“radioactivity” in-sentences

How to use in-sentence of “radioactivity”:

– However, the radioactivity is much lower than the natural background levels and does not pose any hazard.

– After ten half-lives, over 99.9% of the radioactivity is gone.

– The radioactivity is minimal so it is typically seen as nonradioactive.

– Sanger is the fourth person to have been given two Nobel Prizes, either individually or in tandem with others.Maria Skłodowska-Curie received the Physics Prize in 1903 for the discovery of radioactivity and the Chemistry Prize in 1911 for the isolation of pure radium.

– She used her own studies in radioactivity to develop a new treatment for cancer.

– He was awarded the Nobel Prize in Physics in 1903 with Marie Curie and Pierre Curie for his discovery of radioactivity in 1896.

– However, it is not likely that creating them can be done safely and economically because of the radioactivity of many of these isotopes.

radioactivity in-sentences
radioactivity in-sentences

Example sentences of “radioactivity”:

– At the scientific level of the debate, the crucial question was whether the “threshold theory” was valid or whether, as Lewis insisted, the effects of radioactivity were “linear with no threshold”, where every exposure to radiation had a long-term cumulative effect.

– The children were each affected by the radioactivity in different ways.

– After Pierre’s death, a group of scientists at the Radiology Congress decided to honour him by naming the unit of radioactivity a curie.

– Its radioactivity was predicted by scientists and proven by analyzing the metal.

– Local environmental groups have voiced concerns about the radioactivity levels of the cooling water of both these nuclear sites.

– Curie is responsible for establishing the theory of radioactivity, but unfortunately she unwittingly also discovered the fatal effect radioactivity can have on your health; she died on July 4, 1934, of aplastic anemia caused by radiation exposure.

– In the case of radioactivity the reaction is.

– A PET scan detects the radioactivity and converts it into a digital image of the brain, highlighting the active areas.

– Then the discovery of radioactivity and the invention of radiometric dating techniques gave a way to get the ages of the layers.

– According to different sources, the amount of radioactivity produced by this disaster is between twice and six times that of Chernobyl disaster of 1986.

- At the scientific level of the debate, the crucial question was whether the "threshold theory" was valid or whether, as Lewis insisted, the effects of radioactivity were "linear with no threshold", where every exposure to radiation had a long-term cumulative effect.

- The children were each affected by the radioactivity in different ways.
- After Pierre's death, a group of scientists at the Radiology Congress decided to honour him by naming the unit of radioactivity a curie.

– Common examples of elements that make these changes we call radioactivity are radium and uranium.

– In that time, radioactivity was thought to have healing effects.

– Due to its scarcity, high radioactivity and toxicity, there are currently no uses for protactinium outside of basic research.

– The level of radioactivity is not enough to cause cancer, so it is safe to for the people in an area where smoke detectors with americium are in use.

– However, more recent work by James Chadwick and Irène Joliot-Curie in nuclear physics has established that radioactivity does lead to elemental changes.

– That there had been a serious nuclear accident west of the Urals was eventually inferred from research on the effects of radioactivity on plants, animals, and ecosystems, published by Professor Leo Tumerman, former head of the Biophysics Laboratory at the Institute of Molecular Biology in Moscow, and associates.

– He proved, amongst other things, the existence of isotopes and how radioactivity causes changes in atoms.

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