“rarely” use in sentences

How to use in-sentence of “rarely”:

– Despite its specialized purpose, the terminal is rarely used by the Royal Family, who generally prefer to utilize a similar special terminal at King Abdulaziz Air Base.

– Obsidian was rarely used, because it is not widely found.

– Dessert salads rarely include leafy greens and are often sweet.

– Also like Richardson, interviews are rarely given and raise more questions than they answer.

– With the exception of stories published by his assistant Dr John H Watson, Holmes’ name rarely appears in newspapers in connection with a case {i.e.

– Anal sex with a female does not lead to pregnancy by itself, however, semen can leak out of the anus and enter into the vagina, and pregnancy may rarely occur.

rarely use in sentences
rarely use in sentences

Example sentences of “rarely”:

– With digital cameras the actual image size is rarely stated, so that the magnification ratio is largely irrelevant; cameras instead advertise their closest focusing distance.

– The spoil heaps of coal mines are the best places to collect; coal itself is the remains of fossilised plants, though structural detail of the plant fossils is rarely visible in coal.

– These species are rarely found anywhere else.

– In his lifetime people thought he was the best British composer, but nowadays his serious works are rarely heard.

– They rarely bark without a reason.

– Cushion caroms is rarely played in the U.S., but it still has some popularity in Europe.

– The German idea to avoid letting tanks fight one another meant tanks facing tanks rarely happened.

- With digital cameras the actual image size is rarely stated, so that the magnification ratio is largely irrelevant; cameras instead advertise their closest focusing distance.

- The spoil heaps of coal mines are the best places to collect; coal itself is the remains of fossilised plants, though structural detail of the plant fossils is rarely visible in coal.
- These species are rarely found anywhere else.

– It is rarely used as a rank in armies, except in special forces for a team leader.

– Flowering can be induced in some biennials by application of the plant hormone “gibberellin”, but this is rarely done commercially.

– An exact match between the heat and electricity needs rarely exists.

– If you are not, fall back to a single list where rarely and frequently are not distinguished.

– Thompson was stand-up goaltender, which mean he rarely fell to both knees to try to stop the puck.

More in-sentence examples of “rarely”:

- Spanish broom typically grows to 2-4 m tall, rarely 5 m, with main stems up to 5 cm thick, rarely 10 cm.

- The cardinal method in "utils" is rarely used in pure theory today.
- Large governments rarely make decisions this way.

– Spanish broom typically grows to 2-4 m tall, rarely 5 m, with main stems up to 5 cm thick, rarely 10 cm.

– The cardinal method in “utils” is rarely used in pure theory today.

– Large governments rarely make decisions this way.

– In the rare event of exceeding the expansion depth limit, an expression error will be displayed, such as: In general usage, most numbers rarely have more than 5 decimal digits.

– It is rarely spoken as its native speakers are very old.

– They can rarely cause very bad liver damage.

– The related “Torosaurus”, and the more distantly related diminutive “Leptoceratops”, were also present, though their remains are rarely found.

– He sang in many rarely performed Giuseppe VerdiVerdi operas on radio broadcast for RAI in 1951, such as “Giovanna d’Arco”, “La battaglia di Legnano”, and “Aroldo”.

– Mulberries are fast-growing when young, but soon become slow-growing and rarely grow over 10-15 meters tall.

– It lives in the deserts of states in southwestern United States of America, like California, Arizona, New Mexico, Texas, Nevada, Utah, Colorado, Oklahoma, and rarely in Kansas, Louisiana, Arkansas and Missouri.

– This separation between the two basins is convenient, however, as tropical cyclones rarely form in the central north Pacific and few ever cross the dateline.

– Bregoli often shocks her fans with her real age and is rarely seen without makeup.

– Continental plates are rarely destroyed.

– Arsenic trioxide is rarely found as a mineral.

– They rarely do anything else.

– Polygonaceae is a family of flowering plants are herbs, shrubs, or rarely trees comprising about 30 genera and 1,000 species.

– Peel is a heroine who is rarely bested in fights.

– The 750cc engines were rarely used.

– Over the remainder of the season the team rarely saw the finish of a race due to unreliability and racing accidents.

– In the United States, bronze was rarely used in buildings before the American Civil War.

– Until recently, V10s had rarely been used for road cars.

– Citizenship was very rarely granted to metics.

– I find that users are rarely on IRC, and so I would like to switch to Discord so that people can see what messages have been written and also allows room for more expansion.

– It is rarely inherited, as people with the condition do not usually live long enough to have children.

– Kale is rarely eaten raw.

– Before the lethal injection drug shortages, these other methods were rarely used.

– In the 21st century, vacuum tubes are rarely used in common electronic equipment.

– There it is primarily used as a snack or salad, and rarely for decoration.

– The amendment is one of the least controversial of the Constitution and is rarely litigated.

– It is more expensive than flash, so it is rarely used for storage greater than 128kB.

– Their legs are set far back, making them awkward on land, so they rarely leave the water.

– Often in actual usage of BitTorrent any given individual node is rarely connected to every single other node as in a true fully connected network but the protocol does allow for the possibility for any one node to connect to any other node when sharing files.

– However, they rarely do sting, unless really threatened.

– A doctor or psychiatrist may say that a delusion is false, because it “seems” to be unlikely or bizarre.Psychiatrists rarely have the time or resources to check the validity of a person’s claims; this means that some true beliefs are erroneously classified as delusional.

– Autoconfirmed status is checked every time the user performs a restricted action: consequently, it is granted automatically by the software and is rarely removed.

– Just like cats, Basenjis use their paws to clean themselves and as a result rarely have any sort of smell about them.

– It is everywhere in the Universe, but rarely in such quantity.

– Formed in 1903 as a result of the amalgamation of three clubs from Aberdeen, they rarely challenged for honours until the 1950s, when they won each of the major Scottish trophies under manager Dave Halliday.

– Closed as promoted: Overwhelming support to promote this article, which sadly only happens very rarely nowadays but is, therefore, a true testimony to the quality of this article, particularly when it was remembered that it was demoted just a few months ago.

– Reserve powers in all Westminster nations are only “extremely” rarely exercised outside of the understood conventions.

– It is rarely in silverware or steel because this may interfere with the flavor and color.

– Very often, this polyp is attached to the sea floor, or to another hard surface; it rarely moves around.

– These days, normal families rarely do classic mochitsuki, but it is still popular at community events or with children’s groups.

– Shakespeare rarely invented his own plays.

– Coins under ¥0.1 are rarely used.

– In Japan today, the old Chinese calendar is rarely used.

– Despite their size, pythons are rarely dangerous to humans.

– The American race formed part of the world championship, but was not run to the same regulations as the other races and was very rarely attended by world championship drivers.

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