ Probably better suited to being a list of conditions, rather than a template.

+ Of course, if they fail, the fault is theirs, rather than the government department’s.

+ They are the same for the BS=1 is coded by nothing, rather than by “1”.

+ HGNC also states that “gene nomenclature should “evolve with new technology” rather than be restrictive as sometimes occurs when historical and single gene nomenclature systems are applied”.

+ Many Native Americans regarded this change in policy as an insult and an indication that the British looked upon them as conquered people rather than as allies.

+ Unlike the older lines, Shinkansen lines are standard gauge, and use tunnels and viaducts to go through and over obstacles, rather than around them.

+ Since these sediments were light, they crumpled into mountain ranges rather than sank to the floor.

+ But after the September 11, 2001 attacks fuel prices went up, so airlines wanted more efficient planes rather than faster ones.

+ He said there should be an elected assembly for New South Wales, trial by jury and settlement of Australia by free emigrants rather than convicts.

+ It is a deliberate act, rather than simply overhearing someone else talking.

+ Their arrival was largely accidental, and the Portuguese sought control of commerce, rather than territory.

+ Some were about the colonization of Mars or otherwise used Mars as a setting rather than a goal.

+ Because Advent was a time of prayer and preparation, most parties were held after Christmas, rather than before it.

+ A template may be merged with another rather than deleted outright.

+ The series tried to create a setting of a gritty, realityrealistic police station similar to that of “NYPD Blue”, but differed by focusing on the uniformed police officers rather than the detectives.

+ Virtually all the work done to get it even nominatable was done by me as well! Lazy? I think not! And heaven forbid, after making all those edit, I expect other covering minutia they themselves picked up, rather than starting a talk page thread asking me to do it.

+ In moving the page history, this method leaves user contributions displayed as being to the archive rather than the first page, and makes it difficult to search for past edits to the talk page by a certain user.

+ So, chemists count across all atoms involved in the reaction rather than only across the closest atoms.

+ Pagans usually focus on spirituality and nature, rather than on doctrines and dogma.

+ This is incorrect however, as an offside offence is related to the position of the player in relation to the last two opponents, the ball and the opponent’s goal line rather than the direction the ball is played.

+ Like other liquids, water has a surface tension, so a little water can make drops on a surface, rather than always spreading out to wet the surface.

+ Jerne’s Nobel Prize was awarded for theories, rather than discoveries.

+ Since the middle of the 20th century, citadels usually protect military center, rather than cities or towns.

+ Perhaps we could both work at improving the encyclopedia, rather than wasting time on pointless discussions such as these.

+ There are spyware applications that are designed to enable users to spy on themselves rather than others.

+ Scholars have found it hard to explain the origin of ‘Tintagel’ as a name: the most likely one to be correct is from Norman French, rather than from Cornish.

+ Craig Harris of IGN said that the game had an “uncomfortably strange” story and that it played more like a third-party game rather than a first-party game.

+ Fencepost errors come from counting things rather than the spaces between them, or vice versa, or by neglecting to consider whether one should count one or both ends of a row.

+ Some people say North took the blame and punishment rather than Reagan.

+ Nowadays fortune-tellers tend to use specially-developed tarot decks rather than those used for games.

+ The user will be able to select tables and columns more quickly, for example by clicking on them, rather than typing their names.

+ I am doing this pro-actively on the most obvious instances rather than waiting for a Check user request for each and every name this person creates as part of an on-going vandalism problem.

+ The media often focused on Bubbles, rather than on Jackson’s music, and published many false stories regarding the animal.

+ Domesticated plants that revert to wild are usually known as escaped, introduced or naturalized rather than feral.

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